ND Biodiverse Food Study, Panama
Quick Intro: The ND Biodiverse Food Study has been ongoing over the last 9 years
We discovered a whole new design structure for diet and nutrition and it is so much more functional and advanced than our existing routine and nutrient supply that we have recorded athletic performance increases of up to one hundred and sixty percent in eight-week test cycles.
We have recorded performance increases of 70 to 90% regularly at 15 days of implementation at it keeps getting better every time and in every category for every case from there.
A quick little intro field trip to give a simpler introduction:
We are still here all year long every year doing this.
We update our cutting-edge diet report, athletic report, and other test reports weekly!
This Nutritional Diversity discovery and optimization data will revolutionize the way we consume, think, and perform in every way moving forward.
We continue our diverse diet science research self-funded today.
For this and for the fact that we have real data that shows a real all-natural way to increase performance beyond limits previously reached in diet and nutritional athletic sciences; we are selling our complete report including over 6 years of test data, a significant amount of data related to new and exotic diet species and important special combinations, recipes and complete with macronutrient equation guides, several relevant ‘do it yourself’ instructions plus access to the online always growing and refining application guide a now 100+ page indexed guide to “complete all-natural human optimization.”
Everything needed to reach the next step in diet variety, and personal self-human performance on the job, in the gym, in the bed, and in your head.
Get to the next level today.
The ND Biodiverse Food Study has been an ongoing high variety species diet performance study since 2011 primarily in the Republic of Panama, “Bridge of the Americas.”
- This is a fairly, technical explanation of the study. If you are looking for a simpler Introduction to Nutritional Diversity Science, click here.
- The following study is an old draft write. Should you join our Study Club below you will receive our full study report that updates as the study progresses – the cutting edge. While we do have repeatable results, our grossly underfunded operation is currently ongoing and open to interested parties for additional funding. So if you can scratch our back to keep developing this real human optimizing science, we can catch up to the absolute cutting edge of diet where we are. Purchasers get access to special lists that we have worked on.
- This is not the full concept abstract that is here.
- Primary Forest Integrative Agriculture Science for Better Nutrition.pdf (12.07.2020)
Nutritional Diversity Diet Study is a biodiverse food study currently based in the Republic in Panama, with certain examinations in other areas of Latin America. This study examined the Nutrient Adequacy Ratio (NAR) and the Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) of diet, nutrient, and agricultural food diversity, availability, consumption in 5 different communities and individual athletic and healing performance in these comminutes as well as a diverse range of other related observations and trials. The study observed and worked in the wild, and worked with less domesticated and wild species as its primary focus.
PREFACE: Poor nutrition can start before birth and continue on for generations, and this is what we see in most people today. The rising health crisis and younger ages of sick people, parallel the rise and continued evolution of chemical and machine-dependent, modern agriculture systems. These same systems are directly linked to the mass killing of wildlife that pollinates and operates the trillions of mechanisms that make up the great cycle of life that facilitates our world. [18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26]
Observing other animals in our ecology it was noticed that the ranges of biodiverse food species in each observed creature’s diet were significantly higher than ours. This lack of biodiverse nutrition is also likely underpinning the generational decline in overall human health.
Certain organizations offer intricate, aesthetically designed books and .pdfs detailing plenty of figures on the points of diversity in diet using flawed modern standards, and points in agriculture although no one involved is actually working with a food biodiversity today. In rare geographical locations where the ecology is well known or permaculture has been nurtured before are bio-diverse nutrition sources even available [11]. Some agencies, researchers and ‘diet pros are as bold as to study wild edible plants (WEP’s) so they say, yet we have no actual information from them on the symptomatic, essential effects of the food, let alone any notices of cumulative research results with other specie [8].
The obvious dietary principle of biodiverse food, or should I say the general principle of biological nature is completely avoided in the modern diet and there is even, questionably, opposition to the idea that a diverse diet is any better than a narrow one [3]. We, instead, have a toxic, manufactured and fake modern diet [x] that promotes disease and suffering in play. What I am saying is, we know these truths, but masterfully we do not employ them not even when we publish pages and pages on it. It’s been my hope to try and put together an actual practice, and real results outside of the disappointing modern science methodology completely. Just a simple, straightforward evaluation of new species, and those species in combinations with others in highly diverse ratios, to the point, that a clear athletic and healing power is realized. Diet information today is so rudely and ridiculously wrong and then the wrong is regurgitated and research pools are so polluted, and no doctor or specialist in this field can really be seen with that much credibility.
Dietary Diversity (DDI) guidelines, do not make recommendations, or model solutions, nor do we feel it make any adequate measure of any health or performance status. In short many suffer purely because of the misinformation, and inadequate information and culture from all of the diet and agricultural experts and diet information sources of our day.
BASIS: This study stems from one experimenter who cured his depression with a blend of 50 herbs he learned of and worked with. The story goes that the original idea was that lack of chlorophyll and other substances in living plants, absent in the modern diet, could contribute to fatigue and depression.
While studying permaculture farming models in Costa Rica (2012) the subject was able to accumulate a high diversity of foods and if he was to stray from that diversity the symptoms would return.
It is now, after 6 years of testing believed a certain amount of this result and conclusion to be from (1) using species outside of the normal modern diet which are many times a toxic risk (homeopathy), and (2) from using a high diversity of species far outside the normal modern diet, that cover more of a full spectrum of these vital nutritional elements (3) using dynamic agriculture and wild harvesting methods, that highly enrich the quality of the harvested food (4) using specific known special combinations that are known or have been found through our study to be rich nutrition and (5) gaining a more complete picture through actual; experience and our own research. The individual experienced incredible loss, and circumstantially a depression for a time would be natural.
Statistically, considering the types of loss experienced, it would seem that this depression cycle was successfully treated as much as it can be. Many comparable cases at even double the length of intense suffering time of 4 years and then an “easier” suffering period of about 4 more years, could likely really use this information.
Finally,, after several repeat tests, we started to notice a clear performance increase at around 60 species of diverse plant food. Later we found with a few different combinations of foods this minimum remained functional to a degree.
Clearly a refinement and intelligent design of this high diversity dieting could result in a further decrease or increased performance.
Supporting Nutrition and Health Information
Stereotypes and cultural norms, as well as modern dietary information, is misleading, unhealthy, and modern diet research methods make too many errors, and inaccurate conclusions, even regarding historical nutrition points. We have had one piece of bad information after the other and in a continuous loop.
The most traditional idea, is that the paleolithic man and the hunter-gatherer, in general, is a lesser human model. Evidence has now revealed the incorrectness of these skewed perspectives (Kent 1989; Kelly 1995 [1]), of the dumb, barbaric caveman, uninvolved and less, powerful, or capable.
In the famous book, The Secret Life of Plants (1973), Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird [14], using new technology, we’re able to clearly measure the perceptibility of plants, and the emotional responses that until this time unknown to man.
Peter Stamens the grand elder of mycology [12], Stephan Harrod Bauhner our most current guide through the dynamics of our medicinal earth [13], and Rudolph Steiner, the Godfather of advanced biodynamic, biodiverse agriculture in the modern age [15], have all scientifically determined that a larger intelligence is at play in the way that plants and ecology come to be [7]. All of this is diversity-dependent, it requires the natural model.
The landmark Man the Hunter conference and book (Lee & DeVore 1968) showed hunter-gatherers to be rich, knowledgeable, sophisticated and above all unique individuals from one another. There was no single stage of human development, just different adaptations to ecological and social circumstances, that cultures are adapted to localities, and thus are configured with a wide variety of land uses and livelihoods. As a result, foraging and farming across the world are actually ‘overlapping, interdependent, contemporaneous, coequal and complementary’ (Sponsel 1989). This suggests that many rural people and their cultures might be better known as variants of cultivator–hunters or farmer–foragers rather than just farmers or hunter-gatherers.
Culture and nature were thus bound together (Berkes 1999; Pretty et al. 2010). The combination of these points suggests that man may have been a part of this greater intelligence at some point in history. There are many cultures that claim to have a much deeper relationship with nature, and many of these cultures, have displayed deeper models of consumption and practice regarding their health.
Ultimately food supply, dietary diversity, adequate nutrition, and modern agriculture, each remain crisis issues today. While herbal knowledge for cleared land should be obvious, it is non-existent.
In the first few years of hands-on tropical plant study here, we learned that there is a master system for regrowth of cleared land and in that system is a series of seriously medicinal herbs that will come in. Unclear still is the complete mechanics of the pollination and spread of these species, but these same similar special systems, with the same species, will come in at the clearing of land and then various stages of allowed regrowth.
Grass-fed cattle here for example; are actually diverse herb fed cattle, that does not mean the particular farmer was completely organic in his cattle placement as injectable antibiotics are still often used.
Understanding of the above and of things like, that all biology grows against resistance, and other core principles of the new six-year evolved science (that is still very much infant, oddly), while very clear to a student of nature, are many times lost to the modern mind cultivated in the city. Most other creatures in the natural environment eat grossly more of a dietary diversity than we do. This narrow diet itself, and the troublesome issues within it such as chemical cultivation methods, are results being distributed by big food corporations.
HYPOTHESIS: Modern diets were not adequate in nutritional coverage / dietary diversity and produce and processes alike were of poor quality, and that poor health and performance is underpinned by this poor agriculture, low and non- biodiverse food availability for a poor diet. More diverse life in the soil, in the farm, or the wild and likely in the stomach / microbiome is what is to stack into biological stardom. That by following a rule of diversity, security and sustainability can be achieved, relieving stresses from, and improving the quality and the growth of the human experience. A more biodiverse diet, coming from community food production models, will eliminate food supply and security issues as well as much of the health crisis. On an individual level persons will achieve personal sustainability, health and better performance. Switching to these safer organic providers will save pollinators and wildlife. Concerns that agricultural industries will suffer, are based on the industries ability to adapt to a more sustainable culture. In contrast the human-assisted, possibilities to cultivate vibrant and brilliant biology in a completely natural and whole elements based approach seems limitless.
Central American tropical regions: Wild edible plants (WEP’s), and alternative agriculture select species were employed, as well world market place supplements, and local commercial produce to assemble Nutritional Diversity diet plans of a minimum of 60 food species, and maximums of 120 species.
Panama is the ideal, cost-effective, most dense bridge of diversity in plants and wildlife, and also in human traffic, thanks to it’s extremely diversified resident populations in Panama City, Boquete and Bocas del Toro Province.
Over 50 alternative agriculture models, across Latin America were visited, and evaluated, for soil quality, diverse production, organic methods, and sustainable technologies to keep the group up on the cutting edge in this leg of development.
Pollination, bee culturing, and mycology were investigated in relation to certain food state, food delivery, food preservation, and food cultivation modules, and in the possibilities of enhancing processes.
Over the past 6 years here in the Republic of Panama, Colombia and Costa Rica we have unveiled several combinations, and individual species that have wondrous effects and throughout the course of these studies indications are that these nutritional essences and possibilities are of a seemingly endless number. A point of redundancy in the overall study, of a nutritionally diverse diet science today, which is oddly in infancy, and has been dubiously replaced by an industrious health diminishing, mal-nutritional prescription is; that stacking of. mono-culture crop produce in the human system creates a toxin overload. The study removed this produce from the table of bringing human physiology into optimal condition (except in the testflow case of “modern diet”).
These nutritionally diverse diets were tested and evaluated cross small farming comminutes, interest groups, permaculture farming students, and athletic clubs for noticeable, measurable performance improvements and healing of difficult disease or enhanced healing of other certain problems. Age groups ranged from child to elderly.
Polling of local, indigenous, European, American and Australian participants at local language schools, athletic and farming groups, college graduate vacationers and on our study’s website, to find their current diet diversity, and food biodiversity supplied by farm and market sources. Certain polls observed the MDDS and HHDS United Nations Food and Agriculture Guidelines, and others we independently created and series of diverse polls were propositioned.
Results indicated insufficient dietary sources (around 16 species) and volume in most cases.
The following chart shows a better-end of the familiar leaf spectrum and how it works towards current macronutrient recommendations..
test body is 6′ 195 male

Modern 16 specie leaf diet
*This example can also be used to show starting practitioners the reality of the B12, fat and protein-calorie deficits across this spread of popular nutrients.
Athletic testing and health examinations of study participants. Use of electronic devices to measure and document physical activity, geographical location, altitudes of training, and other data.
Extensive examination of previous research and ideas, existing documentation on plant knowledge and uses, as well as scientific testing of plant species.
Simple reasoning can be a good instrument in diet, also intensive plant feeling and athletic performance afterward can often be much more accurate than (1) existing science, and (2) the modern scientific methods.
We can surely say much of nutritional inadequacy can be attributed to mono culture farming. [0A]
A). “Common Sense” Based Look at Nutritional Diversity Diet
So people want to see science, they want to see study.
The only study testing a high diversity of food species consumption (human), is ours. [1] However most wildlife observers can tell you, and most animal information can tell you that in the wild, the diversity in the diet for these animals is very high. For example, in a three-day observational period the howler monkey here on our Island study site ate 120 different leaves.
But let’s just think about it.
We evolved on a gathered diversity of wild plants. At one point in time our entire day, was plants, critters, and maybe a large animal every now and then when we could track them with a spear. The spear itself is thought to be a step along the evolutionary course.
There was no office, no television, just nature. Nature who never saw or experienced the plague of our very unatural monoculture agriculture.
Most dentists and paleontologists agree that a large part of our evolution was in plant-eating.
Agriculture which in many ways can be looked at as our biggest mistake, came, in theory, as a result of evolved intelligence. The spear also a point in evolutionary intellect but not so many regrets there.
In nature’s garden, there are thousands of plants growing together, a clear message. How we got to mono culture farming I will never understand. Certainly a deception regarding nutrition and health either way.
So by this rational; today we eat a highly insufficient diet, sprayed with unnatural chemicals, that will cause and is causing us homo sapiens to devolve into a more domesticated species, weaker and ill, who needs, doctors and dentists (the only ones in nature with this need), and have forgotten about the nature we evolved by and now even grossly abuse that nature.
We have come a long way.
We don’t like to see or admit it, but we have educated ourselves into a curious position of taking our nature for granted, poisoning ourselves and nature.
One year into the 12-year crisis, things are getting worse. Fires, not-in-harmony-with-nature-impacts from the mal-educated populous, have shown to be much more drastic a footprint than what was predicted.
In this study, we realize the possibilities of an Avatar-movie-like ecology and the co-development of an even more diverse diversity. This even seems the more natural the more intelligent the next step for humanity if that step is to be evolutionary. As intelligent gardeners working with instead of against our biology and nature, possibilities are endless. As we continue to work outside of nature needs’s we surely all die. Simply.
At the current level of dietary diversity development and testing, we estimate a 10% to 35% increase in athletic ability. The range depends on particular individual dietary diversity plans and the overall state of current health. Interestingly we estimate at this time healing advantages of 30% to 70%, depending on the severity of the condition, individual, community and household diet diversity, and of course overall current health of the individual. The bio-diverse food study continues.
No doubt about it the real game-changer is high diversity and robust species. Refinement seems endless and nuclear…
Without biodiverse food intake, the health and performance is automatically going to be less, for us any other animal and plants, earth and insect. This diversity is a clear and necessary, basic law in nature.
It could be argued that the scientific “direction of dissection, rather than diverse connection,” is the reason we keep producing human sicknesses instead of human optimization.
B). Medicinal Use of the ND Biodiverse Food Diet System
The diet has no place in emergency medicine, nor in treating the advanced critical diagnosis, or advanced mental health trauma, accept in building a better system that can recuperate from crisis better.
This being said the diet also very well may achieve even more phenomenal results with the inclusion of certain “super” plants, such as ambrosia Peruvianna, or gotu kola for example in more refined and wise states of construction. Across the board higher results.
The diet has no place in emergency medicine, nor in treating the advanced critical diagnosis, or advanced mental health trauma, accept in building a better system that can recuperate from crisis better.
C). Special Diversity
Biodiverse food intake for modern comminutes and households mark far below our own (MOER) Minimum Optimal Effective Range of foods. WEP is rarely known or used here even among the indigenous. However, the Kuna and Nogle tribes both had knowledge of dynamic harvesting. There were rumors of individual experts with more extensive plant knowledge but we were unable to locate most. We did however successfully track down several and mined some very use full gems from them. Permaculture farmers were the most diverse consumers observed.
An explosive diverse reclaiming of our nutritional intake could be the reforestation effort that restores balance to our valuable pollinators overall, and with proper consideration for native trees and native species, a balance to our industrial age seems realized. A simple question our group has had, again and again, is “why are the streets not lined in fruit trees?” In a well-planned permaculture-based design this same effort of planting fruit trees can be planting several species together, in a highly productive even pollution-reducing format.
If a new level of performance and healing is the goal, reasonably a new level of nutrition would be needed. This means, a new level of plant and creature, a new level of soil, a new level of agriculture and fertilizer making. The most trustworthy guaranteed to please and cure disease method would be an all-natural one. Using God’s ingredients the idea of the Nutritional Diversity Permaculturist is to create optimal nutrition through dynamic all-natural practice. This is a complex schematic, with a practical learning curve, with intensive study now thought to be around six years to obtain.
A new marketplace and new cultural distribution or cultivation is needed to supply the new food type, the food biodiversity – the new level of nutrition.
A new education on the new biodiverse food diet, which for us has been a cumulative 3999-year curve and is still in it’s infancy, and education in permaculture especially for the new generation could provide the job skills needed to usher in the age of human performance, life span and enhanced quality of life that comes with living in harmony with nature in a more perfected way. A nutritional supplement could help in the delivery of the full spectrum minimum diversity to consumers.
It has also been noticed that these practices can work in the interest of world hunger, poverty, and world food security. There are many digital networking platforms today where diet enthusiasts can share and build this knowledge base broader, together. Under this idea, we have used
iNaturalist which provides a good index of species for diet logs and knowledge base.
A 2010 study of the Ethiopian subculture exclaimed ” high rich diverse nutrition” at “38 species.” The study concluded that the wild food resource was in quick popularity and interest decline, likely from the tastier modern foods. [20]
It would seem much of modern culture is a process of getting too tasty and learning the hard way what a too tasty diet gets you.
Many students of nature long for the “wild redeemer” you could say and an understanding of the goods gathered from God’s existing garden. [21, 22]
The Scope of this exam >
On the last slide to the above is a list of common food articles. For Nutritional Diversity diet phases of testing, we strike seeds (& beans), we do allow sprouts.
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