Special Elements
Best Juice Cleanse Supplements Rankings, Benefits & Experience
Our whole “ND thing” is about well designed diverse diet structures and keeping things moving and clean too. Certain selected best juice cleanse (s), and dietary diversity supplements can help achieve the robust microbiome Nutritional Diversifist‘s are after so hard.
Our modern diet resembles nothing of the diets we evolved with, we have eaten a narrow spread of foods produced by major agriculture installations that kill and damage our world in the name of “nutrients.”
When you work on a study like ours every day, the distance in the separation of our knowledge from what really works and the diet that we evolved with becomes stunningly wide.
A completely unnecessary and insane process with profits in the eye that has caused sacrifices to quality just absolutely unimaginable to a naturalist. This insanity has hijacked our food and food information/education, which has caused serious health problems for several centuries now.
Build-ups from modern processed foods and oils are a leading cause of health issues today.
For a decade now Nutritional Diversity Teams have tested highly diverse diet plans versus athletic performance and recorded some amazing results! Unexpectedly all other aspects of testers’ live improved.
Supplements most definitely are a very helpful form of increasing the diet’s diversity and performing the best cleansing of the gut. The natural cleansing of the gut should be performed by a diverse set of plant fibers.
Food conflicts are everywhere and important to identify and know about. Supplements are formulated around these conflicts for users that may not be as educated as one of our students.
Supplement companies have made “harder to get,” readily available, and in cases such as serrapeptase or cordyceps mushrooms where a specialist (s) is involved with what would normally be incredibly expensive and rare is now very affordable.
When I start people out on diverse dieting it’s with seven guided meals per day that make up a total of 60 food species.
Supplements can help people that are not here in the Tropics with us get a proper spectrum of nutrition. We help people through our online classes figure out how to source from supplements on the market and permacultures near them and how to frame up a good diversity for the local geography and look at the best ways of gathering it together with more worldly ingredients into a conflict-free optimal and full spectrum diet plan.
In doing the classes and working with several people one on one we are able to point out a lot of things people are not watching for today that are commonplace norms and that are dire no-nos to actual digestive tract life!
Again we find each time a number one performance function not performed; and that is dietary diverse fiber or best juice cleanses. This much-needed recommendations list should be high on the overall priority list.
The best diverse diet is going to be the one whose nutrients are grown from a chemical-free process modeled from nature and enhanced by a talented and special, diverse agriculturist or “permaculturist.”
The Best Juice Cleanse is going to be a huge part of both the diversity in diet and cleanliness of all the day’s consumptions and other possible holdbacks that may have been in place way too long already.
Diverse and hard life experience is what will make this farmer more capable, creative, and ready for missions far beyond these nutritional ideas. The nutritional ideas moreover will support and empower the rest. Our input has everything to do with our output.
Quality in, quality out, and zero bad nutrients, action or influence should be about in order to be in an optimal state.
Those with poor diets, even the occasional sodas, and Snickers, or some stuff fried, alcohol, and other what we call “stupid people food” on this team, are all liabilities that are never seen much here.
I can’t trust in the decision making – too many accidents and too many bad calls. I know this is true for me if I eat this way.
After years of study here in the Panama & Costa Rican Tropics, I found a few highly diverse combinations that don’t just work, seriously have increased performance potential in each and every case, and in each in every category. That my friends are when you really know you are eating right.
The benefits from the refined diet plans are unmatchable. So we really mean it when we say “unlock your true potential.”
Key foods such as avocado and coconut that help uptake (there are many) can play crucial roles in highly diverse diets and supplementation and diet planning. The best juice cleanse is going to be the best first step before anything else.
Supplements can really be a good way to get some of your personal and family dietary diversity up, and with any ingredients, even those that do not grow in your area.
Here is Our ND Pro Rankings of the Best Dietary Diversity Supplements to achieve a highly diverse diet of nutrients quickly!
All roads go to Amazon.com.
When it comes to dietary diversity supplements why not go with two of them take one in the AM one in the early PM and see how that feels!
Readers may want to compare with Best Green Juices.
Wild Greens by True Wild is our number one best juice cleanse supplement pick by a wild margin.
2. Super Greens
Over 2700 happy customers. That is a lot for the best juice cleanse supplement of this nature.
3. Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens is a great mix of stuff, a little high on the price but customers get their money’s worth out of this highly diverse best juice cleanse!
4. Orgain
Hard to ignore 2500 happy testers rating each very highly for 50 species superfood mix! *Uses seeds.
5. Beyond Greens
This is a new best juice cleanse product by a grand company Live Well and we favor the formulation of these 30 whole foods ingredients. A great start on a more complete dietary diversity.
6. Peak Performance
Doctor Developed over one thousand happy customer reviews and very well rated by all. My only problem with this one is the problem I have with all the products these days, mostly the favored monoculture grown ingredients that we can get ourselves at the store.
7. Ayala
A humble mix of 30 species with 300 previously happy testers. For achieving dietary diversity this will be good.
Big alert for COVID and every other type of communicable disease that we feature the symptoms of, dietary diversity shows resistance against communicable disease. [1,a]
Dietary Diversity worked magick in my life curing a heavy coma-like depression for me. It is currently being studied to have that effect and that an exciting thing to see after 8 years of screaming through a road cone about how well it works such a condition to get a proper spectrum of plant foods. [2]
A couple of years ago (2018) scientists started realizing what we have known is true for years here, that a highly diverse diet sparks a correction in all things including obesity – here, of course, they are just discussing obesity. [5]
This is because a highly diverse diet is the correct diet. Again basic composting can teach that the more the faster the better the process itself and also the more effective soil in the end.
A removal from nature to the city has allowed us to lose this basic nature relative knowledge, then when one who knows nature thinks about, seems very hard to remove! However major Academia and society as a whole have lost this and so we destroy the planet and live lifestyles and cultures that destroy the very ecosystem in which we co-depend. [ND1,2]
In 2013 a study started in Ethiopia and was published in 2015 evaluating child malnutrition and ‘diet diversity’ or lack thereof as a primary source for malnutrition. Its not the first child development study of its kind but it is the first to finger a lack in dietary diversity as a cause. [6,a]
Plant proteins and other essences and materials are necessary to reduce chronic inflammation and aging. [7]
Little by little, we are starting to get the hint.
Tanzanian Children were studied and in this 2019 study published dietary diversity was the primary mention and notice in the malnutrition. [8]
Nutritional Diversity Team has been saying EVERYONES dietary diverse is way too narrow – and on top if it modern agriculture is toxic!
The system is sick – see that another parallel!
“Dietary Diversity (DD) has been universally identified as a key element of high-quality diets,” says sturdy science from Shri Lanka (2012). [9] Africa
While scales and categories are measured and presented differently, study-to-study one thing we notice is consistent with modern diets across all models and studies and that is low green leaf consumption.
Doctors in Iran found that adolescents could better manage their behavior and focus, as well as experience physical performance benefits from a more diverse diet. [10]
With any new supplement go slow in low doses or increments to assess tolerance or possible allergic reactions.
A dedicated juice cleanse is necessary at least every 6 months. I truly recommend this juice cleansing at the beginning of a training sequence or camp. It should be the first thing.
The nutritional diversity diet plans we use to provide all the necessary fiber required of our activity. The modern diet does not, and even the best juice cleanse supplement is only going to get you a part of the way there.
I tell people when it comes tho things of this primary important, salt is another one, go ahead and get two products and really fortify what you are doing. In this case of diverse diet achievement goals its good to one juice in the morning and another in the evening.
The truly optimal form for continued performance will digest and process all nutrients in the same day.
The more scientific you make it the better your results will be. -J.P. “Killa” ND Top Team
Dietary diversity is everything! It is a key philosophy to optimal health. Eating a narrow diet will make us fat and out of shape because we give our bodies too much of one thing and not enough of more correct diverse diet plans.
I use the howler monkey here at the Tropical Permaculture School, as an example of a primate species (that is always hanging out on our farm) who has no dentist or doctor and eats near pure leaf and tree material in a direct harvest-to-mouth fashion and can fall from 40 feet, stay from 35 to 50 feet in the air on tree branches all day.
Nutritional Diversifists take pride in their nutrition and many of them make home supplements and diverse sauces and condiments with care to make sure they are getting a good strong dose of what they need.
We are the cutting edge when it comes to “dietary diversity,” today.
The Covid-19 Pandemic has sparked new initiatives in immune system research. Not as much as it should have but a very small amount and we can assume that modern scientific rules and managers will strip allsoulfrom that. [OX,a]
Certain studies indicate diversity and this is shocking to us because we had given up completely that any major science publication would give the dietary diversity concept (however they title it) any credit. It has been our experience that without unnecessary and complex peer-reviewed dissection and a whole foods combination is redundantly and curiously “not understood.”
The Times: Life goes on while we try to build health for ourselves. So funny, not really; my fatal attraction stalker goes after me and everyone I know she has recently been going nuts on certain social media platforms so I closed them. Then she starts in on making fake reservations at the best private vacation home rental in Bocas del Toro Panama. Little did COVID realize or care the virus less harmful than the stalker believe it or not cleared a calendar previously unknown to the psychopath and opened a new avenue of Jerry Springerness but hey who ever cared about class or dignity anyway? Distractions hay? Keep that dietary diversity high!
If you can focus and be productive towards your goals and dreams through those kids of distractions you can be productive anytime. I think of it as an opportunity to train my focus.
Birthdays are always attacking me time, and Happy birthday to me.
Q. How is Dietary Diversity measured?
A. Dietary Diversity DDI has been the evaluation title of large organizations for the number of different species in one’s daily routine.
DDI or DDS is measured by several methods. One is the evaluation of the local food supply. Another is looking at cultural cuisine and actual plates of food in households and restaurants.
A more thorough analysis would look at both of those and also water quality, and pay special attention to toxin levels. []
A best j diverse diet is healthier than a narrow one.
Give me Amazon’s best, please!
- ACTABIOLÓGICACOLOMBIANAActa biol. Colomb., 18(3):415-426, Septiembre – Diciembre de 2013-415DIVERSIDAD DE ABEJAS SIN AGUIJÓN (Hymenoptera:Meliponini) UTILIZADAS EN MELIPONICULTURA EN COLOMBIA
- Alkerwi A, Sauvageot N, Malan L, Shivappa N, Hébert JR. Association between nutritional awareness and diet quality: evidence from the observation of cardiovascular risk factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study. Nutrients. 2015;7:2823–2838
- Vakili M, Abedi P, Sharifi M, Hosseini M. Dietary diversity and its related factors among adolescents: a survey in Ahvaz-Iran. Glob J Health Sci. 2013;5:181–186Vakili M, Abedi P, Sharifi M, Hosseini M. Dietary diversity and its related factors among adolescents: a survey in Ahvaz-Iran. Glob J Health Sci. 2013;5:181–186
- Ogle MM, Hung PH, Tuyet HT. The significance of wild vegetables in micronutrient intakes of women in Vietnam: an analysis of food variety. APJCN. 2001;10:21–30
- Conklin AI, Forouhi NG, Suhrcke M, Surtees P, Wareham NJ, Monsivais P. Variety more than the quantity of fruit and vegetable intake varies by socioeconomic status and financial hardship. Findings from older adults in the EPIC cohort. Appetite. 2014;83:248–255
- Columbia University
- Oxford University
- Best Tropical Vacation 2021 where those can learn a few tips from diet diversity cutting edge pros!
Enter your email to take a quick look at this infographic produced by Body Nutrition on eating habits during the quarantine.
[et_bloom_locked optin_id=optin_4]Abstract
“Who controls the food supply…” Take the Power Back!!
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” – Henry Kissinger [i]
Imagine If 20% of the Population Took Action Today: A Vision for Nutritional Diversity and Land Restoration
A Future Shaped by Small Alternative Agricultures
Imagine if, starting today, one in five people took up the challenge of cultivating small-scale alternative agriculture—permaculture food forests, regenerative farms, nutrient-dense wild plots, and biodiverse gardens—all designed to support the Nutritional Diversity Diet.
Where would we be in five, ten, or twenty years?
Five Years: The Awakening of the Land
- Millions of small plots, backyards, and vacant lands transformed into living, breathing ecosystems.
- Urban and rural landscapes are interwoven with perennial food systems, soil-building crops, and high-density nutrition.
- Local communities regaining food sovereignty, free from chemical-dependent supply chains.
- A new generation of eco-entrepreneurs emerges, pioneering micro-farms that thrive on biodiversity, not monoculture.
Ten Years: The Turning Point
- Soil once depleted by industrial agriculture now teeming with life, enriched by microbial diversity.
- A shift in global nutrition: Gut health improves, disease rates drop, and food security becomes decentralized.
- Rivers and oceans heal as synthetic fertilizers and agricultural runoff disappear.
- AI-driven ecological monitoring and drone-assisted reforestation bring back lost biodiversity.
- Carbon sequestration skyrockets as trees, fungi, and regenerative landscapes capture atmospheric carbon at scale.
Twenty Years: A Thriving Regenerative Civilization
- Industrial farming is replaced by hyper-diverse, closed-loop food systems.
- A self-sustaining, nutritionally complete ecosystem supports human health and planetary stability.
- No longer a “niche practice,” biodiverse agriculture becomes the foundation of global food production.
- The climate stabilizes, deserts are reclaimed, and the world breathes in balance with nature.
- Humanity lives longer, stronger, and more harmoniously, nourished by food systems that heal instead of harm.
Call to Action: The Time Is Now
This is not a distant dream—it is a blueprint for action. With the right support, incentives, and knowledge-sharing networks, we can make this vision a reality.
We propose the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative, a scalable, measurable, and globally replicable system to:
✅ Provide tools, education, and guidance to small-scale land stewards.
✅ Establish financial and technological support for high-diversity micro-farms.
✅ Integrate AI, drone technology, and microbial soil innovations for rapid ecosystem regeneration.
✅ Create global food security by focusing on nutrient density over yield quantity.
✅ Develop decentralized marketplaces, ensuring farmers thrive economically while enhancing ecosystems.
We invite partners, visionaries, and world leaders to be part of this movement—to fund, support, and ignite a regenerative revolution.
🌱 The first seeds of change are ready to be planted. Will you be among the first to grow the future?
What Happens When We Take Action?
When 20% of the population actively participates in alternative agriculture and land regeneration, we initiate a chain reaction—one that transforms food systems, ecosystems, human health, and even the global economy.
Phase 1: The Shift Begins (Years 1-5)
- People reclaim land—from vacant lots to degraded soil, rooftops to backyards—turning them into diverse, regenerative food systems.
- Microbial restoration kicks in as synthetic inputs are abandoned in favor of probiotic soil amendments, composting, and mycoremediation.
- Communities reconnect through local food exchanges, cooperative farming models, and educational hubs that teach Nutritional Diversity principles.
- Corporate agriculture feels the shift—as millions of people begin sourcing food from local, nutrient-dense, chemical-free alternatives.
- Consumer health improves as gut microbiomes are restored, chronic disease rates decline, and processed food dependency weakens.
Phase 2: The Turning Point (Years 5-10)
- A new agricultural economy emerges, where small-scale, biodiverse farms outperform industrial monocultures in nutrition, sustainability, and resilience.
- Desertified lands begin to heal, carbon is pulled from the atmosphere, and regenerative land practices stabilize microclimates.
- Big agriculture is forced to adapt—industries pivot to regenerative practices or face extinction as decentralized food systems thrive.
- Nutritional intelligence spreads, with functional medicine and whole-food-based nutrition becoming the global standard.
- Biodiversity explodes—pollinators, wildlife, and native plants return, forming self-sustaining ecosystems within human environments.
Phase 3: A Regenerative Future (Years 10-20)
- Human health reaches a new peak, with stronger immune systems, fewer metabolic diseases, and a lifespan extended by decades through nutrient-rich diets.
- The climate crisis reverses itself, as forests, soil, and mycorrhizal networks become major carbon sinks, cooling the planet naturally.
- Oceans heal, as agricultural runoff ceases, marine food chains restore, and dead zones shrink.
- New economic powerhouses emerge, built on regenerative production, decentralized supply chains, and abundance-based commerce.
- Governments and corporations embrace the movement, integrating nutritional diversity farming and ecosystem repair into global policy.
The Inevitable Future—If We Act Now
This isn’t speculation—this will happen if enough people take action. The first adopters set the stage, and as results multiply, the movement scales exponentially.
The Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative is designed to facilitate, accelerate, and scale this transformation.
👉 We have the tools. We have the knowledge. We have the opportunity.
🔥 The only question is: How fast do we want this future to arrive?
….. another question could be can we implement through the younger generation and video games!???
- Why Small Alternative Agriculture is the Best Investment Today!
- Scientific Study Supporting Diverse Diets for Best Health
- Nutritional Diversity & Human Health
- Robot Army
Special Elements
Best Hot Peppers, The Many Benefits, Rankings, Side Effects & Experience
𝕻icante, or spicy hot peppers are not as popular here in South America, as they are in my hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico,

Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, State Flag Balloon
which is also the hometown of the #1 International Fiery Foods Festival and also the more famous International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
Hot peppers have been used, cultivated, and cherished since man existed. Mostly for a good purpose, sometimes for bad.
Right away with athletic performance clients, I make sure a fiery food practice is employed. If you want a strong system overall, and you are asking me, you want to start training or progress as significantly as possible in your ability to eat the best hot peppers.
Once you have the skill it’s one you won’t want to lose. They say once you can’t take it anymore it’s hopeless you are without the spice and that’s not good.
The best hot peppers are superfoods. If you are one of the ones that thought you couldn’t but want to get back into it just go slow and keep tomatoes and tomato-based sauces out of it in the beginning. The best olive oil helps.
The love of hot peppers, and the health benefits that have been realized and enjoyed strongly dispel the notions that, if it tastes good it is best for you, or that taste is an object of edibility.
Hot peppers, especially those containing capsaicin, can offer a wide range of performance, health, and toughness benefits when included in a diet. Here’s a breakdown:
Performance Benefits
- Improved Circulation: Capsaicin dilates blood vessels, enhancing circulation and oxygen delivery to muscles during physical activity.
Metabolic Boost: Eating hot peppers can increase metabolic rate, helping with fat burning and energy production.
Endurance Support: The adrenaline rush from spicy foods can enhance focus and stamina, potentially improving athletic endurance.
Pain Tolerance: Regular exposure to capsaicin may increase your pain threshold, which can be helpful in pushing through tough workouts.
Health Benefits
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory effects, helping reduce chronic inflammation, which is linked to conditions like arthritis and heart disease.
Enhanced Immunity: The high vitamin C content in peppers supports the immune system, aiding in quicker recovery from illnesses or strenuous activity.
Heart Health: Capsaicin can lower LDL cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve overall heart health.
Digestive Health: In moderate amounts, peppers stimulate the digestive system, improving gut motility and possibly enhancing microbiome diversity.
Pain Relief: Capsaicin can desensitize nerve endings, which is why it’s often used in topical pain relief creams. Internally, this can help alleviate mild discomfort and reduce chronic pain perception.
Anti-Cancer Potential: Studies suggest that capsaicin can help slow the growth of certain cancer cells by promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Toughness Benefits
Mental Toughness: Eating hot peppers regularly can train your brain to handle discomfort better, increasing resilience in challenging situations.
Endorphin Release: The initial heat from peppers stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, creating a sense of euphoria and promoting mental toughness.
Adaptation to Stress: Capsaicin activates the same stress responses as physical exercise, helping the body adapt to and recover from stress more efficiently.
Cold Resistance: Regular consumption of spicy foods has been associated with increased thermogenesis, helping you tolerate colder environments more effectively.
Other Benefits
Weight Management: The appetite-suppressing effects of capsaicin can help with calorie control, aiding in fat loss or maintenance of a lean physique.
Antioxidant Protection: Hot peppers are rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and flavonoids, which protect against oxidative stress and support overall health.
Including hot peppers in your diet in moderation can help you tap into these benefits, making them a potent addition to a health-conscious or high-performance lifestyle.
In the garden I have grown some habanero relative peppers, the Mayan relative pepper, a little round ‘tabasco’ pepper, and a few jalapenos in the mountains, which speak for the general idea in local peppers. There are many species of best hot peppers that do well here, and really most hot peppers can do well anywhere they are fed and attended to well.
The most well-known hot variety, although not so hot here anymore, are listed as ‘Mayan’ peppers, and they are larger peppers and look like the ‘Red and Green Chile’ in New Mexico that hangs on ‘ristras.’
New Mexicans have been eating these (our local version of that can be very hot) chili peppers that grow there for thousands of years. New Mexicans I know will tell you our pepper is from there in New Mexico brought directly from God and is the super, superfood of them all, and you will read in a moment how they really are!
The main idea in the migratory plant study is that the Mayan pepper is from the traditional Aji, and from that different cultivars evolved.
Concretely, in contrast, there is really nothing to assure that this idea is true, or that the idea of New Mexico’s Hatch Green Chili is a completely different insert ofa completely different pepper either.
Some have theorized that Hatch Green Chili peppers, the best hot pepper could be behind Albuquerque dominating the UFC.
Ideas of hot foods making hot heads in history are all theoretical. Mostly the thought was spicy food love started during specific cultures that practiced developing intentional pain tolerance.
Recently, phytoliths of garlic mustard seed (Alliaria petiolata) were found in carbonized food deposits on prehistoric pottery from the western Baltic dating from 6,1 k.a to 5,7 k.a cal BP (Ertebölle Complex).
This archaeological evidence suggests much greater antiquity to the spicing of foods than previously thought within a hunter-gatherer or ancient premise.
Garlic mustard a.k.a. Hedge garlic alliaria petiolata is an inconspicuous plant, found in clumps in the lighter forest, which belongs to the Brassicaceae family of plants. It is native to Europe, Western and Central Asia, and Northwestern Africa. The leaves, flowers, and fruit are of the species are all edible.
The fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. The name comes from the Aztec language, Nahuati.
Lunch was good!
On our own we know that eating spicy foods activates en expulsion of mucus from the system, namely in the sinuses.
This is important cleaning, and many health theories such as Arnold Ehret, a Godfather to vegetable healing have been logically formed around mucus-lessness as the real code to staying healthy.
No pain no gain can be employed here, and one can do their own experiment with that. Eat a large number of strong peppers, and on the other side of the hurt, one will find that their system is clear.
Electrophysiological records in both peripheral and central nervous systems show that the primate sensory taste system is basically organized around two major clusters of fibers and their cortical projections.
Co-variations between the neural responses to various compounds were observed for sugars, on the one hand, and for tannic acids and alkaloids. Our human taste perception system is not essentially different from that of the other primates as far as the dichotomy allowing discrimination of noxious v.s. beneficial substances through taste; clearly in the case of hot peppers not so much, nor maybe in garlic, black pepper ginger or turmeric.
Interestingly we know that two of these hard-tasting miracles, turmeric, and black pepper, are more active together and this could be similar in hot peppers.
An increasing amount of evidence shows that animals such as insects, birds, and primates use plant parts with certain categorical compounds known as ‘secondary compounds’ to improve their comfort or their health.
The concept of self-medication now generally accepted in primates but also in other vertebrates was first proposed by D.H Janzen (1978), an ecologist at the University of Pennsylvania.
Liken to the spice, bitterness is normally suggested to represent a reliable signal of toxicity for animals and humans but a number of secondary compounds are bitter tasting (Saponins, Alkaloids, and some Sesquiterpenoids, Terpenoids and Steroid Glycosides) and many of these substances possess important pharmacological activity.
Garlic mustard produces a variety of helpful secondary compounds including flavonoids, defense proteins, glycosides,
Nutritionally Diverse, Spicy Lunch
glucosinolates, particularly Sinigrin, a breakdown product allyl- isothiocyanate (AITC) that reduce its palatability to herbivores.
The chili plant seed is broken down by humans and primates whose taste receptors are burned, but the bird’s digestive tract does not break down the seed nor does the bird spit it out, from any taste reaction because it does not have the primal dichotomy of dissemination as an obstruction to his interest in the seed.
The plant should be well propagated by the bird gardener members of a miraculous human-inspired permaculture somewhere.
Popular Science and many others have had a very difficult time deciphering the love of chili eating, but well recognized that many do love it, and to them, it’s a deep passion. Chili is still the word for the plant pepper as it was for the Mayans and the Aztecs who may have been the one who gave it that name.
“Acceptance of food depends not only on taste, but also on olfactory, tactile and visual signals, as well as memories of previous, similar experiences and social expectations. Food palatability and hedonic value therefore play central roles in nutrient intake. As a result, ancestral humans who liked spicy food—and therefore gained from its health benefits—might well have had longer, healthier lives and more offspring” (Nilius & Giovanni 2011)
Paul Sherman, a professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York has research that shows people in warmer regions of the world benefiting from eating spicier foods, because of the fiery peppers are natural antimicrobials.
Food-born pathogens and parasites are more populated in warmer climates, and spices can kill or inhibit their growth.
The spicy research presented in National Geographic (2005) sited that in the same region of Thailand one culture who eats blander foods, ( less spicy) does experience more diarrhea and infections.
Paul went on to find out that hotter cultures ate the hotter foods, and colder ones ate less spicey foods, interestingly the germ stopper is less popular where it is not needed, such as in cold climate places.
Albuquerque, nestled into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, must be the exception.
Here are the rankings for the best hot peppers, you can order to your door.
Heat Ranking
As of January 2025, here is a list of the top 20 hottest peppers in the world, heat ranked by their Scoville Heat Units (SHU):
Pepper X: 2,693,000 SHU
Developed by Ed Currie, Pepper X holds the Guinness World Record as the world’s hottest chili pepper since 2023.
Carolina Reaper: 2,200,000 SHU
Created by Ed Currie, the Carolina Reaper was the previous record holder for the world’s hottest pepper.
Dragon’s Breath: 2,480,000 SHU (unofficial)
Developed in the United Kingdom, Dragon’s Breath has an unofficial SHU of 2,480,000.
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: 2,009,231 SHU
Originating from Trinidad and Tobago, this pepper was once recognized as the world’s hottest.
7 Pot Douglah: 1,853,936 SHU
Also known as Chocolate 7 Pot, this pepper is native to Trinidad and Tobago.
Pepper Johnny
Komodo Dragon: 1,400,000 SHU
Developed in the United Kingdom, the Komodo Dragon chili is known for its delayed heat.
Naga Viper: 1,382,118 SHU
A hybrid chili pepper created in the UK by crossing three of the world’s hottest peppers.
Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia): 1,041,427 SHU
Originating from India, the Ghost Pepper was once the world’s hottest chili.
7 Pot Barrackpore: 1,000,000 SHU
Part of the 7 Pot family, this pepper is known for its extreme heat.
Infinity Chili: 1,176,182 SHU
Developed in the UK, the Infinity Chili briefly held the title of the world’s hottest pepper in 2011.
7 Pot Brain Strain: 1,350,000 SHU
Known for its brain-like appearance, this pepper is a variety of the 7 Pot chili.
Dorset Naga: 1,000,000 SHU
A variant of the Naga Morich pepper, developed in Dorset, England.
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: 1,463,700 SHU
Once the world’s hottest pepper in 2011, developed in Australia.
7 Pot Primo: 1,473,480 SHU
Known for its long, skinny tail, this pepper was created by horticulturist Troy Primeaux.
Chocolate Bhutlah: ~2,000,000 SHU
A cross between the Ghost Pepper and the 7 Pot Douglah, known for its intense heat.
Grow Hot Peppers
Red Savina Habanero: 350,000–577,000 SHU
Once recognized as the hottest chili pepper in the world from 1994 to 2006.
Fatalii: 125,000–325,000 SHU
Originating from Central and Southern Africa, known for its citrusy flavor and intense heat.
Scotch Bonnet: 100,000–350,000 SHU
Native to the Caribbean, commonly used in jerk seasonings and hot sauces.
Bird’s Eye Chili (Thai Chili Pepper): 50,000–100,000 SHU
Commonly used in Thai and Southeast Asian cooking, known for its intense heat.
Cayenne Pepper: 30,000–50,000 SHU
A staple in many spice racks, often used to add heat to dishes like soups and stews.
Please note that the Scoville Heat Units (SHU) can vary based on growing conditions and testing methods.
Nutrient Density Ranking
New Mexico green chiles are a nutrient-rich addition to your diet, offering notable amounts of vitamins and minerals. Here’s how they compare to other hot peppers in terms of nutritional density:
Nutritional Profile of New Mexico Green Chiles
Vitamin C: A ¼ cup (57g) serving provides approximately 36 mg of vitamin C, fulfilling about 40% of the recommended daily value.
Eat This Much
Vitamin A: The same serving offers around 60 µg of vitamin A, accounting for about 7% of the daily value.
Eat This Much
Iron: Contains approximately 0.4 mg per ¼ cup, contributing to about 4% of the daily value.
Eat This Much
Dietary Fiber: Provides about 1 g per serving, which is 4% of the daily value.
Eat This Much
Revised Ranking of Hot Peppers by Nutritional Density
Considering the nutritional content of New Mexico green chiles, here’s an updated ranking:
Red Bell Peppers: Extremely high in vitamin C (169% DV per 100g) and vitamin A.
New Mexico Green Chiles: High in vitamin C (40% DV per 57g) and a good source of vitamin A and iron.
Habanero Pepper: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium.
Jalapeño Pepper: Good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and antioxidants.
Cayenne Pepper: High in vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
Serrano Pepper: Contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and capsaicin.
Tabasco Pepper: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and calcium.
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: High in capsaicin and contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.
Anaheim Pepper: Good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and moderate capsaicin levels.
Poblano Pepper: Provides vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron.
Incorporating New Mexico green chiles into your meals can enhance flavor while boosting your intake of essential nutrients, particularly vitamins C and A.
Studies showed that eating spicy foods was the factor behind a 14% decrease in overall mortality, compared to folks who can’t take the heat [2]. Capsicum has positive vascular and metabolic effects, this makes it also very important to a Nutritional Diversity diet. [3] 💋
Hot chili peppers can burn you, is several places, the worst one is the eyes or private areas. Make sure to wash your hands when handling the fire fruits. To some and depending on the current diet they can cause over-acidity.
I am in the Caribbean right now, on an island in Panama known as Bocas del Toro, a great place for permaculture farming, where there are some famed hot sauces but it’s not necessarily somewhere I would send a firey food lover. Bocas sauce is hot, but not that hot, and it does have a mustard seed base. Barbados had some great hot stuff too.
There are a few hot sauces of weight here for sure and across Central and South America a few more. I have had some solid stuff, and there are surely some murderous hot peppers growing quite well here in the tropics, and proudly many types at our own small family farm.
Tough Guys Eat Spicy Food :
1932, the Soviet Union sent one of its best agents to China, a former schoolteacher and counter-espionage expert from Germany named Otto Braun.
His mission was to serve as a military adviser to the Chinese Communists, who were engaged in a desperate battle for survival against Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists.
The tale of Braun’s adventures in the Chinese Communist revolution is packed with enough twists and turns for a big-screen thriller. In the clutch of culinary history, one quote from Braun’s autobiography recalls his first impressions of Mao Zedong, the man who would soon go on to become China’s Emperor.
“The food of the true revolutionary is the red pepper,” declared Mao. “And he who cannot endure red peppers is also unable to fight.”
I love this story, and I believe the quote is accurate. I don’t let the young men around me off easy for eating a bland plate of food, and I will have my own hot something with me, even if their household is unprepared, always. “Real Tough Guys Eat Spicy Food,” is one of the things they may hear me say.
I know, coming from Albuquerque New Mexico, where we love our Green Chili more than our … it’s a long-lasting positive relationship that never goes bad.
I thought for the longest time there would be no way I could ever live without the stuff. It really was that important to me, I am close to finding some imports or doing a dedicated climate control space to grow some of my own here but sadly at this time I miss her.
I am able to find a few good hot peppers here in Panama though.
Science now finds connections to neurological and hormonal endorphin releases in the hot peppers as well as other reactions that affect our happiness and our senses in life.
The NAUTILUS company published an article last year (Andrew Leonard 2016) entitled “Why Revolutionaries Love Spicy Food,” which explains basically that firey people like firey food, and that there is a link between the chili pepper and risk-taking.
Christopher Columbus on Jan. 1, 1493, recorded in his diary, his discovery of the chili pepper, on the Caribbean isla of Hispaniola,“the pepper which the local Indians used as spice is more abundant and more valuable than either black or melegueta pepper [an African spice from the ginger family].”
A Sichuanese folk saying goes: “Spicy peppers are the meat of poor guys.” Sichuan people an already hot eating people were the main group that adopted the chili pepper significantly when Columbus first imported it to Europe and Asia. Poor guys are usually tougher guys.
The chili pepper plant is a strong grower, easy to cultivate, productive crop. High in A, B, and C’s vitamin spread of nutrition, sure to keep the body and immune system tough and ready.
Shark’s Fin and Sichuan Pepper, y Fuchsia Dunlop, an author of Chinese cookbooks, says that the region’s passion for spice is explained by the intersection between climate and traditional Chinese medicine: “In terms of Chinese medicine, the body is an energetic system, in which damp and dry, cold and hot, yin and yang, must be balanced.”
In the mid-70’s a study of the pepper craze in Oaxaca, Senior Rozin of the University of Pennsylvania determined that the act of eating chili peppers is an acquired taste in Mexico.
Children do not come out of the womb craving a scorching hot cuisine. They’re encouraged, by their families, to handle the chili’s burn with small doses that gradually increase.
In describing the variance between heavy hitter hot mouths and the light roaster, Rozin came up with a theory he called “benign masochism.” A certain type of person, he theorized, was lured to the burn, the same kind of person, he suggested, who might be drawn to other “sensation-seeking” activities.
Surprising amounts of sources word the chili peppers effect by saying the chili gives a mild ‘high.’
During the Sino-Japanese War between 1937-1945, of the 1,052 generals and marshals who served in the early ranks of the People’s Liberation Army, a whopping 82 percent hailed from China’s four spiciest provinces is pointed out by an essay from Hongjie Wang, an associate professor of history at Armstrong State University in Georgia.
Wang specializes in Sichuan culture, and in his essay, “Hot Peppers, Sichuan Cuisine and the Revolutions in Modern China,” he writes of one contemporary Chinese cultural observer who called Sichuan’s inherent “potential for rebellion, so beautiful and marvelous.” In 1911, according to Wang, a protest against “imperialist” control of newly constructed railroads in Sichuan triggered national unrest that ultimately led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
One could make the case that Sichuanese hot tempers set in motion the entire process of China’s modern political development. Anecdotal in the language of Sichuan, Wang scribes, “eating spicy food has come to be regarded as an indication of such personal characteristics as courage, valor, and endurance, all essential for a potential revolutionary.”
In a cultural list of the spiciest food geography, the “Spicy Quest” came up with the following red zones:
- South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Polynesian SE Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei),
- Buddhist SE Asia (Thailand, Laos, Burma, Vietnam),
- Himalayas (Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet?),
- China (Sichaun and Hunan provinces),
- Indigenous South America (Bolivia, Ecuador, Amazon),
- American Desert (US Southeast, New Mexico, Mexico),
- Korea Peninsula Sphere (Korean regions in China, Korea, and Russia, nearby Japanese and Chinese islands),
- East Mediterranean (Syria, Lebanon),
- Southern Africa (South Africa, Mozambique), Balkans, North Africa (Tunisia),
- West Africa (Guinea, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Liberia),
- and the Caribbean (Trinidad, Jamaica).
A hot food eater identity is reasonably a daring individual who may like pain. Personality types class in the risk-taking, nomads on the move who can carry a cheap and easy-to-grow option for adding flavor to a constrained diet. Or they are from a hot and humid climate, where microorganisms grow, or strongly favoring a yin and yang medical philosophy.
The reasoning I like the best is those that believe the hot pepper is a source of courage and energy and makes them tough.
Certain indications point to fiery citrus combinations as being powerful pre-workout employs. This is not an advised combination for those building their tolerance to spicy food, but for advanced practitioners.
I can testify to you that real tough guys eat spicy food, that chili peppers are muscle food, and healthy food and that my people have bee eating and growing this food right where I was born and raised, under the red skies. 100% 505, (Hatch) is something I am very proud of, and what every Albuquerque born stud can tell you, is we love our Green Chili – and we love it so much that we will fight about it. 😀
A Spicy Chocolate Food of the Gods
The Food of the Gods, of the Mayan and Azteca cultures; referring to their invented substances are usually ingested as a drink, chocolate was a mix that at that time called XOCOLATL: (SHOW-CO-LA-TIL) included hot peppers, a type we ave called for a long time now, “chili peppers.”
Spicy Food is For Tough Girls Too!
Holly Holm is shining athletic star that surely eats hot peppers and fiery food every day, and has dominated the Ultimate Fighting Championship women’s divisions, for years now after obtaining about every boxing belt she possibly could have before making the MMA switch at age 30.I figure if you eat enough hot peppers you can almost kind of be like her; from Albuquerque (cause that is the real secret).
In a video of the pop song “La Mei zi” by Hunanese singer Song Zuying, who lives in a firey foods culture in Asia, is seen surrounded in scores of young, red-clad Chinese women frolicking amid a harvest of heaps of chili peppers, as Song Zuying sings:
As children, spiciness is not the spicy girls’ fear
As adults, spicy girls don’t fear the heat
Getting married, spicy girls fear that things might not be spicy enough.
In everything I do since her birth, I keep my daughter in mind, and so now that she follows the site regularly and I hope the diet too, she can start eating spicy foods, cause I know the people of her geographic region- and they are nowhere near as tough as Duke City people not even close, and I know they don’t have much hot stuff going on either, so she will have to go search out hot peppers.
Simply Go Spicy: Eat the hottest things you find on everything you eat, and you’ll be tougher all the way through those who do not. Life is just one big fight, what kind of champion, what kind of character, are you going to build? Yes, I already know and you do to: A Hot One!
Q. Where is the traditional U.S. hot pepper native to?
A. The origin of this hot pepper has been traced to Mexico.
Q. What form does the traditional U.S. hot pepper plant grow to?
A. Hot pepper is a plant that grows on average between 3-4 feet in height.
Q. Which plant family hot pepper belongs to?
A. Hot pepper is a member of the 30 species of flowering plants in the nightshade family.
Q. What temperature range is best for hot pepper growth?
A. Hot pepper thrives well somewhere between 60°F/16°C and 90°F/32 °C.
Q. How does the hot pepper plant look?
A. Hot pepper bears white flowers and matures by forming fruits of different colors.
Q. When does the hot pepper plant blossom?
A. The white flowers typically only last several days. Hot pepper flower self pollinates and upon successful pollination, it would bear fruits.
Q. Where is the name hot chili pepper coming from?
A. it originates from Nahuatl chīlli
Q. What varieties of uses exist for hot peppers?
A. Chili pepper can be consumed raw, cooked, dried, or added as the primary ingredient in powders and sauces.
Q. What are some known medical uses for this hot pepper plant?
A. Hot pepper relieves nose congestion, lowers blood pressure, relieves natural pain, boosts immune functions, and induces red blood cell count.
Q. What gives chili pepper its spicy properties?
A. The chemical that endows this fruit is called capsaicin.
Q. How long does hot pepper take to mature?
A. Many varieties of chili peppers take 75 days or more to mature.
Q. How to grow hot pepper?
A. The best way is to transplant once seeds germinate in 2 weeks and move to the outside soil. Hot pepper likes plenty of sun and well-drained soil is a prerequisite.
Q. What are natural pests associated with this hot pepper plant?
A. Hot pepper is susceptible to cutworms, aphids, beetles, whiteflies, fungus.
Q. What is the seasonal behavior of hot pepper?
A. Most species of hot pepper last for one season only.
Q. What is the production amount of hot pepper worldwide?
A. Worldwide figure from 2014 recorded 32.3 million tons of green chili peppers and 3.8 million tons of dried chili peppers were produced.
Q. When is the earliest evidence that chili peppers were consumed and used by humans?
A. Chili peppers have entered the human diet in the Americas since at least 7500 BC.
Q. What other nutrients does hot pepper contain?
A. Red chili peppers contain large amounts of vitamin C, while other species contain copious amounts of vitamin A beta-carotene.
Q. Which part of the hot pepper plant contains the spiciest fruits?
A. The part of the chili pepper plant closest to the stem is usually the spiciest part for it has the highest concentration of capsaicin.
Q. Which countries produce the most amount of chili peppers?
A. Top producers rank as follows: China, Mexico.
Q. What other novel use of the chemical extracted from chili pepper?
A. Capsaicin extracted is used to fabricate pepper spray and tear gas as chemical irritants, deployed in self-defense and crowd control.
Hot peppers are regular parts of our diets here, and we believe they make you strong.
They are some of the filthy few at the grocery store though because usually farmers use a lot of chemicals to grow them – grow your own.
Just give me the best hot pepper, please!
Published Feb 21, 2018, Updated Sep 16, 2019, Feb 9 2020, Oct 22, 2022
Special Elements
Best Cordyceps Mushrooms, Benefits & Experience
Best cordyceps mushrooms are a genus of parasitic fungi that grows on the larvae of insects that have been mentioned since the days of old Ancient Chinese herbal literature and used over Centuries as the cure to 21 different ailments in total. [1]
They work as fungi that attack their insect host body and as the larvae grow the slender stems that grow inside and outside the being take control of the caterpillar or other host and guide the creature into a dark damp place where it can go into a spore production cycle fulfilling the final biological destiny of procreation.
Here at our study center in Panama, we call it “Zombie Powder,” and only effective stuff earns nicknames around this place. It is a Zombie stamina increase too; the substance will definitely help keep you going, in our experience.
Since we started incorporating these fungi in our routine we clearly incorporated an output multiplier as several performance markers really went up across the board for testers, namely stamina for non-endurance athletes. This is in our own research and testing and only this way can one really come up with accurate consumption guidelines.
“If you want to put it out, you have to put it in.”
The remains of the insect and fungi are then hand-collected, dried, and used to treat fatigue, sickness, kidney disease, and low sex drive.
The best cordyceps mushroom supplements on the market today usually do not include the insects and are grown using alternative mediums.
Ophiocordyceps sinensis (renamed 2007), Sphaeria sinensis grows on the larvae of the caterpillar Hepialus armoricanus Oberthur. Traditionally the caterpillar and the fungi are consumed together.
There could be several different versions of the particular species, such as those collected in Bhutan. [2]
I often wonder in the garden if extreme strength or ability can be made from the foundation of extreme nutrition – of course, it does.
Nutritional Biodiversity Diet Model Basic: Our entire idea here is to form a minimum of 60 species, highly diverse, strategicly designed nutrition plans derived from non-monoculture cropping systems, and measure up dramatic increases in performance
Okay, let’s get into the best cordyceps mushroom supplements available.
Lab tests and Centuries of use suggest the best cordyceps promote anti-aging and sustained youthfulness, exercise performance enhancements, and heart health.
Several great athletic tests have gone on with this fungi species and the clear result of performance enhancement is there! It’s great also because we get to see a model for our own athletic nutrition testing of the NDdiet. (x)
Best cordyceps athletic test findings support the belief held in China that Cs-4 could improve oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity and ventilation function and resistance to fatigue of elderly people in exercise. [3] This is a great supplement for older people.
Cordyceps have effects on both innate body immunity and adaptive immunity, furthermore, cordyceps also feature a modulatory effect on the stomach’s overall immune system, which may further influence systemic immune function. These same scientific examinations and studies show cordyceps fungi types to be anti-tumor acting medicine, as well as protective effects to the kidneys and anti-hypoglycemic effects. [4]
Swimming tests confirm fatigue resistance and I am a big long-distance ocean swimmer, so this is important to me. [5]
There is a wealth of testimony out there now to the great effects that these best cordyceps are having on people. There are not too many side effects reported and the amount of existing documentation for studying use is immense. [9]
You may not want to take the best cordyceps if you have a myelogenous type of cancer such as AML or CML. Cordyceps mushrooms have been shown to increase the proliferation of red blood precursor cells, who arise from the same lineage as the cells that cause myelogenous cancers.
Or, if you are taking insulin or other blood-glucose-lowering medications as cordyceps may have an additive hypoglycemic effect and so blood glucose should be monitored.
If a drug is taken that has a “blood-thinning” activity, cordyceps may further increase the risk of heavy bleeding. [6]
Likely recognized initially for the appearance of animal transformation into a plant, this fungi-insect relationship as a food has been thoroughly investigated and used in ancient Asian cultures. [7]
Learning and memory improvements were dynamically shown through supplementation animal testing describes as
This is an interesting study where model, where learning and memory impairment was established via injection of scopolamine hydrobromide and the effects of different doses of Cordyceps polypeptide, delivered intra-gastrically were investigated physical tests such as a maze, the measurement of several biological indexes in the serum, and brain tissue of the mice, and the identification of differentially expressed genes and the related cellular signaling pathways. The results showed that Cordyceps polypeptide could improve learning and memory. [8]
Drink more water while taking a cordyceps supplement.
There are some indications that cordyceps fermentation could produce a much more stunning set of results. Possibly cordyceps kombucha is a worthwhile experiment for the team. [x]
Abstractly, when I think of how the next generation spores would find new caterpillars, it must be a combination of intelligently chasing new colonies of the caterpillars with the zombie caterpillar body and maybe even intelligent flight of the spore to the new larvae? It’s hard to imagine a species of fungi that survives this way. Such an incredible species it’s no doubt the two possess together such marvelous medical miracles.
Our cordyceps experience is just beginning, but we will be sure to update this section as that experience grows in knowledge, scientific confirmations, and new discoveries.
Powdered cordyceps should not be mixed with oils, and should be mixed with dense fiber foods that can bind to the powder. Blend thoroughly.
A dose too heavy can cause intestinal pains and constipation.
I had some candy-coated cashews the other day that tasted just like them. Someone gave them to me, as I haven’t not been doing seed foods for a few years now.
It has been noticed that one week to 30-day intensive consumption has great benefit, and it has been felt that 30days could be the best end of the cycle for this consumable.
We find the substance most favorable for running and swimming.
With the best cordyceps product ranking, we were very pleased to find great availability for this lesser-known and lesser emphasized age-old superfood.
Bulk Supplements Company is a great supplier of pure well-made and authentic supplements and they offer a cordyceps product that we tried and it was amazing! Very effective athletic performance supplement we are very thankful to have in the “go box.”
General user satisfaction is exceptionally high with this product among all manufacturers we ranked.
✪ Update! Today November 17, 2019, as an ode to Paul Stamens and hearty thanks for his new book to include the shared discovery of the mycelial brain networks on the Joe Rogan Experience (#1385); we talk benefits, the best cordyceps available and possible benefits and side effects that come with their use.
Q. What is cordyceps?
A. Cordyceps is a type of fungi that comprises 400 species.
Q. Where are cordyceps mostly distributed geographically?
A. The cordyceps species are abundant and diverse in humid temperate and tropical forests.
Q. Has cordyceps fungi long been a part of Chinese and Tibetan medicinal recipes?
A. Cordyceps has long been used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine for treating diarrhea, headache, cough, rheumatism, liver disease, kidney disease.
Q. Which species are commonly used?
A. Two in particular are commonly used as ingredients in the medicine. They are cordyceps sinesis and Cordyceps militaris.
Q. What is a typical cordyceps life cycle?
A. Typical cordyceps life cycle initiates with its spores falling on the insect and then the spore will germinate and small thread-like filaments called hyphae will begin to grow inside the insect and turn into mycelium. Subsequently, the host is completely consumed and a blade-like mushroom will protrude from the insect’s head. The mushroom will then release spores and the life cycle will restart.
Q. Does each species of cordyceps adapt only to a specific host type?
A. Every species of cordyceps normally target a specific type of insect.
Q. What is cordyceps sinensis?
A. Cordyceps Sinensis targets the host of caterpillars of the Hepialus moth.
Q. What properties does cordyceps sinensis possess?
A. Cordyceps is a type of medicinal mushroom said to offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits
Q. What distinct effect does cordyceps have on our body?
A. Cordyceps serves to boost energy in our body naturally. It has been demonstrated by many high-performance athletes who consume cordyceps.
Q. Is cordyceps good for diabetes?
A. Cordyceps has long been used as a Chinese traditional treatment for diabetes.
Q. Does consumption of cordyceps helps to regulate blood pressure?
A. Cordyceps has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which may help prevent or treat high blood pressure.
Q. Does cordyceps play a role in improving respiratory function?
A. Cordyceps extract can relax airway constriction and help sufferers alleviate moderate to severe asthma.
Q. Does cordyceps possess anti-cancer properties?
A. A particular scientific research study has claimed that cordyceps extract was able to cause cell death in breast cancer cells in test tube studies.
Q. Is cordyceps safe for short-term use?
A. Though there may exist some mild signs of side effects, consumption for short-term use is generally regarded as safe.
Q. Are there other precautions for using cordyceps?
A. People on diabetes medications may steer clear of cordyceps as the combined use may cause blood sugar to drop too much.
Q. What about patients who suffer from bleeding disorders? Should they heed its use?
A. People who are taking blood anticoagulants or anti-clotting drugs may avoid taking cordyceps.
Q. What forms are typically available for cordyceps?
A. Cordyceps is available in capsule, tablet, or powder forms. Dried whole mushrooms can also be found online for purchase.
Q. How are different forms being used?
A. Tinctures and extracts are made out of whole cordyceps and powdered cordyceps can be mixed into smoothies and protein shakes, or brewed as a tea infusion.
Q. What should we look out for when purchasing cordyceps?
A. Cordyceps supplements labeled as yeast-free are good since they are unlikely to be contaminated with molds.
Q. Are the best cordyceps lab-grown copies?
A. The great thing about fungi is it is really easy to be procreational because fungi spores grow well with calculated nutrition and a good environment it could even be argued that a cordyceps growing environment enhanced by humans would produce even better more powerful strains and more potent fungi.
Joe Rogan likes them.
Go slow and in small increments. Drink lots of water.
Try messing around with a ferment. 💎
Hey just give me the best stuff.
The related material below is a natural performance stack for use with the best cordyceps.
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