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Fitness Workout | Basics | Gym Warm Up + Best Daily Routine



The normal daily routine for Americans and people around the globe is grossly lacking. If one wants to remain in their youthful and best physical condition, they need to adhere to a practice every day that will maintain and even enhance that.

The benefits of this daily routine are fantastic. Subscribers to this routine (customized for the self of course – later in this article) will find acceleration in every aspect of their lives. Some parts may seem simple, or unnecessary – believe me, it is all necessary, and highly refined for what is most important, and keeping it simple is a good thing.

We want to be our optimal selves. We to live long and those years to be as quality as possible.

Any experienced gym veteran will tell you that with a correct warm-up, one will avoid injury and build better muscle form, physique, and muscle ability. Like with any great thing, strength and size build over time. No doubt about it, strength internally and externally is a number 1 quality of greatness. Consistency and repetition through a dedicated, disciplined, best daily routine, is the way civilizations and individuals have reached their peak performance since the dawn of time. A man more ready for the fight will win, simply. Today I would argue that a man most ready for the fight will be in his condition that he generates his most cunning idea and he (or her) receives his most important blessings and opportunities.

My team is looking for optional performers, we are looking for people in their best shape ready to look at the next level of challenge.

“Challenges in life are your opportunities to build strength.”  – Angel, ND Core Priciples

Discipline and strength are very synonymous with each other. You are not going to get one without the other.

“Without discipline, you are nothing” -Mike Tyson

The number one core value of understanding in the Nutritional Diversity Diet is that all alpha-biology does what it needs to do to survive, it ” grows against any resistance – ND Core Principles.” Beta-biology grows around resistance, catalogs from it, and is the flight of nature. Dynamically the “drift” function, whereas Alpha-biology holds it all together.

There comes a time when one must decide if they are playing to their own beat, to the beat of optimal natural performance [nature], or someone else’s beat. I would venture to say the first can be a miracle or a black hole, the middle will come out on top, and the third is ok only if the right Alpha is picked. Obviously, the betas around and in approval, acceptance, or support of a deceptive or destructive, or toxic alpha will be part of that evil dynamic sharing in that fate.

To optimize this daily routine is to optimize the end result. When we build our team, we are building for intelligence, reaction, quickness, dexterity, strength, and maximum agility. As strong and as fast as possible for the correct body weight based on height and skeletal structure. Don’t let your teammates get away with hitting the head and not paying the toilet tax.

best health retreat


Walking around the gym, even in the pro bodybuilding and sports circuits, guys are seen in every direction all wrapped up, carrying muscle but limping around and gelling to the max. They are not accomplishing my definition of “fitness” in any way.

New education in fitness is also needed. It is curious how little we know about our own biology and physiology and our interchange with nature and nutrients on the norm = which gives our readers a powerful leg up because they are getting the very powerful information few have today.

One of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of guys doing is a short warm-up, and long heavy session, in fact, this is the current gym standard. Many learn the hard way but take it from me, learn right here right now. Take your time, and build up your physical ability the right way. I say that if you can do the following routine 12 times resting only a short bit per rotation, you are ready to get into the heavy stuff. The warm-up is the starting place for the serious trainer and it is very important. I take superstars to the gym and they die in the warm-up, this should not be the case and it is a result of poor gym culture that has been around way too long. Welcome to the fire crew you will see us get all the attention in the gym – for KILLING IT A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

Warming up is a high-rep bodyweight exercise with a steady capable breath mantra and pace.

For the purposes of optimal health and performance, bodybuilding is many times a mistake, it is not a natural goal it is not a performance goal, it is a purely aesthetic goal. I have no interest whatsoever to stand on z stage in a bikini and be a sprayed tan mannequin. For the sake of my spiritual essence which is very important to all my performances, I also want to limit how many pictures of myself I take, and how much superficial orientation I cultivate for myself. This being said I have immense respect for the dedication and accomplishments of bodybuilders everywhere however this paper is not for them and it is not for this goal. I would venture to the day when they are having serious health complications those who adhere to doctrines close to this one, will still be running and swimming and hitting the gym like maniacs. You do not look far off from a bodybuilder either. All extremities should be cultural avoidances.

“I want functional muscle, a lot of people have candy muscle.” – LL Cool J, H.Boxin w Mike Tyson #32

Getting started with the gym, or coming back to it after some time off, you want to do a minimum of two warm-up weeks first, where the little muscles are trained and made ready to do big muscle stuff. This period is the most important period, of your gym career. It is the vital period of training where the muscular and athletic supportive foundation is laid. The analogy is something like to build a high building, it must be upon a strong foundation.

During the ‘warm-up weeks’ period, we do the very same warm-up illustrated below, two to ten times per day. To some people, this may seem even simple for a warm-up, but trust me, it is highly evolved and covers a lot of important daily stuff.

“The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.” ― Albert Einstein

That being said just get up, show up, and one foot in front of the other for an hour. You will be impressed with yourself every single time!




Here is some stuff to know and do before the “gym-warm up.”


Stretching is one of the most valuable practices in the gym. I wish I had known this importance longer. The best gym warm-up is going to really stretch the gym patron out well. Should be well stretched out before your warm-up.


Stretching is as important as any of this. It must be done every day. It is necessary to maintain proper vascular, respiratory and muscular function. Yoga, is the most advanced popular (classes and study groups can be found everywhere) and ancient stretching doctrine, that one could study for decades and still have much to learn.

Basic Home Starting Out Goodies

Also, this best daily routine can be added to your existing Yoga arsenal, as Yoga does not contain all of the following information. The following does not come close to describing Yoga, which again and again I must recommend to the interested human optimist.

Door Frames

The best gym warm-up starts long before the gym, in the early rise routine, in the urination rotations, and in home just before going to the gym.

The two standard door frames 27″, and for bathrooms and closets, 19 inches, can be used for back and pectoral stretches helping beginners work into functional stretched states using standard household installations. Please do stretch, and modify these ideas yourself more, and to fit you more. For me, there are two trees outside I prefer to use for the ‘door-frame stretching exerciser routines.’ Pull-ups require a fixed bar or ledge, and while these are calisthenic exercises mostly, some equipment is necessary. I also like to do a heavy breathing mantra with an elevation simulation face mask.

Dedicated workout space is very important, I advocate for some exercise at home, but definitely, most exercise should take place out of your home. It is in the community gym that you will make most of your progress here.

“Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.” -Albert Einstein

Flow is vitality, stagnancy is rot, disaster, sickness, non-function, etc. Flexibility is inherently representative of youth and youthfulness and reasonable stretching, is the programming formula for youth. Yoga is a worldwide dedicated class and group practice where tutelage is available in almost every community.

At rest times in between sets, a stretch should be employed for the entire duration of the rest increment.

nutritional diversity diet streching routine

Here is one to work towards, and then the reverse can be done, a palate ball can aid

Top Flow Stretches

Top Flow is that which communicates from one hand through the center chest to the other hand. It is the dynamic spread from straight across to the lateral degrees the arms travel for a jumping jack, and three-dimensional motions that take place in front of and behind the straight chest of an individual.

Open Top Flow Door Frame Stretch

Before leaving out to the gym you want to do a few minutes of door frame stretching. That is using a 26″ standard (not bathroom or closet) front door-sized door frame, door open, with feet in the middle grab the inside and the outside of the frame and lean in forward and lean backward, adjusting your stance as necessary and gently stretching your back and chest muscles as the primary muscle groups of the forward and backward leaning stretches.

Open Top Flow Cable Exercise

This is one of the key exercises that makes this the best gym warm-up..

Cables or tension cords, also known as resistance bands for the right side; stand feet shoulder-width apart right foot forward, back straight looking at the ceiling. Connect your right elbow to your right rib cage, facing forward of a cable connected directly behind you; move your hand from straight out to your side 90degree perpendicular, rotate the grip point into the center of your chest touching your sternum, using a cable-weight setting or rubber cable tension you can do 25 times. Maintain the connection of your elbow to your ribs throughout the set.

Bottom Flow Stretches

These stretches are all about the legs and the lower flow system.

Open Bottom Flow Splits Stretch

Front to back and side to side, feet as wide as you can take it stance. The best gym warm-up takes the basics very seriously.

Open Bottom to Top Flow Bridge

Sitting on your feet, knees in front of them on the floor, lean back on to your hands grabbing your feet or the floor behind you. Push your pelvis area as far up and forward as you can arching your back, but keep your knees firmly on the mat. Breath deep and focus on pushing the pelvis up and forward, looking upside down and directly behind you, while deepening the stretch by pushing your shoulders back further and your chest out now.  There is a more advanced version of the ‘bridge,’ that you can graduate to, but this is the starting line.

With these seemingly basic stretches held for 2 to 5 minutes, each basic core flexibility is enhanced. A feature that not much gym produce is flashing around.

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

― Albert Einstein

Elastic workout bands can help do the inner groin area, in the seated or standing positions, do the hip-flexors reverse motion, with the band connected to something at least twice your own weight or fixed in concrete. This area is immensely important, and largely ignored, and is an area common for hernias.



6). Calisthenic exercise refers to exercise where the trainer is using his or her own body weight for the exercise, most of the stuff we have covered so far. One-armed push-up or pull-up is still considered calisthenic and is the jumping jack or the two-armed pull-up. There is the basics most of you already know but stick to the basics, become an expert at those, and you are my friend possibly the most advanced. The best gym warm-up to me has the basics for sure.

The following superset rhythm involves a rotation of four calisthenic exercises to be performed one set at a time before rotating to the next exercise. The calisthenic warm-up rotation should be completed three times without more than 20 seconds of rest between sets.

Push-ups – To muscle failure minimum 40 to go to the gym. Your muscle failure number should longer and longer as this goes on, now I do around 100 each time.

Pull-ups, you’re going for 20 here, that’s the optimal body weight set for the optimal warm-up, for the optimal athlete. Gym practitioner hopefuls should stick it out on the playground until they can at least warm up with 12 pull-ups. Hate to break it to you, but stepping in the wrong direction if you enter the gym zone before you have passed my calisthenic warm-up minimums.

Dips, your going for 30 here, minimum to be gym worthy is 22 on this first warm-up set.

Double (60) or single (20per) leg squats, best opened with 10 box jumps. If your legs are well trained do one-legged leg squats.

Sit-ups, minimum of 50. I do them now (100 per set) on the super declined sit-up up bench or the wall hanger.

After the three rotations have been completed it is your opportunity to push the line out, and throw some leg lifts on there, and run to the elliptical machine and run out your tank a bit more before a quick rest and the main course of the gym nutrition. Your breathing mantra should be at rabid dog-mode.

After finishing the best gym warm-up described above, gym practitioners are ready to rock and roll. If the breathing mantra is done right, ‘rock and roll’ takes on new meaning.

When I finish this warm-up (3x) which takes me about 25 minutes to complete start to finish, because I hold my stretches long; I flip a mental switch that says “now this gym is gonna get hurt, not me.”

Believe it or not, after doing this a long time, now I kick into a new gear here at the finish of the warmup. This brings us to the Gym Killer Workouts.

Remember that:

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
-Albert Einstein

A Champion is someone who gets up when they can’t. – Jack Dempsey



7). We know rest equals play, and no rest equals no play. We don´t practice long periods of rest as much, and there are some valuable perspectives on rest out there that should be mentioned for the sake of better play. For this short read; training (resistance damage), healing during rest, and using nutrition. You will get better overall performance if you take as many opportunities as possible to get dedicated rest. As good as your body is at giving you what you are asking for, we are harnessing our own power to stack our rest meters as possible for all the time health and fitness. Again, I am not going into in detail here on this gym warm-up daily exercise routine copy, but I will give this as homework, and inspiration to get diverse information for yourself.



Rather than using a belt, I do 1000 sit-ups and or leg lifts a day and do tons of high rep deadlifts, and lots of running. If I am using a wrap on a joint, I am on the bench, making it easy, certainly not using that joint with any weight. Experience, working out with a diverse range of experienced cats, and injury has taught me, that as soon as you feel the slightest tweak, it is time to go home, rest up, do the gels and the vitamins most importantly eat a lot of highly diverse foods for the rest of the day and touchdown to the prayer bones to pray for a quick recovery to that area.

One of the top causes of injury and bad development is not warming upright. Another is overdoing it in weight or training time. Not getting the right nutrition, is also a major factor for injury people don’t realize. Remember that rest is a big part of the play. Sorry to be redundant on this point but it’s true and I want to save you is the year or more benched you can get from minor injury weightlifting. I know guys that have fused their spine, and another serious injury that could have been avoided by taking a longer warm-up, than the main course workout, approach to the gym.

The Best Gym Warm-Up

The gym is where one builds their muscles strength and size, bone and cartilage density. More and scientists are finding out that diverse nutrition and skeleton muscle exercise and maintenance and the building is the keystone to every body function.  Bulk up and get strong, look good and be tough, is the goal of most gymsters. The interest in performance progression has created the demand for amazing science in workout equipment, and now we have it. It is a no-brainer especially if the rest of the day is spent at the desk or with low physical activity to use this modern scientific human optimization house daily.

Get into a big gym with all the stuff. Regardless of specific gym goals, this is the warm-up; it is the foundation of all physical goals. Many want to lose pounds and convert fat. Either way, if this warm-up is followed not only will body flow stay open (and improve) and vital but injuries will be avoided and the gym-goer is able to set and develop a supportive ligament and bone system that will in the long run support incredible athletic ability and strength. The warm-up will bring better health, larger range functionality, strength, balance, and what we call full-twitch muscle dexterity.

Remember that core more = strong more. Work the little stuff to the max, then go for the big stuff and pass all your friends!

All humans should be doing at least this warm-up per day. The following best gym warm-up techniques should be the gold standard minimum for gym sessions that want to be multiplied from what they were before their employment.

A). In non-stop rotation with focus on the deepest most fluid breathing pattern as a constant 3 times over without break:

  1. 25-100 situps (preferably declined, body weight – newbies can start with a pilates ball or flat on the ground traditional style using a 45lb weight plate or another machine/rack to steady feet)
  2. 25-100 burpees (or dips or push-ups, or knee ups for beginners)
  3. 5-25 pullups (hang on the bar for 10-30seconds if unable to pull up, it will come, trust the process

Chinese Drums Movement for 3 minutes constantly, followed by a white crane balance. Any rest period in the gym from this point forward should be filled with a stretch or on of these practices.



Review and Some Equipment (optional)

Working out with exercise bands,  can help older or fragile frames become stronger step by step, and drastically accelerate the warm-up and injury prevention power (serious people should go ahead and get a nice set of exercise bands).

Breathing Mantra for the Gym Warm-Up

3). The breathing mantra is most certainly one of the best gym workout techniques I know. It takes a bit of practice, but once your head is around it the performance-enhancing possibilities are strong.

Through the gym doors, and before leading up to them, you want to get your breath mantra started. Start using your total lungs. Deep breaths, in through the mouth and nose together, exhaling through the mouth only to be more forceful is okay and recommended at times.


This should start slow, and intend to speed up towards the end of the warm-up best daily routine where we are going to lock into a hyperdrive setting, the warm-up is the thing that will dial that in.

About halfway through this warm-up start focusing in, this breathing to and in through the nose only, out the mouth only breathing posture where you are trying to touch the ceiling with your chest on top of your breaths. This deep monstrous breathing is key to unlocking the full potential of the best daily routine.

Core More

The torso, namely the abdomen is the core of the human, it supports most strength. The region from the leg sockets to the collar bones represents the complete core.


Starting with the abdomen as the #1 strength of importance overall, no less than 50 sit-ups, declined best should be the opening move on the gym floor. I myself do a set of 150, then two more rotations of whatever I can do of them until abdominal muscle failure, in the warm-up, superset rhythm.

I constantly come back to sit-ups throughout the entire gym session, because – ‘core first.’ Toe touches, seated and standing, legs straight should be well performed before leaving for the gym, which brings me to some serious stretching.

Hip adduction and abduction both should be really well trained at all times. High rep deadlifts and burpees are just as important in the best daily routine.



Some more points to add in over the first week of things…


Build a body that is always ready for anything! “Whatever-Whenever.”

Momentum is real. Building better with cycles is real. “Consistency is key.” For example, going to the gym once a day for a week adds up to a significant increase in power and endurance for the next week, and so on and so forth. UFC fighters will hope to have 12 weeks, or better 20 weeks leading up to fight night.

I have found that the addition of a few other cycles on top of the above can really multiply results. One of these cycles is the urination rotation, and it’s an important one to me, and my most dedicated students – who want to know how I generate so much energy!

The daily routine is everything!

Remember the idea of momentous cycles and our most important one is the Pee Fee:



Cyclic Activity

A continued point…

I try to be as religious as I can be with my stretching and stretches, sticking to the basics and making sure I get them in daily has been enough to make me feel young again.

Hydration in all things, and certainly in stretching needs to be adequate for an ultimate performance process.

There are some core rhythms and stretches, and things here I write cause I think they are hand-picked gems, we should all know as a minimum. These should be done each day by Nutritional Diversifists, as a standard that will prevent common injury, open nutritional flow, and can take place with an almost unnoticeable subtraction of time from one’s day, in a very supportive to other things in your day; rhythm cycle.


GAUNTLETS/Urination Rotation

When you are going through gauntlets in life it is most important to do what we have called “gauntlets” or the “pee fee.”.

This ‘urination rotation ‘as I used to call them is a naturally synchronized, rhythmic cycle of important energy and stamina generating movements and is an excellent way of turning up the metabolic throttle, as well as the endurance machine. This can be realized by the permaculture principle that all selected actions and species should serve two or more purposes. So when it’s time to urinate I think okay, since urea is a strong plant stimulant, I can do my transplants when I need to urinate, and there is no need to bring out water. Adding to that thought, I can stretch 10 minutes, and do 20 push-ups each time. While this is not how I myself learned this rotation, I am happy to notice the natural path to it on the farm, for example after 10 minutes of shoveling, a good minute chi gong exercise gets me ready for another ten minutes of shoveling.

Now I call them Gauntlets because as I have gone through more horrific gauntlets in life it was more horrific gauntlets throughout the day that got me through. I do still use urination as my timing and drink tons of water all day. There is divine power in burpees.

From the moment you finish reading this I want you to start doing one stretch or exercise from below, each time you need to go. In a few weeks, you will already have results in flexibility or stamina. When your finished make sure you get a drink of water, you lost some, put some back in. In a couple of days add something else. In a week’s time maybe you have something like this, and you would be surprised how your baby steps turn quickly into something impressive. Maybe something like:

When it is time to go, during which, your water should come out as clear as it goes in (drink more if not), hold it and do two 2-6 minute stretches and some grim reapers, push-ups or isometric resistance, or balance exercises like the white crane.

As the cycle is continued and maintained it will gain momentum that can be shown over weeks and months. This is especially important for folks working office jobs, and the group practice of this for ten minutes on the hour is guaranteed to up productivity, health, and morale in the workplace. Another great recommendation is the highly effective nutritional retreats.

For me, many times, my starting place is also my ending place, because I find it best to work the warm-up, do high rep, and later at the end sort of pyramid down from the heavy stuff, to really focus on my stamina and cardiovascular conditioning. So these pyramid-off segments will extend out in length towards fight time, or game season.

Chi Gong Chinese Drum Exercise

Chi Gong an ancient discipline like Tai Chi, calls for momentum and flow-related exercise that mirrors the small handheld Chinese toy drum whereas by twisting the handle two strings with weights attached to the end smack the drum simultaneously producing a sharp snare-like sound. With feet shoulder length apart, straight across or diagonally (one step forward or one step backward), the shoulder front, that caries an inlay of nerves, acupuncture points, and flow veins and vessels, where the pectoral major meets the deltoid is tapped with the opposite hand while the back of the kidney is tapped by the other hand. alternating head position and feet position should be done in this exercise. I do this all throughout my day every day and definitely before training. Spinal position and straightness are very important and this exercise helps to keep the spine in its groove, to lead the rest of the body’s structure.

This exercise is extremely helpful in maintaining spinal correctness, joint and skeletal pliability, and for certain important endocrine system functions. You will notice the hip, and the knee benefits greatly from this exercise also.


Do the exercise with feet shoulder-width apart, straight under the shoulders for a few minutes then switch up between traditional (left foot forward, right foot back, maintaining a shoulder-width distance apart) and southpaw (right foot forward) stances.

My prescription to the serious Nutritional Diversifist would do this for 10 minutes 10 times per day or more. I myself like to hang and do a few pull-ups each time. This exercise is perfect for the urination rotation group of exercises. I also have my little Sony Walkman headphones that recharge and can be used for swimming also with the hard drive in it, and I will put in a podcast, or an audiobook in there and catch up on some info and to break my mind from it all for a moment.



Cold showers and complete submersions are a necessary part of a healthy life. I commit myself to immersion in cold water daily.

Right after the workout is a great time. Who would have thought taking a swim is the best cool down? This is the resistance, or exercise needed to keep the immune system, and regulatory systems robust and powerful.

Wim Hoff has covered this as great idea in his explorations, along with breathing mantras for longer times and enhanced the effectiveness of the practice.


Grim Reapers

Grim Reapers have an ugly-sounding name because if you do enough of them, they make you feel like you want to die, but in accordance with the first core principle of this diverse diet, that is exactly what makes you a champion for doing them.

Jumping up as high as you can, sprawling out as fast and hard as you can to push up position, from here explode to return to standing position as fast as you can and jump again to repeat the process.

With some breakbeat or old school 50-70 bpm music I get a really groovy rhythm to it, and if I do them every day for a week I can into the hundreds fast, people may notice with an impressed look on their face and I just go and go and go.

This is a momentum-based workout made to train muscles used tons in wrestling, military operations, triathletes, and much more, it’s really a great one to add-in.

Morning Run, Swim, Bike

This is so powerful. The way I do it on my best days is I go to bed at 7:30, I get up at 3:30, the shower gets in my best running gear, maybe a quick citrus-based ND shake and I am on the track no later than 4:30. I thank myself a thousand times throughout the day, for starting it this way. The brain works better, everything is better.

On the island, I would bike up to Bluff beach, the most beautiful beach I have ever seen, and at 5 am there is no one out there I own the whole thing, then I do sand sprints, swim tons, and bike back. I spend two hours out there and get back at 7 am ready to hit the day. Devine.


The optimal best daily routine, I believe is generally going to look like this..(This is what I do…without giving specifics.)

Daily Program Schedule EXAMPLE
  • 0245 Wake-up
  • 0340 Work-Out
  • 0500 Breakfast, while doing computer work, writing something reflective..
  • 0600 Work-Out, Run or Swim
  • 0700 Protein & Nutritional Diversity shake + More reflective or paperwork or Farm Work
  • 0845 Farm work
  • 1000-1300 House or Farm Work
  • Rest, Nap, Personal Time, Concentrate on Hydration
  • Highly Diverse Nutrition
  • 1500 High Diversity Nutrition
  • 1620 High Diversity Nutrition
  • 1740 High Diversity Nutrition
  • 1900 High Diversity Nutrition * go by feel
  • 1900-2130 Lights Out

I do gauntlets each time I am about to walk into the restroom all day, after drinking gallons and gallons of water.



  1. Work Out Gym Supplements
  2. Gym Vocabulary Reference
  3. 12 Week Workout Example
  4. Come Work Out With Us!
  5. Best Pre-Workout

Meditative Yoga and Stretching

Stretching and meditative states have dual benefits and are well-timed together especially, in such busy lives as those led by the modern-day men and women of our time.

Other great practices while stretching is reading, watching movies or informational videos while writing while waiting, and while in between sets at the Gym. I believe that stretching should be done with concentration, mood music maybe, and a focus on breathing.

Always Think Posture – It is very Important

Mental connection with posture should be in function while standing and seating, or holding any position for a sustained duration of time. Thoughts like ‘spine straight’ can add years to one’s life and can make life much more comfortable and enjoyable. I was once diagnosed with scoliosis, but I am convinced that by mentally correcting my spine as I type this and at all times it will correct over time, just as a straight spine could be curved over time due to the neglect of this mental concentration.

Mind Before Matter

Remember that we are supposed to be much smarter, and stronger than the modern diet has us running today. We have to expel loads of contaminants from eating loads of porquerias. Stretching is a big part of helping detach those contaminants and candida from their resting places in the system, as we use nutritional and other exercises to rid them right out.





May 2, 2021; am pleased to announce that as I optimize this writing, I do it a week after being reunited with my daughter by her freedom as an adult turning 18, after 9 years of not being able to speak to her or know where she was. Being re-united didn’t take away all the demons like I thought it would but that’s ok – I still have a good handful of tools to pull out if need be on the run or in the gym. We can say I broke half of the voodoo, the injust was just too big and interestingly the 50 fake Facebook that has stalked me over the years are quite active still, a little peak of activity here – I have zero pity for the talentless obsessed dishonest people of the world who try to live through and off of others rather than making their own way. Most importantly she is in a great home, thanks to the great people who helped her out! I am for sure on an all-time high for the last decade and so is my daily routine, my run, my writing, and my editing so without further a due.

Aug 14, 2022, This last update fell apart = the fight to conquer the biggest demons whitin self continues. Likely profisiable inm many different ways. See Human Optimation.



Originally published November 4, 1017, Updated April 27, 2018 , February 20, 2018, February 27, 2019, May 2, 2019, Apr 27, 2018, Aug 13, 2018,

Plant & Diet Researcher, Panama ¬ "Plants are totally honest, so I find myself spending a lot of time with plants."


Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (GEF)



1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA
Tel : (202) 473-1000

A Proposal for the Global Environment Facility (GEF-8) Funding Cycle

Submitted by:

Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity Biodiverse Performance Study
Pro-Organic Alternative Agriculturist, Researcher, and Ecological Enhancement Specialist

Executive Summary

The Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (NDEEP) is a revolutionary ecological restoration initiative designed to combat biodiversity loss, improve soil and ocean health, regenerate degraded ecosystems, and enhance climate resilience through highly diverse, self-sustaining agricultural and ‘rewilding systems.’

By utilizing probiotic-rich soil amendments, permaculture and biodynamic principles, drone-assisted reforestation, and AI-guided ecological mapping, this program aims to enhance existing ecologies, restore degraded lands, regenerate biodiversity hotspots, and create nutrient-rich food systems that support both human health and planetary recovery.

With over 12 years of experience in alternative agriculture and other natural studies across Latin America, I have developed an innovative system that restores depleted soils, promotes high-yield organic cultivation, and revitalizes native ecosystems while simultaneously improving human nutrition. I have a diverse team of incredible individuals and new site locations ready to go!

This project aligns with GEF-8’s core priorities by:

  • Restoring biodiversity and reversing species loss through highly diverse, ecosystem-based agricultural models.
  • Mitigating climate change by increasing carbon sequestration through reforestation and regenerative farming practices.
  • Combating pollution and soil degradation by eliminating synthetic inputs and using organic, microbial-enhanced composting.
  • Enhancing ocean and water health by preventing agricultural runoff and rehabilitating aquatic ecosystems with algae-based filtration systems.

The NDEEP is scalable, measurable, and designed to be replicated globally, making it a high-impact project for the World Bank’s ecological and sustainable development goals.

Project Objectives

  1. Biodiversity Regeneration & Ecological Enhancement

    • Reintroduce native plant species in degraded areas.
    • Integrate wildlife corridors and pollinator-friendly zones.
    • Use drone-assisted seed dispersal to accelerate reforestation.
    • Establish permanent bioactive soil systems to revitalize degraded farmland.
  2. Carbon Sequestration & Climate Resilience

    • Implement permaculture and food forest models that act as long-term carbon sinks.
    • Restore mangrove forests, peatlands, and coastal ecosystems to protect against flooding and erosion.
    • Develop high-diversity cropping methods to increase resilience against droughts and extreme weather.
  3. Pollution & Soil Regeneration

    • Replace synthetic fertilizers and pesticides with probiotic soil amendments and microbial biofertilizers.
    • Utilize natural mycoremediation (fungi-based) systems to detoxify soils contaminated by industrial waste.
    • Implement closed-loop composting cycles to transform organic waste into high-yield soil nutrients.
  4. Nutritional Diversity for Food Security & Human Health

    • Establish nutrient-dense regenerative food systems that include rare and indigenous plant species.
    • Promote biodiverse, natural diets that improve gut microbiome health and immune function.
    • Introduce highly sustainable protein sources, such as agroforestry-raised livestock and alternative proteins.
  5. Technology & Innovation for Large-Scale Impact

    • Deploy AI-powered ecological monitoring systems to track biodiversity progress.
    • Use drone and satellite technology to assess reforestation success and carbon capture rates.
    • Develop mobile applications and blockchain-based tracking to support global adoption of ecological farming practices.

Alignment with World Bank and GEF-8 Priorities

GEF-8 Priority How NDEEP Contributes
Reversing species loss Restores native plant ecosystems and wildlife corridors.
Combating climate change Sequesters carbon via regenerative agriculture and reforestation.
Improving soil and ocean health Reduces pollution, eliminates synthetic inputs, and restores aquatic ecosystems.
Supporting sustainable food systems Creates biodiverse, nutrient-dense agricultural models.
Integrating technology for environmental solutions Uses AI, drones, and blockchain for monitoring and efficiency.

Proposed Project Locations

The NDEEP initiative will be piloted in Latin America, leveraging 12 years of experience across Panama, Colombia, and Argentina. Initial target regions include:

  • We have an ecological wonder site we found one year ago in a uniquely perfect for one type of implementation and two other ready-to-go areas from the private sector, we would be happy to collaborate in as many microclimates as possible.
  • Deforested tropical areas in Panama → Reforestation with agroforestry and permaculture models.
  • Coastal ecosystems in Colombia → Restoration of mangrove forests and oceanic biodiversity zones.
  • Degraded agricultural lands in Argentina → Conversion to probiotic soil regeneration and permaculture farming.

Future expansions will include Southeast Asia, Africa, and North America to scale the impact globally.

Implementation Plan & Timeline

Phase Activities Timeline
Phase 1: Research & Pilot Sites Select and map key degraded ecosystems for restoration. 6 months
Phase 2: Regenerative Agriculture Deployment Implement probiotic soil systems, plant biodiversity hubs, and monitor growth. 1 year
Phase 3: Large-Scale Drone-Assisted Reforestation Utilize drone seed dispersal for rapid ecosystem restoration. 1 year
Phase 4: Nutritional Diversity Study & Human Health Impact Conduct research on biodiversity’s effect on nutrition and gut microbiome. 1 year
Phase 5: Global Expansion & Scaling Replicate the model in additional high-priority regions. Ongoing

Funding Request

To successfully implement the pilot phase, we request $10 million USD from the World Bank’s GEF-8 funding cycle, allocated as follows:

  • $3M → Land restoration, reforestation, and agroforestry projects.
  • $2.5M → Technological deployment (AI monitoring, drones, and blockchain tracking).
  • $2M → Research on nutritional diversity’s impact on biodiversity and human health.
  • $1.5M → Community training and education programs.
  • $1M → Administrative, operational, and logistics costs.

With this funding, the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program will establish a scalable model for global environmental recovery, creating lasting impact on biodiversity, climate resilience, and human health.


By investing in the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program, the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility will support a groundbreaking, nature-based solution that revitalizes degraded ecosystems, enhances biodiversity, improves human health, and combats climate change.

This initiative is not just a conservation project—it is a holistic approach to global restoration, integrating food systems, ecological science, and regenerative technology to create a healthier, more resilient planet.

With proven success in Latin America, cutting-edge technological applications, and a deeply rooted commitment to environmental justice, the NDEEP is poised to become one of the most transformative ecological enhancement programs in the world.

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the World Bank, the GEF, and partner organizations to bring this vision to life.

Submitted by:

Brandon ‘Angel’  R.E. 
Founder, of Nutritional Diversity Optimal Biological Performance Insitute
Alternative Agriculture & Ecological Enhancement

Student of Nature

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Discussing a Prototype & Sourcing! Digital Diet & Nutri-Cultivation Online Apps



The fusion of online apps with diet and agriculture unlocks unparalleled potential to revolutionize how we grow, consume, and connect with our food systems. Imagine platforms that seamlessly integrate personalized nutritional plans with real-time tracking of diverse food consumption, empowering individuals to optimize their health like never before. Through advanced mapping software, cultivators worldwide can share techniques, track crop diversity, and access localized solutions, creating a decentralized network of innovation. These apps can gamify sustainable eating and cultivation, encouraging users to experiment with diverse, nutrient-rich diets while connecting directly to vetted local farmers and suppliers for fresh, sustainable produce.

Beyond individual benefits, the possibilities for global collaboration are limitless. Picture a digital ecosystem where small-scale farmers in remote regions exchange insights with urban hydroponic growers, supported by AI-driven recommendations for maximizing yields and biodiversity. Online communities could host live workshops, certification programs, and mentorship opportunities, creating a culture of shared knowledge and innovation. These tools have the power to break down barriers, uniting people across the world to tackle food security, biodiversity loss, and sustainability challenges head-on. By embracing these technologies, we’re not just reimagining agriculture and nutrition—we’re creating a movement that blends tradition with cutting-edge innovation to reshape the future of food.

For over 13 years, we have been pioneering Nutritional Diversity Diet Sciences, dedicating our efforts to studying and implementing high-performance, all-natural diets in regions like Panama and Colombia, where the richest equatorial nutrition is found. Through our extensive work, we’ve developed a digital community that is revolutionizing the way people approach diet and cultivation sciences.

Our longstanding team, including Brandon and Rosa, is available right now and every day through our app community.

Our community offers a robust suite of tools, including:

  • Community Discord Chats, are a knowledgebase and wealth of information. It helps to have a community around you sharing, inspiring, and keeping the blade sharp as in, “cutting-edge!”
  • Comprehensive courses designed to educate and evolve your understanding of diverse nutrition and cultivation techniques.
  • Mapping and course-taking software to organize and personalize your learning journey.
  • Networking plugins that connect like-minded individuals, cultivators, and practitioners worldwide.
  • Combinations index, of excellent nutritional and cultivational combinations found.
  • A membership program that evolves with cutting-edge insights and practices in diverse diet and agricultural sciences.
  • Promote healthy ideas like, compost business concept promotion. Did you know compost can generate electricity, fuel a community super-garden, prevent wildfires, enhance the ecology, and make the business operator good coin? Ideas like diverse nutrition retail, maybe even a free franchise of it! [i] If we get wind of anything that will help spark a new world culture of moderation, and re-integration into nature we will get the word out.
  • Down the line, households can even trade drone programs, and home cultivation assembly plans that automate a sustainable home to some degree.

We’ve helped implement advanced agricultural techniques, diverse cooking methods, and consumption strategies globally [i], creating a ripple effect of healthier, more sustainable systems. Our efforts are deeply rooted in hands-on experience and a commitment to advancing cultivation sciences. For those seeking a closer connection, we frequently invite participants to experience this lifestyle firsthand in Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia, where they can immerse themselves in these thriving systems.

To further support this mission, we’re also developing nutritional supplements aimed at delivering greater dietary diversity, making it easier for individuals to incorporate the benefits of diverse nutrition into their daily lives.

We’re not just building a program; we’re inviting people to join a movement—to expand on the wheel we’ve started turning. By becoming part of our community, you can contribute to and benefit from diverse online platforms, infrastructure projects, interest groups, and global collaborations.

!! We believe that no single, centrally distributed source of information or control is sufficient. Instead, we advocate for a scattered and diverse ecosystem, of many different online communities and creations where knowledge and innovation flow freely across MANY connected communities!!

We see something in the blockchain format, that seems to impersonate certain constructional patterns more naturally, and we have also had some discussions and investigations regarding possibilities here. There could be an opportunity to inspire new reforestation, food forestation, and ecological enhancement with blockchain technology.

Together, we can evolve the systems that foster optimal health and sustainable living -rampantly – worldwide! Join us in building a world where diverse diets, practices, and ideas thrive.


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Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry



TARGET 10: Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry

The Importance of Educating and Implementing a One-Point Government Against Genetic Modification of Nature

In an age of technological advancement and scientific innovation, the temptation to genetically modify nature has grown significantly. While such modifications promise solutions to global problems, they also present substantial risks to ecosystems, biodiversity, and the fundamental balance of life on Earth. The call for a one-point government policy—an unwavering stance against genetic modification of nature—is not only a plea for ecological preservation but also an invitation for humanity to adopt a culture of empowerment, education, and ecological responsibility.

The Case Against Genetic Modification of Nature

Genetic modification, while often well-intentioned, disrupts the intricate harmony of ecosystems. Genetically modified species can outcompete native species, disrupt food chains, and lead to unforeseen ecological consequences. Once released, these modifications are irreversible, posing long-term risks to biodiversity and natural systems that have evolved over millennia.

A one-point government policy to prohibit the genetic modification of nature would serve as a global safeguard, ensuring that humanity respects and works with natural processes rather than altering them to fit immediate needs or desires. This stance is not about hindering progress but about prioritizing sustainable and harmonious solutions that benefit both people and the planet.

Empowerment Through Education

Education is the cornerstone of this movement. By teaching individuals and communities about the dangers of genetic modification and the benefits of working with natural systems, we can foster a culture of respect and stewardship for the environment. Nutritional Diversity culture—which emphasizes consuming and cultivating a wide variety of natural, organic foods—provides a powerful framework for this education.

This culture promotes alternative agriculture that is resilient, sustainable, and aligned with the natural rhythms of the Earth. By understanding the principles of biodiversity and regenerative practices, individuals can become active participants in creating healthier ecosystems. Educational programs should focus on:

  1. Understanding Biodiversity: The importance of maintaining genetic diversity in crops and livestock to ensure resilience against diseases and environmental changes.
  2. Alternative Agriculture Practices: Techniques like permaculture, guerrilla farming, and biodynamic agriculture that enhance soil health, water retention, and crop yields without synthetic inputs.
  3. Nutritional Diversity for Health: The link between diverse diets and optimal physical and mental performance, encouraging individuals to grow and consume a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.

Household Empowerment as Ecological Empowerment

The shift toward ecological responsibility begins at home. Households can become microcosms of ecological empowerment, contributing to broader environmental health while fostering personal well-being. This grassroots approach diminishes the need for large institutional governance, instead placing the power to create change directly in the hands of individuals and communities. We have two operational sustainable household models [2] that function for multiple guests year-round.

Practical Steps for Household Empowerment:

  1. Home Gardens: Cultivate small-scale gardens that focus on diverse, organic crops. These gardens not only provide fresh, nutritious food but also reconnect individuals with the cycles of nature.
  2. Composting: Transform household waste into valuable compost to enrich soil and reduce landfill contributions.
  3. Water Conservation: Implement rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems to minimize water usage while supporting lush, productive gardens. Water enhancements.
  4. Community Collaboration: Form local cooperatives to share resources, knowledge, and labor, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Benefits of Freedom to Work With Nature

By rejecting genetic modification and embracing a culture of empowerment and responsibility, individuals gain the freedom to work with the natural world rather than against it. This approach offers numerous benefits:

  • Resilience: Natural systems, when nurtured, are inherently resilient and capable of adapting to environmental changes without human interference.
  • Health: Consuming unmodified, nutrient-dense foods supports optimal physical and mental performance.
  • Sustainability: Regenerative practices improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon, combating climate change.
  • Autonomy: Empowered households and communities reduce dependence on industrial agriculture and centralized systems, fostering greater independence and self-reliance.

Educational and Implementational Teams in South and Central America

Across South and Central America, our dedicated teams are working tirelessly to educate and implement sustainable, nature-aligned practices. These teams are embedded in local communities, providing hands-on training, workshops, and resources to empower individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture and alternative agriculture techniques.

Our online education platform is operational, offering accessible, comprehensive resources on regenerative practices, biodiversity, and ecological stewardship. This platform connects learners with experts and peers, creating a vibrant community of ecological advocates.

In addition, our innovative app facilitates the logging of new project sites and coordinates ecologically enhancing practices. This tool enables real-time collaboration among participants, tracks progress, and ensures alignment with sustainable goals. By integrating technology with grassroots efforts, we’re creating a dynamic ecosystem of support that empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their ecological and nutritional well-being.

We have an open invitation to interests to come down and experience the diet, and see the agriculture.

A Vision for the Future

A global commitment to preserving the integrity of nature through a one-point government policy against genetic modification represents a profound act of respect for the Earth and future generations. By educating and empowering individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture, alternative agriculture practices, and household-level ecological responsibility, we can create a sustainable, harmonious world where freedom and nature thrive together.

Let us rise to this challenge, cultivating not only our gardens but also our collective potential to live in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can achieve a legacy of ecological integrity and human empowerment.



  1. Homeless Solution
  2. End of War
  3. End of Crime



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