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Gym Killer Routine | Rhythm & Formula | Dynamic Fitness Example I



Total Abstract Notes
These are abstract notes, a work in progress ..   


I want to go over a few different workout outlines, that can revolutionize the common modern gym session into a multifaceted, conglomeration of power-building stuff. This Gym Killer Routine, is a dynamic approach to the physical fitness session, one not normally considered in normal modern gym practice or gym-related information. This particular layout is phrased for the modern gym.

The first and most important step to it all is to show up to the modern gym. Get there 5 days a week minimum to start with. If your too tired to do anything else inside your first year in the gym, just get there you may surprise yourself, you may not, but as of right now I want you to commit to walking through those doors five days a week. To do some good stuff when you don’t want to or feel under the weather is to give yourself a powerful edge.

“We are doing this. It is happening. Let’s go.” This ‘get there‘ requirement, makes up arguably somewhere around one-third of the total superhuman transformation. It is that important. I always say how much I love to go to bed early, get up early, and get in there at 5am and get my day started as a real champion. Days I do this are five times as good as the days I do not. Plus this way you have the whole day and evening to add a run, some ju jitsu or another gym session.

Get rid of any excuses you may have about genetics or handicaps or inequalities; those are a myth, where a person may lack in one place they will excel in another. We all have varied physical and mental statistics, there is a great beauty in those differences. We are all so blessed even when we don’t realize it, and attitude of gratitude is a number for results.

“There is no such thing as a natural puncher. There is a natural aptitude for punching and that is different. Nobody is born the best. You have to practice and train to become the best.” – Cus D’Amato

To do a gym killer ‘s routine you will need to do a proper gym warm-up. If it is your first week in the gym you need to do a warm-up week (best to do 2 weeks warming up) where everything you do for the whole week is high rep, light weight, and lots of calisthenic and balance exercise.


Dynamic Fitness

Gym Killer Formula Example A

The Secret Formulas to Kill the Gym With

They keys to success are often smarts and drive. Planning and procedure, wisdom and experience. Love. Gratitude. Inner peace and inner will.

Published on: Nov 6, 2017 @ 20:54, Updated on May 25, 2019, September 21, 2019


Two prominent ideological factors are going to be important for your mental state going into the session.

The first as mentioned before is an attitude of gratitude, when you get ready to get into your zone thank God for life and the experience, thank the gym, thank the gym makers, thank the equipment designers, thank your water bottle and the water inside of it, it’s going to improve your experience x fold.

The second is simply reminding yourself and knowing that it is your level of the inner discipline that will create any outer parallel, and only to that parallel height of your inner discipline will your outer framework or output level improve. It is all mind over matter. Integrated breathing among other things, helps the gym smasher stay focused.


What your going for is a breathing mantra, that replaces the rest time, others are taking or that you may have been used to taking in between sets. In other words, breathe with the full lungs. It takes some getting used to, for example, five completely full breathes right now will likely make you light headed. So there is a middle ground between normal breathing while reading this and completely full that will be utilized in the dynamic more powerful workout session.

With heavy violent breathing and some breath tricks, we will get enough air and rhythm going that we won’t need the rest time. Always exhale on pushing exertions. There a couple of exceptions to this, such as with sit-ups whereas you want to exhale on the fall, and inhale on the crunch. Figure basically what is needed is 2 to 3 x more than your normal breath intake while reading, for the weight room.

Work up to the pace of the forceful breath slowly before you enter the gym and fit it into pace with your warm up routine. For this particular model (example a) this pace and rhythm never stop, each beat in the rhythm builds the momentum of the entire gym session.

It doesn’t necessarily happen every time, but many times at the end of hour one you will feel ready to shift a gear and put in what I call a peak day.

This type of breathing tells the body there is more work to do, and causes changes to the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system, essentially the entire self, allowing you to do more.

Super Sets

Super setting is another part of Gym Killing. A super set is basically two sets, using alternate concentrated muscle group exercises. one after the other allowing the alternate(s) muscle to rest. This alternative muscle group resting while the other muscle works, is all there is for rest in any super session of mine. The body should remain in continual motion from here on out – for this particular rhythm model (a). Continue to breathe in and out as violently as possible without looking like a total maniac. I myself at times probably do look like a total maniac but the end of the day comment then, is “that guy killed the gym.”

Tri-setting and ‘Gym owning,’ are other terms and this is what I am doing mostly; walking from machine to machine, sometimes I pick 7 to 10 machines and bounce around on whats open the whole session, never stopping just maintaining my breathing. Another benefit to the 5 am is most of the stuff is open or quickly open as people are not chatting and sitting on stuff that hour, plus all the people you will meet in that hour will really succeed in life.

These are some optimal ways to train in the gym, and there is a lot of research behind these ideas and all my writing I have tested, narrowed and verified myself very thoroughly over a very long time. It is not the only way to play and it definitely is not the only way I play but this is one gym session model that I use and this is usually a day I look forward to doing.

No matter what anyone says, no matter the excuse or explanation, whatever a person does in the end is what he intended to do all along.
– Cus D’Amato

From the few models I present here, I have trimmed in diamond gym method, the intention is to give some dynamic starting places to athletes, that help forward the utilization of new tactics and more elements that may otherwise not have been practiced.


The elements and tactics employed by your plan should be from you. This comes from time in thought, research and hopefully in prayer. I am looking over tons and tons of information incrementally each evening.

It’s a good time to mention, what other people think of you should have zero effect on your progress, and who you are in the gym. It’s nice to hear compliments and can be equally potent to hear insults and hate, but those things cannot come into to healthy athlete. They must not, that’s a big mistake for any upcoming star.  Do not pay attention to your fan club, do what you do you and you will always have small jealous minds biting at your ankles. No athlete can afford to listen to those negative ‘haters’ and idiots that would never be able to pull of what you can. Also if your serious here, go to a serious gym, get your work done seriously. Respected Champions are humble.

It is the mark of a great fighter when he has character plus skill. Because a fighter with character and skill will often rise and beat a better fighter because of this. Character is that quality upon which you can depend under pressure and other conditions. Character makes the fighter predictable. Character helps him win.
– Cus D’Amato

I am always looking to go a step further, and so some days I build my breathing up by running to the gym, so I blaze through my warm-up and don’t worry much about conservation of energy for the heavy stuff to come – I am looking to fear up and do hour two.

I am well ready for that and more worried about pushing as far as I can there before complete exhaustion.  It is either that or the even better option of those times where I just hit a groove I could probably go in for a few days straight.

I am more likely to hit my zone, running at least a mile to the gym before the workout. I may give a minute tops after my run and after my warm-up for rest.

You may hit a wall of exhaustion where you can go no further and you need to call it a day. At this moment a Gym Killer call’s it a round. Now you can rest a few minutes and get ready for Round 2. You will not hit the wall of exhaustion if my Nutritional Diversity fitness diet is put together right and full enough, more than half the time I don’t.

On these occasions, I will go three hours if I can, and hydrate like crazy, and eat like a king afterward. Eating a green snack or a snack, in session can work as an interesting counterpart to the session. The relationship between nutrition, rest, and work can be very different that most mainstream trends today have it looking. Experimentation is important to finding what it right for you.

Consumption while training can be really dynamic, and scientifically well planned. There is a wealth of evidence that points to constant consumption equaling more constant output possibilities. There are native running groups as well as modern sports enthusiasts in ultra running who have long over discovered well what nutrition does in those types of situations.


A ‘Gym Killer’ in modern-day gym lingo is defined generally as someone who does their thing hard, in the gym. I have a more narrow definition. Optimal fitness ability balanced through the categories of strength, stamina, dexterity, mental, and limitlessness. Bodybuilders are not optimal athletes, sorry they just aren’t. While I am sure my work will end up being very important to bodybuilding, and the work that has gone on in bodybuilding has been invaluable to all, I don’t consider bodybuilding a part of fitness for human optimization necessarily. To me a real Gym Killer is a cross trainer, who goes to all-new levels of ability in stamina, dexterity, flexibility, strength, mental game, technique(s) and quickness. A strong as he can be for as light as he can be, which usually ends up being way closer to the standard bodyweight index.

Another thing Gym Killers are often seen doing is two or even three sessions in a day. I do this on peak days, where I wake up and I told myself from the minute my eyes open “today I am killing it in the gym.” More likely I would have said it the night before or planned it on a highly tuned schedule. There is a lot of research and information suggesting two sessions in a day focused on the same muscle group(s) yields big results. This is another multiplier of progress, and a human optimist would want as many little progress multipliers as they can get.

Beast mode, full time 100% is beast mode full time 100%, cannot be stopped from going to the top.

Yoga, and your stretching can be done on training days, and really be sure to do it on those training days where you hit your zone and just go and go and three hours later its like, whoa I am a super human. No limits. It happens a lot more I have noticed with good music playlists in my great headphones. In any event, do a good mid-day and a nice evening total stretch out.

Stay moving, stay on your feet, stay mentally engaged, don’t become distracted. I am in the gym with a ball cap pulled down, headphones on constantly keeping my spine right, considering everyone a potential opponent and positioning myself casually in accordance. This is a serious time for me.

A fighters mentality will produce a fighter, for this hour I am a tough guy through to the bone. Every moment a stretch or a movement should be employed, I jump right off the leg press after my heavy set, I myself go back to the Albuquerque, street culture of the ’90s in my head were for a young man, there was a street fight waiting around every corner. In the gym, I am as much of a dedicated monster ready for whatever, whenever in my head as I can mentally conjure myself up to be. It may sound extreme, but extreme also applies to what my workout sessions look like.

I employ also hard core music and headphones to this cause. I have small mental rules like if a heavy beat kicks in so does my set, right then and ready to go, as the beat changes, my mind is trained to gear down and burn out. There is equally nothing like hearing a slow soul track to a mind-boggling amount of weight a mind-boggling amount of reps, slowly and breathing slowly, with my eyes closed and completely feeling the tear.

If a Gym Killer really needs a rest he or she takes it while sitting up on the sit-up rack, or leg lifting or some form of not resting. Maybe some form of lighter work.






80% High Rep Ratio

Listen to me on this one, 80% of what you do in a session should b e 10 or more times. You will quickly realize if you have not employed this ratio, why you should. On most days I do 90% high rep and on low rep I don’t do less than 5. I know a lot of guys who work out by coming into and doing a warm-up set and going heavy right away.  The way things like don¿t waist your energy, I am telling you to learn to build more energy. They will learn. We all will, it’s just we will cross different distances and go through different amounts of hell to get the same conclusions.

Every new day needs to be progressive and new higher weight. Whatever you did for a particular workout last time, you need to do more this time. Keeping the 80% high rep ration helps keep the more aggressive and progressive athletes in balance check from taking this note too far.


Definitely two liters of water in the gym, hopefully, four. I may take six liters down. This is going to depend on your water intake and your physical output, the heat, the humidity, and other factors experienced over the last several days. Take in small sips in the gym and get to really know water.

See Water.


I know its redundant. Be thankful for your gym, for the fact that fitness engineers like Nautilus have put so much into this fabulous equipment. An attitude of gratitude will carry a long way with gym results. Make sure your nutrition is in check, your head game is in check, that your focus is growing not just your muscles. Pay attention to the nutritional relationship between certain fuels and your system.

To really be dynamic your stomach must be clean and ready to go. We want to burn out the tank completely before refilling it no matter what dynamic eating pattern is chosen to go with. A Nutritional Diversifist should learn to eat in a harmonious fashion with his body, and in good balance with his goals. Keeping a relatively clean bowel track that dispenses with food eaten no longer than 30 hours later is going to also multiply progress. If you have eaten to much you can’t skip your evening run, if you need to burn it down a bit, do that. Getting to know your gut, although a lost art, is very important.

Design your health, put thought into this. The more intelligent your overall plan is the more intelligent and well covered your results will be. When you have an exercise down try to vary the ranges in motion slightly. Maybe try and use the mind to muscle connection to achieve a little different trail of motion.

Outer strength gets respected because people know that he or she who has this outer strength has this strength mentally and internally first and that it is that internal, the mental part,  is where the outer results stem from.

Certainly be sure, to build your supporting Nutritional Diversity diet with care.

Nature Day. I have one day a week where I am committed to either rest or training in nature. Sundays are my only rest day usually, and so at the beginning of the week, I shoot to get my nature day in, and then maybe even get a nature half day resting on Sunday. Nature days are big in helping me be a dynamic athlete. Not to mention since I know my nature I am sure to stalk my belly and buy a bag full of some greens for the week. Since I know my nature more now, I get more, or take in more of nature when we are together.

Plan these workout sessions into your larger plan, your specific athletic goals or sport, or into a dynamic super success-oriented complete picture where love, business, finance, fitness, and diet come together in human or community optimizing operation. I wish I would have sat down, as a freshman in high school and said, this is what I am going to become, I am going to take my time do it right but keeping stepping it up, and stepping forward no matter what until I achieve the greatness I know I could have.

Thank God, I was pretty bullheaded, and I stepped through enough cement walls, to have a good level of fight in me. I may go down from time to time, but I am quite sure now, I will always get back up.

Remember to keep up with urination rotations, and the Chinese drum exercise.


I have said a lot here about crazy sessions, but on the build-up on a regular day feel good training hard one hour, feel better training two and feel best training three, hang in there a few weeks and breakthrough.

On a day like this, I will do between 600 and 1000 sit-ups, 200 and 500 pull-ups, 400 and 800 dips, 400 to 800 box jumps, and like ten heavy sets, with 30 work up to heavy sets. This is in a one to two-hour session or two to three separate sessions. The separate sessions are good to do, to teach yourself, rest power, and energy conservation. The long session is good to do to really push the full limit.


This model really dials you into being as strong as you can be for as light as you can be. It should lean and chisel, a little bulking, a lot of strengthening, a little fat loss. Improvements will be both in stamina and in strength, and if your dynamic and creative enough in your session and in your sets, dexterity and quickness can also be achieved.

A lot of guys ask how I am able to hit the gym so hard. I lot of guys think I am on some kind of steroid. I have never injected anything for performance or taken a steroid at all. Some people I notice after a while will get what I am doing, will notice how I really hit all the important exercises that are rare that nobody does. I will see them start to copy my method and to do these exercises. It’s nearly all in the method. What’s not in the method is in the diet.


Notes to the Young Hustlers:

I have a special place in my heart for those youngsters who are not allowed,or underfunded, or seemingly unable to accomplish what other kids are handed.  If your a young kid, and you don’t have the means to get into a gym with money, go there anyway, tell them you have a dream, but your parents find out or whatever, and you need some gym time, and when you reach your goals they will be a gratefully remembered part of the story. Ask to speak to them on the side first. Thank God there is heart in the gyms, or I would be half of what I am in them today. Contrary to popular belief I just hung around the boxing gyms, the workout gyms, sparring with the boys a lot, we used to be into interesting stuff like, the Bill Nye science show, and new technology and cars that were coming out or classics that where coming around. This heart definitely goes for boxing and martial arts schools. If you want to kill the gym, be a star, be an MMA Champion, box, whatever do not let anything stand in your way. That goes with music or any art / passion. You’ll get into the best class starting as a young person with this idea. Getting a diverse diet should be at the top of the list.

ND Supplements



I do Music, Gym, MMA, some Articles and Video Editing! I am a well versed Nutritional Diversity Diet Enthusiast! I am very happy to be on the cutting edge diet and biodiverse nutrition team and get the new run times I get! I started out a student at the school in Costa Rica, then I became a teacher at the school in Panama! I currently work directly with young people in the field to rais their dietary diversity DDI scores and see how it works for them in life! I am a certified ND vendor, persona trainer and nutritionist.


Pre-fab Indoor Cultivation System




A pre-fab indoor cultivation system that integrates aquaponics (fish) and herbs offers numerous benefits for families, communities, and the potential growth of a business based on this concept. Here’s an outline of the benefits:

1. Benefits for Families

  • Fresh, Healthy Food Supply
    • Provides a regular, pesticide-free supply of herbs, greens, and fish (a lean protein source).
    • Promotes healthier eating habits by encouraging home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients.
  • Educational Value
    • Offers a hands-on learning experience about ecosystems, biology, and sustainability.
    • Engages children and adults alike in understanding food production and the environment.
  • Cost Savings
    • Reduces grocery bills by replacing store-bought herbs, greens, and fish with home-grown produce.
    • Long-term investment pays off by cutting reliance on external food supplies.
  • Stress Reduction and Aesthetic Appeal
    • Functions as a beautiful, calming visual feature in the home, improving mental well-being.
    • Indoor greenery is proven to boost mood and reduce stress.
  • Convenience
    • Year-round growing eliminates dependence on seasonal produce.
    • Minimal maintenance systems with automation make it easy for busy households.

2. Benefits for the Community

  • Food Security
    • Helps alleviate local food insecurity by empowering families to produce their own food.
    • Could serve as a prototype for community food projects.
  • Eco-Friendly Practice
    • Promotes sustainable agriculture by reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and packaging.
    • Uses a closed-loop system that recycles water and nutrients, making it environmentally efficient.
  • Skill Sharing and Collaboration
    • Creates opportunities for workshops and community education on aquaponics and urban farming.
    • Encourages a sense of community through shared knowledge and resources.
  • Local Business Growth
    • Supports local ecosystems of related industries like equipment suppliers, seed companies, and urban farming educators.
    • Attracts eco-conscious customers interested in sustainable living.

3. Benefits of Business Growth

  • Scalability
    • Systems can be tailored for individual households or larger-scale community installations.
    • Expansion potential for schools, restaurants, and local businesses interested in sustainable food sources.
  • Economic Impact
    • Creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance.
    • Stimulates the economy by fostering a growing market for sustainable food production systems.
  • Branding as a Sustainability Leader
    • Positions the business as a pioneer in combining eco-friendly technology with aesthetic design.
    • Appeals to a rapidly growing market of environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Positive Environmental Impact
    • Reduces food waste by producing only what is needed locally.
    • Decreases strain on traditional agriculture by offering a viable alternative.

By combining beauty, practicality, and sustainability, this system serves as both a conversation piece and a meaningful tool for household and community resilience. Scaling this business has the potential to improve lifestyles, strengthen communities, and contribute positively to the global push for sustainable living.



Here’s an incredible design [concept] for a pre-fab indoor cultivation system that integrates fish and herbs in a visually stunning, practical, and efficient way:

1. Key Design Features

Aesthetic Appeal

  • Vertical Tower Design with Modular Layers:
    • A sleek, space-saving structure with multiple levels.
    • The top layers grow herbs and microgreens, while the bottom houses the aquaponic fish tank.
    • Transparent or frosted glass panels for visibility while concealing piping and mechanisms.
  • Natural Finishes:
    • Incorporate bamboo, polished wood, or matte metal frames to blend into modern homes.
    • LED grow lights integrated into each layer with adjustable color temperatures (e.g., warm white for ambiance or blue/red for growth).

Functional Components

  • Aquaponic Base (Fish Tank):
    • A low-maintenance, self-cleaning tank with tilapia, trout, or ornamental fish like koi (if non-edible).
    • Water from the tank nourishes the plants via a pump system, reducing waste and providing essential nutrients.
  • Hydroponic Grow Beds:
    • Grow beds placed above the fish tank circulate nutrient-rich water to plants.
    • Customizable levels with space for a variety of plants like basil, mint, spinach, and small fruiting plants.
  • Integrated Smart System:
    • Wi-Fi-enabled sensors monitor pH, temperature, and water levels.
    • App-connected notifications for feeding fish, harvesting plants, or conducting maintenance.
  • Rainwater Collection & Filtration:
    • Optional add-on for areas with rainwater access. Filters water into the system, minimizing external water usage.

Lighting and Energy Efficiency

  • Solar Panel Option:
    • Solar-powered grow lights for off-grid or eco-conscious homes.
    • Backup battery system ensures continuous operation.
  • Low-Voltage LED Grow Lights:
    • Adjustable spectrum and timers for energy-efficient growth.

2. Visual Inspiration

Imagine a modern, sculptural design:

  • Shape: A smooth hourglass or cylindrical tower, about 5-6 feet tall, making it a centerpiece in any room.
  • Materials: Sustainable bamboo paired with matte black or silver accents for a futuristic look.
  • Glass Viewing Window: A circular or oval-shaped viewing area for the fish tank, softly illuminated by internal LEDs.
  • Plant Canopies: Layers of lush green spilling over the edges, creating a natural and inviting look.

3. Customization Options

  • Size Variability:
    • Small units for apartments, larger multi-layered units for family homes.
  • Add-ons:
    • Herb drying racks on the top for preserving excess produce.
    • Small fruiting plants like strawberries or cherry tomatoes in larger systems.

4. Community-Level Adaptations

For a community-scale version, the design could resemble a wall-mounted garden or a central atrium system in a shared building space. It could incorporate:

  • Larger fish tanks and more robust growing areas.
  • Outdoor or greenhouse adaptations for larger yields.
  • Shared monitoring and maintenance apps to engage residents.

This system is more than functional—it’s a living art piece, combining natural beauty, sustainability, and high-tech convenience. It would be a beacon of innovation and practicality for any household or community looking to embrace a greener lifestyle.

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A most unfortunate story I never wanted to tell, I never wanted to experience, I would truly still wish on no man…


Law of Polarity: I gained an intense remedy through the fierce pain of my spirit.

By saying where the pain was, I am also talking about the remedy for exactly that pain, gained through that very experience.

All challenges are opportunities to build strength.

I just repeat this over and over throughout my day,

There is so much I was unable to tell about my story in this two-hour podcast like, my experience with how pills to kids are wrong.

It’s crazy that in our culture I have to explain that. That I ever had to live it at all.

It is quite an evil reach to get where we are. You won’t know that until you are grounded in nature.

That process of recalibrating with the natural rhythms and cognitions takes a long time. A deep venture in all ways.

When you are fighting such injustice, and you have educated yourself by the specialists on how damaging this is for children, and you see that there is nothing that you can do, in fact, the punishment for trying to assert your right is a gradual worsening of the lies told, a new form of false accusation or dirty trick (which they have so many and they are used in these unfortunate cases of trafficking for profit; so much), in essence, the knowledge that whatever attempt to contact the child will cause their abuser to turn up the volume will keep the good parent at bay. That good parent knows any contact will be exploited and twisted, and at least today I can say I have had zero hand in what has happened. Not only did I educate myself on how damaging this is (mistake 1 for alienated parents), I sent it all to the abuser. I made a few support groups that shared that information, and they harassed the groups. Another facilitator of support groups contacted me, explaining this “Jerry Springer Family,” also obsessively harassed him thinking I was the administrator of his group. I watched at the same time this ‘alienator” make fake Facebook and stalk her own family with them to make it seem like it was me. All this childishness worked. It is a masterpiece of child abuse and deception of everyone around the situation. My ex-girlfriend’s entire family was stalked for a decade.

The intention is to completely destroy the person, and this is usually because the “parasite no longer has the host!”

Young men and women should be educated about these damages, and anyone engaging in this “witchcraft,” is responsible for child devastation – this intense obsessive abuse, with the illest of intentions, is horrible sabotage to a young life.

They think their abuser is their hero. This is the evidence of the daily brainwashing, extreme daily psychological/spiritual child abuse.

They will think that into truth 1000 ways before they finally:

PASS their DENIAL of THE TRUTH. …!!!!

Sound familiar?


Even feeding the microbiome one time this way, can start underlining the ability to think clearly and productively and then engage reasonably with self-construction tactics and practices that lead to total recovery. We have hosted Nutritionally Diverse Meet-ups in the past for this purpose.



Community Building

We have a nutritional community that comes with one one-on-one guidance from an experienced practitioner of the ACTUAL HEALTH SYSTEM. Not to mention the effects this demand could have on the world.

Join the team, make a difference 1 for your loved ones, 2 for yourself, 3 for the world 💥💥💥




Another fun history and reason naturalists may enjoy this project is that Nutritional Diversity .com has been around the whole kidnapping as a way to share nature, and wholesomeness in hopes that it could defeat some other kind of inventive storytelling that was regular practice for the kidnappers. If you click on the Hailey Tropical Farm link in the menu you can see some of that history there.

It also served as a distraction, to the stalking, and harassing while I had no kid of theirs people; who did commit award-winning criminal harassment on like everyone I know.. recruited a few too!! It is impressive!!

Anyone who waists their time and talent on such a horrible endeavor, like my once princesses or like 50’s oldest son’s mother should ………….

Now at least from a distance, I can show the power of long-term commitment as I turn the site into something else.

If the child exhibits the extreme effects/results outlined in the clinical outlines for this heinous daily spiritual child abuse — GUESS WHY!!?!???

…did you stand by it? Did you help, enable it?

I actually do pray for you.


We are swimming hard in the other direction!!! LIGHT PLEASE!!! Join us.

Nutritional Diversity .com is now a community that is dedicated to advancing health at a household level. Taking full responsibility for your diet and relationship with nature is one of many things we came here to do! That could not be more clear today.




















Nov 1, 2024 at 17:52

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Guerilla Permaculture Powered by Drones and Walking Tesla Robots: The Future of Earth’s Regeneration



As the world faces unprecedented environmental and agricultural crises, the idea of *guerilla permaculture*—an innovative, eco-restorative system of agriculture—has evolved into a necessity for global survival. By integrating cutting-edge technology such as drones and walking Tesla robots, this approach presents a visionary solution to two of humanity’s most urgent problems: food security and climate change. These advanced tools, paired with the principles of permaculture, can serve as the planet’s saviors by enabling large-scale ecological restoration and sustainable food production.

Why Guerilla Permaculture Needs Drones and Walking Tesla Robots

1. Scaling Regeneration Efforts:
One of the greatest challenges in regenerative agriculture is the sheer scale of degraded land that needs to be restored. Manual labor, while effective on small scales, cannot meet the global demand for reforestation, soil regeneration, and food production quickly enough. Drones and walking robots can operate around the clock, covering vast areas of land with precision and speed. By automating essential permaculture tasks like seeding, watering, and distributing compost tea, these machines can scale guerilla permaculture efforts to restore ecosystems at a planetary level.

2. Accessing Hard-to-Reach Areas:
Drones and Tesla robots can navigate difficult terrains—such as mountainsides, forests, and urban environments—where human access may be limited. Drones can fly into high canopy layers, distributing seeds or spraying organic nutrients like compost tea over large areas. Walking robots, meanwhile, can traverse dense brush or rugged trails, performing tasks like planting saplings or tending to animal herds. This capability makes it possible to re-green neglected or underutilized spaces, transforming them into thriving ecosystems.

3. Precision Agriculture for Resource Efficiency:
The advanced technology of drones and robots allows for precise monitoring and application of resources, such as water, organic fertilizers, and compost tea. Equipped with sensors and AI, these machines can track soil health, plant growth, and environmental conditions in real time. This data-driven approach ensures that plants receive the exact nutrients they need, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. The result is not only increased crop yields but also reduced resource consumption, addressing the global demand for food while conserving natural resources.

4. Reducing Labor and Human Intervention:
By using Tesla robots and drones, guerilla permaculture reduces the need for intensive human labor, which can be costly and time-consuming. Robots can plant, cultivate, and harvest crops autonomously, leaving humans to oversee and direct the larger system. This automation allows the system to operate continuously and consistently, accelerating the regeneration of land and the production of food without exhausting human resources.

5. Carbon Sequestration at Scale:
One of the most crucial benefits of guerilla permaculture is its capacity for large-scale carbon sequestration. By planting diverse species of trees, shrubs, and cover crops, and maintaining healthy soil ecosystems, this system draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil. Drones and robots can rapidly plant millions of trees and crops, covering vast areas that would otherwise remain barren or degraded. This rapid deployment of carbon-sequestering vegetation could significantly reduce atmospheric CO₂ levels, making guerilla permaculture a key tool in the fight against climate change.

Why This Could Be the Planet’s Savior

1. Addressing the Food Crisis:
As the global population continues to rise, the demand for food is increasing exponentially. Traditional industrial agriculture is unsustainable—it depletes the soil, pollutes water sources, and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Guerilla permaculture, powered by drones and robots, provides a regenerative alternative. It turns abandoned urban lots, roadside edges, and degraded rural land into productive ecosystems that yield diverse, nutrient-rich food. This decentralized approach to farming enhances food security by reducing reliance on industrial monocultures and long supply chains.

2. Climate Change Mitigation:
Drones and Tesla robots are key to rapidly deploying the plants, animals, and infrastructure necessary to reverse environmental degradation. By accelerating the process of reforestation, soil regeneration, and biodiversity restoration, guerilla permaculture helps restore balance to ecosystems, reduce carbon emissions, and strengthen natural defenses against climate-related disasters. In a world increasingly threatened by floods, droughts, and extreme weather, this regenerative system could prevent further environmental collapse.

3. Restoring Biodiversity:
The planet is currently undergoing a massive loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. Guerilla permaculture, implemented by drones and robots, works to restore biodiversity by planting diverse species of plants and supporting wildlife habitats. By regenerating soil, restoring wetlands, and creating food forests, this system fosters healthy ecosystems where plants, animals, and humans can thrive. This restoration of biodiversity is essential for the long-term health of the planet and the survival of countless species.

4. Creating a Self-Sustaining System:
One of the core strengths of guerilla permaculture is its focus on creating self-sustaining ecosystems. By carefully integrating plants, animals, and natural cycles, the system requires minimal external inputs once it is established. Drones and Tesla robots play a crucial role in setting up and maintaining these systems, ensuring that they remain productive and regenerative. Over time, these ecosystems become resilient to external shocks, capable of adapting to changing environmental conditions without collapsing.

5. Transforming Cities and Urban Landscapes:
Urban areas, with their concrete jungles and sprawling infrastructure, are some of the most challenging environments to green. Drones and walking robots can plant along roadsides, in vacant lots, and even on rooftops, turning cities into productive landscapes filled with edible plants and green spaces. This urban greening not only improves air quality and reduces heat islands but also provides fresh food directly to city dwellers, reducing the carbon footprint of food transportation.

A Vision of a Regenerative Future

Imagine a world where drones and walking Tesla robots are tirelessly at work, flying over cities and rural landscapes, planting trees, distributing compost, and monitoring the health of the soil. Roadsides, abandoned lots, and trails are transformed into lush, biodiverse food forests. The air is cleaner, the soil richer, and ecosystems more balanced. Instead of contributing to environmental degradation, our food systems become part of the solution, regenerating the planet rather than depleting it.

By using advanced technology to scale the principles of permaculture, guerilla permaculture has the potential to reverse the damage done by industrial agriculture, reduce carbon emissions, and create a sustainable food system for future generations. It is not just a farming method; it is a movement toward restoring balance to the Earth.

In this vision, drones and robots are not just tools—they are agents of change, working alongside humans and nature to heal the planet. Guerilla permaculture, powered by these technological innovations, could indeed be the planet’s savior, leading the way toward a regenerative, sustainable future.

“Guerilla permaculture” is an innovative and ecologically restorative system that fuses principles of biodynamic agriculture, originally prescribed by Rudolf Steiner, with modern methods of cultivation. The idea is to strategically cultivate diverse species of plants and animals along underutilized spaces like trails, roads, and city edges while integrating bee cultures to enhance pollination and biodiversity.

Key Components:
1. Biodynamic Agriculture: Following Steiner’s biodynamic principles, “guerilla permaculture” focuses on creating self-sustaining ecosystems that enhance soil fertility, crop resilience, and plant vitality through the use of composting, natural cycles, and ecological harmony.

2. Bee Cultures: Bees are central to the system, not only for pollination but also for promoting diversity in plant species, leading to healthier crops and enhanced natural regeneration processes. Bee populations would be nurtured along these paths, helping counteract the global decline in pollinators.

3. Diverse Plant and Animal Species: By introducing a mix of perennial plants, trees, shrubs, and animals (like chickens or small grazing animals), you create symbiotic relationships. Some species could be specifically chosen for their resilience to urban environments and their ability to thrive in neglected spaces.

Effects on a City:
– Increased Urban Green Spaces: City trails, roadways, and abandoned lots would be transformed into vibrant ecosystems, providing food and habitat for wildlife and contributing to a cooler urban microclimate.
– Food Security: Edible plants and small-scale animal farming along these routes could increase food availability in cities. Community members could take part in tending to these spaces, learning and benefiting from fresh produce while reducing food miles.
– Ecological Benefits: By restoring natural habitats, guerilla permaculture helps address the loss of biodiversity, mitigates urban pollution, and improves air and water quality.
– Mental and Physical Health: The proximity of nature in everyday urban life would provide mental health benefits, encouraging residents to walk, explore, and enjoy these spaces.
– Community Involvement: It can foster a sense of stewardship in urban populations, uniting people through the shared care of their environment.

Global Impact:
– Reduction in Industrial Agriculture: As cities adopt sustainable practices, the reliance on harmful industrial agriculture methods decreases, reducing the environmental damage from pesticide use, monocropping, and excessive water use.
– Carbon Sequestration: The increase in plant biomass helps in sequestering carbon, and combating climate change by lowering greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas.
– Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration: Implementing this system on a larger scale would gradually restore ecosystems, bringing back species and balancing natural cycles that have been disrupted by urban sprawl.
– Resilient Urban Planning: Cities would become more self-sustaining, adaptable, and resilient to external shocks such as food shortages, climate-related disasters, and environmental degradation.

In essence, “guerilla permaculture” envisions a future where urban environments are transformed into thriving, biodynamic ecosystems, connecting city dwellers with nature while enhancing the global environment. By starting small, with trails and roads, this system could gradually impact the world at large, shifting the way we interact with land, food, and community.



  1. Guerilla Permaculture
  2. Drone Agriculture
  3. National Level Agriculture Plan [2]
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