Argentina Proposal; ATENCIÓN Senior Javier Milei
Solicitud de Consulta
Estimado Administración de Javier Milei,
Ya estamos aquí en Buenos Aires disponible en cualquier momento para la siguiente consulta!!
Me dirijo a usted en representación de Nutirtional Diversity, una entidad profundamente comprometida con el avance de prácticas agrícolas sostenibles e innovadoras a nivel mundial. Nuestra misión es fomentar entornos donde la agricultura y la nutrición prosperen, en armonía con la naturaleza, para construir sociedades más saludables. Es con gran entusiasmo que nos acercamos al gobierno argentino bajo el liderazgo visionario del presidente Javier Milei, para proponer una colaboración destinada a transformar a Argentina en un faro global de innovación agrícola y excelencia nutricional.
Argentina, con su rica historia agrícola y extensas tierras fértiles, está al borde de una nueva era. El potencial del país para liderar en la producción de alimentos diversos y nutritivos es incomparable, y creemos que a través de una asociación estratégica, podemos desbloquear este potencial para no solo beneficiar a Argentina sino también establecer un precedente para el resto del mundo. Nuestra propuesta se centra en dos aspectos: la introducción de alternativas agrícolas diversas y probadas, y el cultivo de una cultura de responsabilidad y cuidado por la naturaleza.
Prácticas Agrícolas Innovadoras: Aprovechando lo último en ciencia agrícola, proponemos introducir técnicas de cultivo sostenibles y de vanguardia que diversifiquen la producción de cultivos más allá de los estereotipos tradicionales. Esto incluye la adopción de permacultura, agroforestería y prácticas agrícolas regenerativas que mejoran la salud del suelo, aumentan la biodiversidad y producen cultivos de mayor valor nutricional. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar que la agricultura diversificada no solo es viable, sino superior en la creación de sistemas alimentarios resilientes.
Una Cultura de Salud y Sostenibilidad: Más allá de transformar las prácticas agrícolas, nuestro objetivo es inculcar una cultura nacional de salud, responsabilidad y cuidado por la naturaleza. Esto implica iniciativas educativas dirigidas a todos los niveles de la sociedad, desde agricultores hasta consumidores, resaltando la importancia de la nutrición, la gestión ambiental y los patrones de consumo sostenible. Al alinear la agricultura con objetivos de salud y ambientales, Argentina puede liderar un modelo para una sociedad que valora y practica el bienestar holístico.
Estamos convencidos de que bajo el liderazgo del presidente Milei, Argentina está perfectamente posicionada para abrazar estos cambios, fomentando la innovación y estableciendo nuevos estándares de lo que es posible en agricultura y en la sociedad en general. Nuestro equipo en Nutritional Diversity está ansioso por aportar nuestra experiencia, recursos y pasión a esta asociación, trabajando estrechamente con su gobierno para adaptar estas iniciativas al contexto y necesidades únicas de Argentina.
Creemos que juntos, podemos crear un legado de salud, sostenibilidad y prosperidad que inspirará a generaciones futuras. Estamos deseosos de discutir esta propuesta más a fondo y explorar cómo podemos alinear nuestros esfuerzos con la visión de Argentina para el futuro.
Gracias por considerar esta asociación. Esperamos con interés la oportunidad de contribuir al viaje de Argentina hacia convertirse en la sociedad más saludable con el enfoque más responsable y cuidadoso hacia la naturaleza.
Para: Presidente Javier Melei Oficina del Presidente Casa Rosada Balcarce 50 C1064AAB CABA Argentina
Estimado Presidente Javier Melei,
Le escribo en mi calidad de representante de un consorcio de expertos en los campos de agricultura sostenible, mejoras ecológicas, formación de habilidades y innovación tecnológica. Nuestro grupo tiene más de una década de experiencia en agricultura diversificada y ha sido reconocido por nuestras contribuciones en foros notables, como las Publicaciones de Alimentación y Agricultura de las Naciones Unidas y la Exhibición de Soluciones de Carbono del Xprize de Elon Musk.
En vista de su reciente nombramiento como Presidente de Argentina, deseo llamar su atención sobre el inmenso potencial que reside en la adopción de prácticas agrícolas diversas y mejoras ecológicas, especialmente en el contexto de los ricos y variados paisajes de Argentina. Nuestro consorcio aboga por la implementación de técnicas agrícolas innovadoras que no solo aumenten la producción sino que también aseguren la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. Esto incluye prácticas como la rotación de cultivos, la agroforestería y el uso de fertilizantes orgánicos, que enriquecen la biodiversidad del suelo y reducen la dependencia de insumos químicos.
Reflexionando sobre las percepciones de Javier Milei, Argentina está posicionada para redefinir su trayectoria, respaldada por una población donde aproximadamente el 80% está clamando por reformas transformadoras. Este surgimiento de optimismo y disposición para el cambio posiciona a Argentina como un faro de esperanza y progreso en el escenario global, una noción que podría parecer sorprendente para algunos.
Parado en medio de la vibrante energía de Buenos Aires, uno queda inmediatamente cautivado por el rico tapiz cultural de la ciudad, un testimonio del espíritu resiliente de su gente. Sin embargo, en contraste con esta riqueza cultural, se nota una carencia en la diversidad dentro del mercado local de alimentos, reminiscente de la escasez encontrada en economías menos abiertas. A pesar de estos retos, la robusta cultura “gaucho” de Argentina persevera, asegurando que la carne de calidad siga siendo un pilar, mostrando la capacidad de la nación para mantener la excelencia en aspectos de su dieta en medio de limitaciones culinarias más amplias.
Agrícolamente, Argentina ha sido encasillada durante mucho tiempo como una economía monocultural, fuertemente dependiente de las exportaciones de soya, arroz y maíz. Sin embargo, esta narrativa pasa por alto el vasto potencial sin explotar del país. Con su rica historia, Argentina ha demostrado resiliencia e innovación—desde su era dorada a principios del siglo XX, cuando era una de las naciones más ricas del mundo, hasta sus significativas contribuciones a la ciencia, las artes y la diplomacia global. Este legado subraya la inmensa capacidad para la diversificación y crecimiento más allá de los estereotipos agrícolas tradicionales.
Buenos Aires, con su dinámica población y estratégica posición geográfica, es un centro ideal para las nacientes industrias tecnológicas e innovación. Haciendo eco al llamado de Milei, existe una oportunidad dorada para que emprendedores de todo el mundo lideren un renacimiento capitalista en Argentina. La visión de Milei se alinea con un reconocimiento más amplio de las fortalezas fundamentales de Argentina: una fuerza laboral altamente educada, un rico patrimonio cultural y una historia de superación de desafíos económicos.
En respuesta a este llamado claro, The Nutritional Diversity Team se está movilizando para jugar un papel pivotal en el nuevo capítulo de autodesarrollo y emprendimiento de Argentina. Nos comprometemos con recursos y experiencia para establecer una presencia en Argentina, con planes de lanzar cursos educativos y abrir una nueva oficina a principios de marzo. Esta iniciativa no es solo una inversión en el futuro de Argentina, sino una creencia en el poder transformador del emprendimiento para catalizar un cambio duradero en las sociedades. El viaje de Argentina, impregnado de una historia de altibajos, está al borde de una nueva era, con la innovación y el progreso en su corazón.
Otro aspecto crucial de nuestra propuesta es la integración de plataformas de educación en línea centradas en habilidades orientadas al futuro. Estas plataformas pueden democratizar el acceso a una educación de calidad, ofreciendo cursos en agricultura sostenible, ciencias ambientales y tecnologías emergentes. Empoderando a los argentinos con estas habilidades, podemos fomentar una fuerza laboral lista para enfrentar los desafíos contemporáneos y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades en el mercado global.
Además, nuestro consorcio tiene una posición única para facilitar el acceso de los empresarios argentinos al mercado estadounidense. Nuestra experiencia y redes pueden ayudar a los empresarios y agricultores argentinos a exportar sus productos e innovaciones a una de las economías más grandes del mundo. Esto puede ser un impulso significativo para la economía de Argentina, creando nuevos empleos y fomentando colaboraciones internacionales.
Por otro lado, vemos una oportunidad significativa en la promoción de iniciativas de techos verdes urbanos y otras iniciativas de cultivo en las ciudades de Argentina. Los techos verdes y la producción urbana no solo embellecen los paisajes urbanos, sino que también contribuyen a reducir las islas de calor urbanas, mejorar la calidad del aire y proporcionar nuevos espacios para la agricultura urbana. Esta iniciativa, junto con incentivos para que empresas y particulares adopten estas prácticas, puede posicionar a Argentina como líder en innovación ecológica, alimentaria, de gestión de residuos y producción diversa urbana.
En conclusión, nuestro consorcio está deseoso de colaborar con su administración para implementar estas iniciativas transformadoras. Creemos que al abrazar la agricultura diversa, las mejoras ecológicas, los incentivos para techos verdes urbanos y la educación en línea de vanguardia, Argentina puede establecer un nuevo estándar para el desarrollo sostenible y el crecimiento económico. Esperamos con interés la oportunidad de discutir estas ideas más a fondo con usted y su equipo.
Gracias por considerar nuestra propuesta. Anticipamos con entusiasmo la posibilidad de contribuir al brillante futuro de Argentina bajo su liderazgo.
- Este resumen presenta cómo un cambio de dirección puede echar agua al clamor del CONICET.
Este resumen describe cómo los militares y los prisioneros pueden impulsar este tipo de trabajo.
Consult Solicitation
Dear Administration of Argentina of Javier Milei,
I am writing to you on behalf of Nutritional Diversity, an entity deeply committed to advancing sustainable and innovative agricultural practices worldwide. Our mission is to foster environments where both agriculture and nutrition flourish, in harmony with nature, to build healthier societies. It is with great enthusiasm that we reach out to the Argentine government under the visionary leadership of President Javier Milei, to propose a collaboration aimed at transforming Argentina into a global beacon of agricultural innovation and nutritional excellence.
Argentina, with its rich agricultural history and vast, fertile lands, stands at the cusp of a new era. The country’s potential to lead in the production of diverse, nutritious food is unparalleled, and we believe that through strategic partnership, we can unlock this potential to not only benefit Argentina but also set a precedent for the rest of the world. Our proposal is twofold, focusing on the introduction of tested diverse agricultural alternatives, and the cultivation of a culture of responsibility and care for nature.
Innovative Agricultural Practices: Leveraging the latest in agricultural science, we propose to introduce cutting-edge, sustainable farming techniques that diversify crop production beyond traditional staples. This includes the adoption of permaculture, agroforestry, and regenerative agricultural practices that improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and yield higher nutritional value crops. Our goal is to demonstrate that diversified agriculture is not only viable but superior in creating resilient food systems.
A Culture of Health and Sustainability: Beyond transforming agricultural practices, we aim to instill a nationwide culture of health, responsibility, and care for nature. This involves educational initiatives targeting all levels of society, from farmers to consumers, highlighting the importance of nutrition, environmental stewardship, and sustainable consumption patterns. By aligning agriculture with health and environmental goals, Argentina can pioneer a model for a society that values and practices holistic well-being.
We are convinced that under President Milei’s leadership, Argentina is perfectly positioned to embrace these changes, fostering innovation and setting new standards for what is possible in agriculture and society at large. Our team at [Your Organization/Company Name] is eager to bring our expertise, resources, and passion to this partnership, working closely with your government to tailor these initiatives to Argentina’s unique context and needs.
We believe that together, we can create a legacy of health, sustainability, and prosperity that will inspire generations to come. We are keen to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can align our efforts with Argentina’s vision for the future.
Thank you for considering this partnership. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to Argentina’s journey towards becoming the healthiest society with the most responsible and caring approach to nature.
From: Nutritional Diversity (www.nutritionaldiversity.com) Sciences, BRANDON E. A.
To: President Javier Melei
Office of the President
Casa Rosada
Balcarce 50
Dear President Javier Melei,
I am writing to you as a representative of a consortium of experts in the fields of sustainable agriculture, ecological enhancements, skills training, and technological innovation. Our group has over a decade of experience in diverse agriculture and has been recognized for our contributions in notable forums such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Journals and Elon Musk’s Xprize Carbon Solutions Exhibition.
In light of your recent appointment as the President of Argentina, I wish to bring to your attention the immense potential that lies in embracing diverse agricultural practices and ecological enhancements, especially in the context of Argentina’s rich and varied landscapes. Our consortium advocates for the implementation of innovative agricultural techniques that not only increase yield but also ensure the sustainability of the environment. This includes practices such as crop rotation, agroforestry, and the use of organic fertilizers, which enrich soil biodiversity and reduce dependency on chemical inputs.
Reflecting on Javier Milei’s insights, Argentina is poised to redefine its trajectory, bolstered by a populace where approximately 80% are clamoring for transformative reforms. This surge of optimism and readiness for change positions Argentina as a beacon of hope and progress on the global stage—a sentiment that might seem surprising to some.
Standing amidst the vibrant energy of Buenos Aires, one is immediately struck by the city’s rich cultural tapestry, a testament to the resilient spirit of its people. However, juxtaposed with this cultural wealth is a noticeable lack in diversity within the local food market, reminiscent of scarcity found in less open economies. Despite these challenges, Argentina’s robust “gaucho” (cowboy) culture perseveres, ensuring that quality beef remains a staple, showcasing the nation’s ability to maintain excellence in aspects of its diet amidst broader culinary limitations.
Agriculturally, Argentina has long been pigeonholed as a mono-culture economy, heavily reliant on soy, rice, and corn exports. Yet, this narrative overlooks the country’s vast untapped potential. With its rich history, Argentina has demonstrated resilience and innovation—from its early 20th-century golden era, when it was one of the world’s wealthiest nations, to its significant contributions to science, arts, and global diplomacy. This legacy underscores the immense capacity for diversification and growth beyond traditional agricultural staples.
Buenos Aires, with its dynamic populace and strategic geographical position, is an ideal hub for burgeoning tech industries and innovation. Echoing Milei’s call, there is a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs globally to champion a capitalist renaissance in Argentina. Milei’s vision aligns with a broader recognition of Argentina’s foundational strengths: a highly educated workforce, a rich cultural heritage, and a history of overcoming economic challenges.
In response to this clarion call, The Nutritional Diversity Team is mobilizing to play a pivotal role in Argentina’s new chapter of self-development and entrepreneurship. We are committing resources and expertise to establish a presence in Argentina, with plans to launch educational courses and open a new office by early March. This initiative is not just an investment in Argentina’s future but a belief in the transformative power of entrepreneurship to catalyze lasting change in societies. Argentina’s journey, steeped in a history of peaks and valleys, is on the cusp of a new era, with innovation and progress at its heart.
Another crucial aspect of our proposal is the integration of online education platforms focused on future-oriented skills. These platforms can democratize access to quality education, offering courses in sustainable agriculture, environmental sciences, and emerging technologies. By empowering Argentinians with these skills, we can foster a workforce ready to tackle contemporary challenges and seize new opportunities in the global market.
Furthermore, our consortium is uniquely positioned to facilitate Argentinian entrepreneurial access to U.S. marketplaces. Our experience and networks can aid Argentine entrepreneurs and farmers in exporting their products and innovations to one of the world’s largest economies. This can be a significant boost to Argentina’s economy, creating new jobs and fostering international collaborations.
Moreover, we see a significant opportunity in promoting urban green roofs and other cultivational initiatives across Argentina’s cities. Green roofs and urban production not only beautify urban landscapes but also contribute to reducing urban heat islands, enhancing air quality, and providing new spaces for urban agriculture. This initiative, coupled with incentives for businesses and individuals to adopt these practices, can position Argentina as a leader in urban ecological, food, waste, and diverse production innovation.
In conclusion, our consortium is eager to collaborate with your administration to implement these transformative initiatives. We believe that by embracing diverse agriculture, ecological enhancements, urban green roof incentives, and cutting-edge online education, Argentina can set a new standard for sustainable development and economic growth. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss these ideas further with you and your team.
Thank you for considering our proposal. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of contributing to Argentina’s bright future under your leadership.
Jan 29, 2024 at 23:46
Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
TARGET 10: Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
The Importance of Educating and Implementing a One-Point Government Against Genetic Modification of Nature
In an age of technological advancement and scientific innovation, the temptation to genetically modify nature has grown significantly. While such modifications promise solutions to global problems, they also present substantial risks to ecosystems, biodiversity, and the fundamental balance of life on Earth. The call for a one-point government policy—an unwavering stance against genetic modification of nature—is not only a plea for ecological preservation but also an invitation for humanity to adopt a culture of empowerment, education, and ecological responsibility.
The Case Against Genetic Modification of Nature
Genetic modification, while often well-intentioned, disrupts the intricate harmony of ecosystems. Genetically modified species can outcompete native species, disrupt food chains, and lead to unforeseen ecological consequences. Once released, these modifications are irreversible, posing long-term risks to biodiversity and natural systems that have evolved over millennia.
A one-point government policy to prohibit the genetic modification of nature would serve as a global safeguard, ensuring that humanity respects and works with natural processes rather than altering them to fit immediate needs or desires. This stance is not about hindering progress but about prioritizing sustainable and harmonious solutions that benefit both people and the planet.
Empowerment Through Education
Education is the cornerstone of this movement. By teaching individuals and communities about the dangers of genetic modification and the benefits of working with natural systems, we can foster a culture of respect and stewardship for the environment. Nutritional Diversity culture—which emphasizes consuming and cultivating a wide variety of natural, organic foods—provides a powerful framework for this education.
This culture promotes alternative agriculture that is resilient, sustainable, and aligned with the natural rhythms of the Earth. By understanding the principles of biodiversity and regenerative practices, individuals can become active participants in creating healthier ecosystems. Educational programs should focus on:
- Understanding Biodiversity: The importance of maintaining genetic diversity in crops and livestock to ensure resilience against diseases and environmental changes.
- Alternative Agriculture Practices: Techniques like permaculture, guerrilla farming, and biodynamic agriculture that enhance soil health, water retention, and crop yields without synthetic inputs.
- Nutritional Diversity for Health: The link between diverse diets and optimal physical and mental performance, encouraging individuals to grow and consume a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.
Household Empowerment as Ecological Empowerment
The shift toward ecological responsibility begins at home. Households can become microcosms of ecological empowerment, contributing to broader environmental health while fostering personal well-being. This grassroots approach diminishes the need for large institutional governance, instead placing the power to create change directly in the hands of individuals and communities. We have two operational sustainable household models [2] that function for multiple guests year-round.
Practical Steps for Household Empowerment:
- Home Gardens: Cultivate small-scale gardens that focus on diverse, organic crops. These gardens not only provide fresh, nutritious food but also reconnect individuals with the cycles of nature.
- Composting: Transform household waste into valuable compost to enrich soil and reduce landfill contributions.
- Water Conservation: Implement rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems to minimize water usage while supporting lush, productive gardens. Water enhancements.
- Community Collaboration: Form local cooperatives to share resources, knowledge, and labor, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.
The Benefits of Freedom to Work With Nature
By rejecting genetic modification and embracing a culture of empowerment and responsibility, individuals gain the freedom to work with the natural world rather than against it. This approach offers numerous benefits:
- Resilience: Natural systems, when nurtured, are inherently resilient and capable of adapting to environmental changes without human interference.
- Health: Consuming unmodified, nutrient-dense foods supports optimal physical and mental performance.
- Sustainability: Regenerative practices improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon, combating climate change.
- Autonomy: Empowered households and communities reduce dependence on industrial agriculture and centralized systems, fostering greater independence and self-reliance.
Educational and Implementational Teams in South and Central America
Across South and Central America, our dedicated teams are working tirelessly to educate and implement sustainable, nature-aligned practices. These teams are embedded in local communities, providing hands-on training, workshops, and resources to empower individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture and alternative agriculture techniques.
Our online education platform is operational, offering accessible, comprehensive resources on regenerative practices, biodiversity, and ecological stewardship. This platform connects learners with experts and peers, creating a vibrant community of ecological advocates.
In addition, our innovative app facilitates the logging of new project sites and coordinates ecologically enhancing practices. This tool enables real-time collaboration among participants, tracks progress, and ensures alignment with sustainable goals. By integrating technology with grassroots efforts, we’re creating a dynamic ecosystem of support that empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their ecological and nutritional well-being.
A Vision for the Future
A global commitment to preserving the integrity of nature through a one-point government policy against genetic modification represents a profound act of respect for the Earth and future generations. By educating and empowering individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture, alternative agriculture practices, and household-level ecological responsibility, we can create a sustainable, harmonious world where freedom and nature thrive together.
Let us rise to this challenge, cultivating not only our gardens but also our collective potential to live in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can achieve a legacy of ecological integrity and human empowerment.
Pre-fab Indoor Cultivation System
A most unfortunate story I never wanted to tell, I never wanted to experience, I would truly still wish on no man…
Law of Polarity: I gained an intense remedy through the fierce pain of my spirit.
By saying where the pain was, I am also talking about the remedy for exactly that pain, gained through that very experience.
All challenges are opportunities to build strength.
I just repeat this over and over throughout my day,
There is so much I was unable to tell about my story in this two-hour podcast like, my experience with how pills to kids are wrong.
It’s crazy that in our culture I have to explain that. That I ever had to live it at all.
It is quite an evil reach to get where we are. You won’t know that until you are grounded in nature.
That process of recalibrating with the natural rhythms and cognitions takes a long time. A deep venture in all ways.
When you are fighting such injustice, and you have educated yourself by the specialists on how damaging this is for children, and you see that there is nothing that you can do, in fact, the punishment for trying to assert your right is a gradual worsening of the lies told, a new form of false accusation or dirty trick (which they have so many and they are used in these unfortunate cases of trafficking for profit; so much), in essence, the knowledge that whatever attempt to contact the child will cause their abuser to turn up the volume will keep the good parent at bay. That good parent knows any contact will be exploited and twisted, and at least today I can say I have had zero hand in what has happened. Not only did I educate myself on how damaging this is (mistake 1 for alienated parents), I sent it all to the abuser. I made a few support groups that shared that information, and they harassed the groups. Another facilitator of support groups contacted me, explaining this “Jerry Springer Family,” also obsessively harassed him thinking I was the administrator of his group. I watched at the same time this ‘alienator” make fake Facebook and stalk her own family with them to make it seem like it was me. All this childishness worked. It is a masterpiece of child abuse and deception of everyone around the situation. My ex-girlfriend’s entire family was stalked for a decade.
The intention is to completely destroy the person, and this is usually because the “parasite no longer has the host!”
Young men and women should be educated about these damages, and anyone engaging in this “witchcraft,” is responsible for child devastation – this intense obsessive abuse, with the illest of intentions, is horrible sabotage to a young life.
They think their abuser is their hero. This is the evidence of the daily brainwashing, extreme daily psychological/spiritual child abuse.
They will think that into truth 1000 ways before they finally:
PASS their DENIAL of THE TRUTH. …!!!!
Sound familiar?
Even feeding the microbiome one time this way, can start underlining the ability to think clearly and productively and then engage reasonably with self-construction tactics and practices that lead to total recovery. We have hosted Nutritionally Diverse Meet-ups in the past for this purpose.
Community Building
We have a nutritional community that comes with one one-on-one guidance from an experienced practitioner of the ACTUAL HEALTH SYSTEM. Not to mention the effects this demand could have on the world.
Join the team, make a difference 1 for your loved ones, 2 for yourself, 3 for the world 💥💥💥
Another fun history and reason naturalists may enjoy this project is that Nutritional Diversity .com has been around the whole kidnapping as a way to share nature, and wholesomeness in hopes that it could defeat some other kind of inventive storytelling that was regular practice for the kidnappers. If you click on the Hailey Tropical Farm link in the menu you can see some of that history there.
It also served as a distraction, to the stalking, and harassing while I had no kid of theirs people; who did commit award-winning criminal harassment on like everyone I know.. recruited a few too!! It is impressive!!
Anyone who waists their time and talent on such a horrible endeavor, like my once princesses or like 50’s oldest son’s mother should ………….
Now at least from a distance, I can show the power of long-term commitment as I turn the site into something else.
If the child exhibits the extreme effects/results outlined in the clinical outlines for this heinous daily spiritual child abuse — GUESS WHY!!?!???
…did you stand by it? Did you help, enable it?
I actually do pray for you.
We are swimming hard in the other direction!!! LIGHT PLEASE!!! Join us.
Nutritional Diversity .com is now a community that is dedicated to advancing health at a household level. Taking full responsibility for your diet and relationship with nature is one of many things we came here to do! That could not be more clear today.
Nov 1, 2024 at 17:52
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