Nutritional Diversity in Argentina
Spanish – Nutritional Diversity in Argentina (pdf)
Querida Argentina,
Me acerco para presentar una propuesta innovadora que busca transformar el paisaje agrícola de Argentina aprovechando las distintas ventajas que ofrecen sus variados microclimas a través del desarrollo de pequeñas granjas de permacultura. Con un fondo dedicado de diez millones de dólares, nuestra ambición es establecer una serie de granjas productivas y sostenibles en todo el país, cada una adaptada de manera única a su contexto ambiental. Esta iniciativa representa no sólo una inversión en agricultura sino una estrategia integral destinada a garantizar la seguridad alimentaria, mejorar la diversidad nutricional y promover la sostenibilidad ambiental. Al integrar los principios de la permacultura junto con soluciones innovadoras de gestión del agua y energía renovable, planeamos hacer un uso eficiente de la variedad de climas templados, tropicales y subtropicales de Argentina. Este enfoque nos permitirá cultivar una amplia gama de alimentos exóticos y nutritivos, satisfaciendo tanto las necesidades locales como las demandas de los mercados internacionales de productos premium producidos de manera sostenible.
Las implicaciones de esta empresa son vastas y multifacéticas. Económicamente, abre vías para interactuar con mercados de alto valor, impulsando la rentabilidad y proporcionando estabilidad económica a las comunidades locales. Desde una perspectiva ambiental, subraya nuestro compromiso de preservar la biodiversidad, enriquecer la vitalidad del suelo y emplear prácticas sostenibles que contribuyan a la lucha global contra el cambio climático. En el frente social, promete estimular el desarrollo comunitario, generar oportunidades de empleo y mejorar el vínculo entre los consumidores y sus fuentes de alimentos a través de iniciativas educativas y turismo centrado en la comunidad. Al capitalizar la diversidad climática única de Argentina, no solo estamos sembrando las semillas para un futuro de agricultura sostenible; estamos fomentando las condiciones para una sociedad y un planeta más sanos. Espero tener la oportunidad de discutir cómo podemos trabajar juntos para hacer de esta visión una realidad tangible, logrando así un impacto significativo y duradero en el sector agrícola de Argentina y más allá.
Brandon RAE (+54) 911 3763 5166
Nutrición y Salud Cultura, Educación
La combinación de una dieta estratégica de diversos alimentos integrales de regiones como las selvas de Panamá con un ejercicio físico intenso amplifica significativamente los beneficios para todo el sistema, incluida la producción de hormonas, la salud de las articulaciones, la extensión de la vida y las mejoras fisiológicas y biológicas generales. A continuación se ofrece una descripción detallada de cómo estos elementos interactúan y contribuyen a un perfil de salud sólido.
Fortalecimiento de todo el sistema
Nutrición y recuperación muscular: una dieta rica en diversos alimentos integrales proporciona los nutrientes esenciales necesarios para la reparación y el crecimiento muscular. Después de intensas actividades físicas, los músculos necesitan proteínas, vitaminas y minerales para recuperarse de los microdesgarros, parte del proceso de fortalecimiento. Los alimentos ricos en antioxidantes pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés oxidativo causado por los entrenamientos intensos, favoreciendo una recuperación más rápida y reduciendo la inflamación.
Metabolismo energético: los carbohidratos complejos de alimentos integrales como frutas, verduras y cereales integrales proporcionan una fuente constante de energía, esencial para impulsar entrenamientos intensos. Las grasas saludables, como las de los aguacates y las nueces, son vitales para el almacenamiento y uso de energía a largo plazo durante períodos prolongados de ejercicio.
Producción de hormonas
Respaldo de la testosterona y la hormona del crecimiento: se ha demostrado que la actividad física, especialmente el entrenamiento de resistencia y el entrenamiento en intervalos de alta intensidad (HIIT), aumenta naturalmente la producción de hormonas anabólicas como la testosterona y la hormona del crecimiento humano (HGH). Estas hormonas son cruciales para el crecimiento muscular, la fuerza y el rendimiento físico general. El consumo de alimentos ricos en zinc, magnesio y ciertas grasas puede favorecer el proceso natural de producción de hormonas.
Regulación del cortisol: la actividad física intensa puede elevar los niveles de cortisol, una hormona del estrés que, en cantidades elevadas, puede provocar degradación muscular y acumulación de grasa. Una dieta rica en vitamina C y ácidos grasos omega-3 puede ayudar a modular los niveles de cortisol, asegurando que sus efectos se mantengan dentro de límites saludables.
Salud de las articulaciones
Alimentos antiinflamatorios: la incorporación de alimentos con propiedades antiinflamatorias, como la cúrcuma, el jengibre, las bayas y el pescado rico en omega-3, puede favorecer la salud de las articulaciones al reducir la inflamación y el dolor asociados con el levantamiento de objetos pesados y el ejercicio riguroso.
Producción de colágeno: Los alimentos ricos en vitamina C, junto con otros nutrientes específicos que se encuentran en el caldo de huesos, las frutas cítricas y las verduras de hojas verdes, son esenciales para la producción de colágeno, un componente clave de la salud del cartílago y del tejido conectivo.
Extensión de vida
Reducir el riesgo de enfermedades: una dieta rica en diversos alimentos integrales combinada con ejercicio intenso y regular puede reducir significativamente el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas como enfermedades cardíacas, diabetes, obesidad y ciertos cánceres. Este enfoque de estilo de vida saludable contribuye a una vida más larga y saludable.
Protección de los telómeros: se ha demostrado que el ejercicio
para proteger los telómeros, las tapas protectoras en los extremos de los cromosomas. Los telómeros acortados están asociados con el envejecimiento y un mayor riesgo de enfermedades. Los nutrientes de una dieta basada en alimentos integrales, junto con los efectos del ejercicio, pueden ayudar a mantener la longitud de los telómeros.
Beneficios psicológicos
Salud mental y función cognitiva: el ejercicio intenso y regular y una dieta nutritiva pueden mejorar la salud mental, reducir el riesgo de depresión, mejorar la función cognitiva y mantener la claridad mental en la vejez. Tanto el ejercicio como la dieta influyen en los niveles de neurotransmisores, que desempeñan un papel clave en el estado de ánimo y los procesos cognitivos.
Integrar una dieta de diversos alimentos integrales con intensas rutinas de ejercicios no se trata solo de desarrollar músculo o resistencia; es un enfoque holístico para mejorar la salud general, prolongar la vida y mejorar la calidad de vida mediante funciones fisiológicas y biológicas mejoradas. Esta combinación respalda los procesos naturales del cuerpo, desde la producción hormonal y la salud de las articulaciones hasta el metabolismo energético y la prevención de enfermedades, ofreciendo un enfoque integral de la salud y el bienestar.
Agricultura Permacultura Inversión o Departamento
Invertir en diversos sistemas agrícolas, particularmente a través del desarrollo de pequeñas granjas de permacultura en los variados microclimas de Argentina, puede mejorar significativamente la disponibilidad de productos exóticos y nutritivos, apoyando los beneficios holísticos para la salud discutidos anteriormente. Con un presupuesto de diez millones de dólares, se pueden realizar inversiones estratégicas para crear una red de granjas sostenibles que no sólo contribuyan a la seguridad alimentaria y la diversidad nutricional sino que también promuevan la sostenibilidad ambiental y la viabilidad económica de las comunidades locales. Así es como podría desarrollarse tal inversión, considerando la rica diversidad de microclimas de Argentina, desde regiones tropicales en el norte hasta áreas frías del sur.
Estableciendo diversos sistemas agrícolas
1. Diseño de permacultura: Cada granja implementaría principios de permacultura, diseñando ecosistemas agrícolas que imiten el entorno natural, para crear granjas autosostenibles. Estos sistemas priorizarían la biodiversidad, la salud del suelo, la conservación del agua y la eficiencia energética.
2. Utilización del microclima: La variedad de microclimas de Argentina, incluidas las zonas templadas, tropicales y subtropicales, ofrece oportunidades únicas para cultivar una amplia variedad de cultivos. Las inversiones se dirigirían a identificar los cultivos más adecuados para cada microclima y optimizar el uso de la tierra tanto para el rendimiento como para la sostenibilidad.
Inversiones en áreas clave
1. Salud del suelo: La inversión en prácticas de regeneración del suelo es crucial. Esto incluye compostaje, abonos verdes y biocarbón para mejorar la fertilidad y la estructura del suelo, promoviendo un crecimiento saludable de los cultivos.
2. Gestión del agua: Desarrollar sistemas eficientes de gestión del agua, como riego por goteo y recolección de agua de lluvia, para garantizar el uso sostenible del agua en la agricultura, especialmente crítica en las regiones áridas de Argentina.
3. Energía renovable: utilizar fuentes de energía renovables (solar, eólica) para impulsar las operaciones agrícolas, reducir la huella de carbono y aumentar la sostenibilidad.
4. Educación y capacitación: Financiamiento para programas de educación y capacitación para agricultores locales sobre diseño de permacultura, técnicas agrícolas sostenibles y estrategias de mercado para garantizar el éxito a largo plazo y la escalabilidad de estos proyectos.
5. Bancos de semillas y diversidad genética: Establecer bancos de semillas para preservar la diversidad genética, incluidas las variedades tradicionales y autóctonas, garantizando la resiliencia contra plagas, enfermedades y condiciones climáticas cambiantes.
Potenciales productos exóticos en los microclimas de Argentina
– Norte de Argentina (Tropical y Subtropical): Ideal para frutas como mangos, aguacates, plátanos y variedades de cítricos. También apto para el cultivo de cacao y café, añadiendo cultivos valiosos tanto para el consumo local como para la exportación.
– Centro de Argentina (Templado): Adecuado para una amplia gama de verduras y frutas como tomates, pimientos, frutos rojos y frutas de hueso. Aquí podrían prosperar cereales y legumbres, como la quinua y el amaranto, junto con viñedos para la producción de vino.
– Sur de Argentina (templado más frío a frío): puede centrarse en tubérculos, verduras de hojas verdes y bayas que prefieren condiciones de cultivo más frescas. Las manzanas, las peras y las cerezas también podrían tener éxito, junto con el lúpulo, para la producción de cerveza artesanal.
Impacto económico y ambiental
– Viabilidad económica: al centrarse en productos exóticos, nutritivos y de alta demanda, estas granjas pueden acceder a mercados premium, incluidos consumidores orgánicos y centrados en la salud, tanto a nivel local como internacional.
– Sostenibilidad ambiental: Las granjas de permacultura contribuirían a la biodiversidad, la salud del suelo y la conservación del agua, alineándose con los esfuerzos globales para combatir el cambio climático y promover la gestión ambiental.
– Desarrollo comunitario: esta iniciativa puede impulsar el empleo local, el desarrollo de habilidades y el turismo comunitario, ofreciendo talleres educativos y recorridos por granjas, fomentando así una profunda
conexión más profunda entre los consumidores y sus fuentes de alimentos.
Con una X (una inversión de diez millones de dólares), Argentina podría convertirse en un ejemplo destacado de cómo aprovechar sus diversos microclimas para producir una amplia gama de alimentos exóticos y nutritivos a través de prácticas agrícolas sostenibles, apoyando no sólo la salud de su población sino también también la salud del planeta.
English – Nutritional Diversity in Argentina (2)
Dear Argentina,
I am reaching out to present a groundbreaking proposal that seeks to transform the agricultural landscape of Argentina by leveraging the distinct advantages offered by its varied microclimates through the development of small permaculture farms. With a dedicated fund of ten million dollars, our ambition is to establish a series of sustainable, productive farms throughout the nation, each uniquely adapted to its environmental context. This initiative represents not merely an investment in agriculture but a comprehensive strategy aimed at ensuring food security, enhancing nutritional diversity, and advancing environmental sustainability. By integrating permaculture principles alongside innovative water management and renewable energy solutions, we plan to make efficient use of Argentina’s range of temperate, tropical, and subtropical climates. This approach will allow us to grow a diverse array of exotic and nutritious foods, catering to both local needs and the demands of international markets for premium, sustainably produced goods.
The implications of this venture are vast and multifaceted. Economically, it opens avenues to engage with high-value markets, boosting profitability and providing economic stability for local communities. From an environmental perspective, it underscores our commitment to preserving biodiversity, enriching soil vitality, and employing sustainable practices that contribute to the global fight against climate change. On the social front, it promises to stimulate community development, generate employment opportunities, and enhance the bond between consumers and their food sources through educational initiatives and community-focused tourism. By capitalizing on the unique climatic diversity of Argentina, we are not just sowing the seeds for a future of sustainable agriculture; we are fostering the conditions for a healthier society and planet. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how we can work together to make this vision a tangible reality, thereby making a significant and lasting impact on Argentina’s agricultural sector and beyond.
Brandon R.A.E.
Nutrition & Health Culture, Education
Combining a strategic diet of diverse whole foods from regions like the jungles of Panama with hardcore intense fitness significantly amplifies the benefits for the entire system, including hormone production, joint health, life extension, and overall physiological and biological improvements. Here is a detailed look into how these elements interact and contribute to a robust health profile.
Strengthening the Entire System
Nutrition and Muscle Recovery: A diet rich in diverse whole foods provides the essential nutrients required for muscle repair and growth. After intense fitness activities, muscles need proteins, vitamins, and minerals to heal from microtears, part of the strengthening process. Foods high in antioxidants can help reduce oxidative stress caused by intense workouts, supporting faster recovery and reducing inflammation.
Energy Metabolism: Complex carbohydrates from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide a steady source of energy, essential for fueling intense workouts. Healthy fats, such as those from avocados and nuts, are vital for long-term energy storage and usage during prolonged periods of exercise.
Hormone Production
Supporting Testosterone and Growth Hormone: Physical activity, especially resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), has been shown to naturally boost the production of anabolic hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH). These hormones are crucial for muscle growth, strength, and overall physical performance. Consuming foods rich in zinc, magnesium, and certain fats can support the natural hormone production process.
Cortisol Regulation: Intense physical activity can elevate cortisol levels, a stress hormone that, in high amounts, can lead to muscle breakdown and fat accumulation. A diet rich in vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids can help modulate cortisol levels, ensuring that its effects remain within healthy limits.
Joint Health
Anti-inflammatory Foods: Incorporating foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as turmeric, ginger, berries, and omega-3-rich fish, can support joint health by reducing inflammation and pain associated with heavy lifting and rigorous exercise.
Collagen Production: Vitamin C-rich foods, alongside other specific nutrients found in bone broth, citrus fruits, and leafy greens, are essential for collagen production, a key component of cartilage and connective tissue health.
Life Extension
Reducing Disease Risk: A diet high in diverse whole foods combined with regular, intense exercise can significantly lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. This healthy lifestyle approach contributes to a longer, healthier life.
Telomere Protection: Exercise has been shown to protect telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. Shortened telomeres are associated with aging and increased disease risk. Nutrients from a whole-food diet, alongside the effects of exercise, can help maintain telomere length.
Psychological Benefits
Mental Health and Cognitive Function: Regular intense exercise and a nutritious diet can improve mental health, reduce the risk of depression, enhance cognitive function, and maintain mental clarity into older age. Both exercise and diet influence neurotransmitter levels, which play a key role in mood and cognitive processes.
Integrating a diet of diverse whole foods with intense fitness routines is not just about building muscle or endurance; it is a holistic approach to improving overall health, extending life, and enhancing quality of life through improved physiological and biological functions. This combination supports the body’s natural processes, from hormone production and joint health to energy metabolism and disease prevention, offering a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.
Agriculture Permaculture Investment or Department
Investing in diverse agricultural systems, particularly through the development of small permaculture farms across Argentina’s varied microclimates, can significantly enhance the availability of exotic and nutritious produce, supporting the holistic health benefits discussed previously. With a budget of ten million dollars, strategic investments can be made to create a network of sustainable farms that not only contribute to food security and nutritional diversity but also promote environmental sustainability and economic viability for local communities. Here’s how such an investment could unfold, considering Argentina’s rich diversity of microclimates, from tropical regions in the north to cold southern areas.
Establishing Diverse Agricultural Systems
1. Permaculture Design: Each farm would implement permaculture principles, designing agricultural ecosystems that mimic the natural environment, to create self-sustaining farms. These systems would prioritize biodiversity, soil health, water conservation, and energy efficiency.
2. Microclimate Utilization: Argentina’s range of microclimates, including temperate, tropical, and subtropical zones, offers unique opportunities to cultivate a wide variety of crops. Investments would be directed towards identifying the most suitable crops for each microclimate and optimizing land use for both yield and sustainability.
Investments in Key Areas
1. Soil Health: Investment in soil regeneration practices is crucial. This includes composting, green manures, and biochar to enhance soil fertility and structure, promoting healthy crop growth.
2. Water Management: Developing efficient water management systems, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, to ensure sustainable water use in agriculture, especially critical in arid regions of Argentina.
3. Renewable Energy: Utilizing renewable energy sources (solar, wind) to power farm operations, reducing carbon footprints, and increasing sustainability.
4. Education and Training: Funding for education and training programs for local farmers on permaculture design, sustainable farming techniques, and market strategies to ensure the long-term success and scalability of these projects.
5. Seed Banking and Genetic Diversity: Establishing seed banks to preserve genetic diversity, including heirloom and indigenous varieties, ensuring resilience against pests, diseases, and changing climate conditions.
Potential Exotic Produce across Argentina’s Microclimates
– Northern Argentina (Tropical and Subtropical): Ideal for fruits like mangos, avocados, bananas, and citrus varieties. Also suitable for cultivating cacao and coffee, adding valuable crops for both local consumption and export.
– Central Argentina (Temperate): Suitable for a wide range of vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, peppers, berries, and stone fruits. Grains and legumes, including quinoa and amaranth, could thrive here, alongside vineyards for wine production.
– Southern Argentina (Cooler Temperate to Cold): Can focus on root vegetables, leafy greens, and berries that prefer cooler growing conditions. Apples, pears, and cherries could also be successful, along with hops for craft beer production.
Economic and Environmental Impact
– Economic Viability: By focusing on high-demand, exotic, and nutritious produce, these farms can tap into premium markets, including organic and health-focused consumers, both locally and internationally.
– Environmental Sustainability: Permaculture farms would contribute to biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change and promote environmental stewardship.
– Community Development: This initiative can drive local employment, skills development, and community-based tourism, offering educational workshops and farm tours, thus fostering a deeper connection between consumers and their food sources.
With an X (^ten-million-dollar investment), Argentina could become a leading example of how to leverage its diverse microclimates to produce a wide array of exotic and nutritious foods through sustainable farming practices, supporting not only the health of its population but also the health of the planet.
Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
TARGET 10: Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
The Importance of Educating and Implementing a One-Point Government Against Genetic Modification of Nature
In an age of technological advancement and scientific innovation, the temptation to genetically modify nature has grown significantly. While such modifications promise solutions to global problems, they also present substantial risks to ecosystems, biodiversity, and the fundamental balance of life on Earth. The call for a one-point government policy—an unwavering stance against genetic modification of nature—is not only a plea for ecological preservation but also an invitation for humanity to adopt a culture of empowerment, education, and ecological responsibility.
The Case Against Genetic Modification of Nature
Genetic modification, while often well-intentioned, disrupts the intricate harmony of ecosystems. Genetically modified species can outcompete native species, disrupt food chains, and lead to unforeseen ecological consequences. Once released, these modifications are irreversible, posing long-term risks to biodiversity and natural systems that have evolved over millennia.
A one-point government policy to prohibit the genetic modification of nature would serve as a global safeguard, ensuring that humanity respects and works with natural processes rather than altering them to fit immediate needs or desires. This stance is not about hindering progress but about prioritizing sustainable and harmonious solutions that benefit both people and the planet.
Empowerment Through Education
Education is the cornerstone of this movement. By teaching individuals and communities about the dangers of genetic modification and the benefits of working with natural systems, we can foster a culture of respect and stewardship for the environment. Nutritional Diversity culture—which emphasizes consuming and cultivating a wide variety of natural, organic foods—provides a powerful framework for this education.
This culture promotes alternative agriculture that is resilient, sustainable, and aligned with the natural rhythms of the Earth. By understanding the principles of biodiversity and regenerative practices, individuals can become active participants in creating healthier ecosystems. Educational programs should focus on:
- Understanding Biodiversity: The importance of maintaining genetic diversity in crops and livestock to ensure resilience against diseases and environmental changes.
- Alternative Agriculture Practices: Techniques like permaculture, guerrilla farming, and biodynamic agriculture that enhance soil health, water retention, and crop yields without synthetic inputs.
- Nutritional Diversity for Health: The link between diverse diets and optimal physical and mental performance, encouraging individuals to grow and consume a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.
Household Empowerment as Ecological Empowerment
The shift toward ecological responsibility begins at home. Households can become microcosms of ecological empowerment, contributing to broader environmental health while fostering personal well-being. This grassroots approach diminishes the need for large institutional governance, instead placing the power to create change directly in the hands of individuals and communities. We have two operational sustainable household models [2] that function for multiple guests year-round.
Practical Steps for Household Empowerment:
- Home Gardens: Cultivate small-scale gardens that focus on diverse, organic crops. These gardens not only provide fresh, nutritious food but also reconnect individuals with the cycles of nature.
- Composting: Transform household waste into valuable compost to enrich soil and reduce landfill contributions.
- Water Conservation: Implement rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems to minimize water usage while supporting lush, productive gardens. Water enhancements.
- Community Collaboration: Form local cooperatives to share resources, knowledge, and labor, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.
The Benefits of Freedom to Work With Nature
By rejecting genetic modification and embracing a culture of empowerment and responsibility, individuals gain the freedom to work with the natural world rather than against it. This approach offers numerous benefits:
- Resilience: Natural systems, when nurtured, are inherently resilient and capable of adapting to environmental changes without human interference.
- Health: Consuming unmodified, nutrient-dense foods supports optimal physical and mental performance.
- Sustainability: Regenerative practices improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon, combating climate change.
- Autonomy: Empowered households and communities reduce dependence on industrial agriculture and centralized systems, fostering greater independence and self-reliance.
Educational and Implementational Teams in South and Central America
Across South and Central America, our dedicated teams are working tirelessly to educate and implement sustainable, nature-aligned practices. These teams are embedded in local communities, providing hands-on training, workshops, and resources to empower individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture and alternative agriculture techniques.
Our online education platform is operational, offering accessible, comprehensive resources on regenerative practices, biodiversity, and ecological stewardship. This platform connects learners with experts and peers, creating a vibrant community of ecological advocates.
In addition, our innovative app facilitates the logging of new project sites and coordinates ecologically enhancing practices. This tool enables real-time collaboration among participants, tracks progress, and ensures alignment with sustainable goals. By integrating technology with grassroots efforts, we’re creating a dynamic ecosystem of support that empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their ecological and nutritional well-being.
A Vision for the Future
A global commitment to preserving the integrity of nature through a one-point government policy against genetic modification represents a profound act of respect for the Earth and future generations. By educating and empowering individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture, alternative agriculture practices, and household-level ecological responsibility, we can create a sustainable, harmonious world where freedom and nature thrive together.
Let us rise to this challenge, cultivating not only our gardens but also our collective potential to live in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can achieve a legacy of ecological integrity and human empowerment.
Pre-fab Indoor Cultivation System
A most unfortunate story I never wanted to tell, I never wanted to experience, I would truly still wish on no man…
Law of Polarity: I gained an intense remedy through the fierce pain of my spirit.
By saying where the pain was, I am also talking about the remedy for exactly that pain, gained through that very experience.
All challenges are opportunities to build strength.
I just repeat this over and over throughout my day,
There is so much I was unable to tell about my story in this two-hour podcast like, my experience with how pills to kids are wrong.
It’s crazy that in our culture I have to explain that. That I ever had to live it at all.
It is quite an evil reach to get where we are. You won’t know that until you are grounded in nature.
That process of recalibrating with the natural rhythms and cognitions takes a long time. A deep venture in all ways.
When you are fighting such injustice, and you have educated yourself by the specialists on how damaging this is for children, and you see that there is nothing that you can do, in fact, the punishment for trying to assert your right is a gradual worsening of the lies told, a new form of false accusation or dirty trick (which they have so many and they are used in these unfortunate cases of trafficking for profit; so much), in essence, the knowledge that whatever attempt to contact the child will cause their abuser to turn up the volume will keep the good parent at bay. That good parent knows any contact will be exploited and twisted, and at least today I can say I have had zero hand in what has happened. Not only did I educate myself on how damaging this is (mistake 1 for alienated parents), I sent it all to the abuser. I made a few support groups that shared that information, and they harassed the groups. Another facilitator of support groups contacted me, explaining this “Jerry Springer Family,” also obsessively harassed him thinking I was the administrator of his group. I watched at the same time this ‘alienator” make fake Facebook and stalk her own family with them to make it seem like it was me. All this childishness worked. It is a masterpiece of child abuse and deception of everyone around the situation. My ex-girlfriend’s entire family was stalked for a decade.
The intention is to completely destroy the person, and this is usually because the “parasite no longer has the host!”
Young men and women should be educated about these damages, and anyone engaging in this “witchcraft,” is responsible for child devastation – this intense obsessive abuse, with the illest of intentions, is horrible sabotage to a young life.
They think their abuser is their hero. This is the evidence of the daily brainwashing, extreme daily psychological/spiritual child abuse.
They will think that into truth 1000 ways before they finally:
PASS their DENIAL of THE TRUTH. …!!!!
Sound familiar?
Even feeding the microbiome one time this way, can start underlining the ability to think clearly and productively and then engage reasonably with self-construction tactics and practices that lead to total recovery. We have hosted Nutritionally Diverse Meet-ups in the past for this purpose.
Community Building
We have a nutritional community that comes with one one-on-one guidance from an experienced practitioner of the ACTUAL HEALTH SYSTEM. Not to mention the effects this demand could have on the world.
Join the team, make a difference 1 for your loved ones, 2 for yourself, 3 for the world 💥💥💥
Another fun history and reason naturalists may enjoy this project is that Nutritional Diversity .com has been around the whole kidnapping as a way to share nature, and wholesomeness in hopes that it could defeat some other kind of inventive storytelling that was regular practice for the kidnappers. If you click on the Hailey Tropical Farm link in the menu you can see some of that history there.
It also served as a distraction, to the stalking, and harassing while I had no kid of theirs people; who did commit award-winning criminal harassment on like everyone I know.. recruited a few too!! It is impressive!!
Anyone who waists their time and talent on such a horrible endeavor, like my once princesses or like 50’s oldest son’s mother should ………….
Now at least from a distance, I can show the power of long-term commitment as I turn the site into something else.
If the child exhibits the extreme effects/results outlined in the clinical outlines for this heinous daily spiritual child abuse — GUESS WHY!!?!???
…did you stand by it? Did you help, enable it?
I actually do pray for you.
We are swimming hard in the other direction!!! LIGHT PLEASE!!! Join us.
Nutritional Diversity .com is now a community that is dedicated to advancing health at a household level. Taking full responsibility for your diet and relationship with nature is one of many things we came here to do! That could not be more clear today.
Nov 1, 2024 at 17:52
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