Chicken – Fearsome, Fighting Protein | Learn Why..
Chicken has been my starter diet staple recommend for protein in the past. I know that is a bit traditional but it is what it is. I raise them, with little Nutritional Diversity diets of their own. Chickens are loyal, if I let them out they follow me around everywhere, like as if on watch. I like that quality of meat.
They will get it on too. As much as I don’t agree with it, or abusive, tragic chain gang chicken farming; they fight chickens here. They scrap. Here on my farm, they have several big areas, I move them from one to another every fifteen days. No animal should be on its own feces any more than that. If someone forgets to give them their special feed, they will fight out of the pen no doubt about it. I like this fight, and this escape quality in my meat too. You are what you eat.
Chicken to me is a ‘food of the Gods,’ and I know we have been talking a bit about foods of the Gods this year on NutritionalDiversity.com. Producing chickens is fast and easy, when it comes to livestock, they are the fastest and most productive value on my farm. Chickens come from fearsome ancestry and they are energetic, willing to fight animals – fighting food. Producing chickens like anything else can be highly optimized, and you can give chickens the best life a chicken ever had on this earth!
The Food of the Gods starred Marjoe Gortner, Pamela Franklin, Ralph Meeker, Jon Cypher, John McLiam, and Ida Lupino. This film was loosely based on a portion of the H. G. Wells novel The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth. A 1976 science fiction thriller film released by American International Pictures and was written, produced, and directed by Bert I. Gordon. The tale of ‘Ecology Strikes Back,’ with the idea of a blood based way to create giant organisms featured a giant chicken attacking a man. The Food of the Gods was first adapted for the comics in January 1961, for Classics Illustrated No. 160, with a painted cover by Gerald McCann, script by Alfred Sundel, and interior artwork by Tony Tallarico.
Funny thing is long ago, the chicken may have been this size, or at least it’s gene-related ancestor was.
“Paleontologists have long accepted that birds are a form of dinosaur. Now the theory that the most feared dinosaur of all, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, has evolved into the modern-day chicken has been given scientific backing with the April, 2007 discovery of some per-historic collagen,” according to Dr Mary Schweitzer, of North Carolina State University. Thanks to the natural preservation of the particular fossil discovered, we can confirm the relation.
Around the world chicken’s have become a standard option meat variety, that makes up a very large portion of overall global protein-focused consumption. This is because (1) chickens are fun and easy to raise. Chickens produce super-food eggs also (2). Cooked chicken meat is a super-food (3). Between chickens and their eggs, a human can build muscle and strength, in ways that are very hard to do without a meat source like it.
History & Modern Use of Chickens
Chicken is the most popular poultry in the world. It has been domesticated and consumed as food for thousands of years. It is believed that chickens were first domesticated in India thousands of years ago, for cockfighting and later for food farming. Slowly, chickens spread to other parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe and eventually to the Americas. Some claim chickens were brought to the Americas from Europe by the early colonists.
A lot of people believe that animal proteins are hurting humans. This is true with several animal meat products. This is not true with all meat products. For example, if the chickens are raised with love and care and good Nutritionally Diverse foods they and their eggs are excellent sources of nutrition. Wild animals and insects are also great nutritional elements.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.-Paracelsus
ND-diet Use of Chicken
Protein, Dynamics
Athlete’s using the Nutritional Diversity program and concept, need good, affordable, available high protein sources, and like with everything the more organic sources of protein the better.
Chickens have many different races and varieties and, a diversity of these is good. Whereas a diversity of homegrown organic chickens that were loved and given appropriate area to run around, maybe a nice view and lots of friends during their life – is best.
Chicken is the first meat I wrote about, and I still recommend it as a starting staple protein for Nutritional Diversifists, being it’s purchased from a loving small farmer. Chicken great to grow yourself, on land or a fun place you make for them, anywhere in the world! Chickens do just fine in residential areas, I am a big fan of raised, moveable chicken houses, and the easily transportable, solar electric powered livestock fence featured in this video. Chickens with adequate installations are fine for an urban green roof, production systems.
The chicken will work for a primary protein source, in an athletes’ Nutritional Diversity plan.
Dynamic Food Cultivation, Creating Ultimate Proteins for Ultimate Athletes
I can’t encourage my readers enough to raise their own food, and chickens are perfect for home gardens even in residential neighborhoods and building rooftops.
Raising these proteins yourself not only ensure’s healthy chickens and a great protein source but, actually does lay a functional relationship, between self and food to the degree that body appreciation and nutrient uptake is increased, because of the love that the consumer had for the particular food. This same principle works with plants also, and it is even believed that through knowing their future consumer, plants, and animals have the ability to create and form nutritional answers to the possible medical needs or helpful aids to the athletic goals of their human parent, and future consumer. Time, care and love of food, is lost but very important part of the human experience.
Going to a small farmer who raises a great rotation of chickens, is the best idea for those who are unable to tend to their own.
There is one benefit also of this ‘lost ‘dynamic, and that is that the practice of food love is very rare, but the intelligence in plants and animals has not gone away. This means that the rare human practitioner of food love, can get themselves yet another leg up in nutritional and athletic advantage-ship, and trigger nutrient production. Most chickens today are raised in a horrible, abusive situation, force-fed by injection hormones to grow and produce eggs, while in suffering. `Raising chickens I noticed quickly that if they don’t have enough Nutritional Diversity in their diet or they don’t get let out of the house for a bit each day, they become upset and don’t lay as many eggs. It is very easy, through neglect to upset them enough not to lay eggs at all. On the flipside treating them excellently can double egg production, and certainly, the happiness and healthiness of the chicken come through to the lucky and blessed individual(s) who get to consume the free of chemical or hormone, stronger tougher meat. |I can tell right away our range chickens are ten times the nutritional of store-bought chickens. Chickens like humans, they follow us around the farm all day. They like friends, friendly or trained dogs, and cats, co-exist well with chickens, and here the monkeys pass by often in the trees to say hello somehow.
Chicken Nutrition
Muscle, Bone, and Brainfood.
Chickens are one of the most popular sources of protein across most diet’s in the world currently.
They are a good source of vitamins and minerals and cholesterol. Not all cholesterol is bad, in fact, much of it is good – it all works very well within the balance of Nutritional Diversity. The balance of the chicken is perfect in helping to quickly process and uptake proteins, and deliver minerals to the blood.
It’s not just muscle food but brain and hormone food also. Chicken is rich in several minerals like phosphorus and calcium, which helps keeps bones remain in mint condition.
The recommended amount of daily protein requirements for an office worker, is 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight, or 0.4 g of protein per pound of body weight. Remember these numbers are for normal people. For athletes, the daily requirement of protein is about 0.6 g to 2.0 g per pound, depending on goals and daily output.
Chicken is not only a very good source of protein, but it is a very good source of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals found in it are very useful in numerous activities in our body. Vitamin B 12’s and B 6’s are very important to brain function and hormone production.
Vitamin D supports calcium absorption and bone strength. Vitamin A helps in building up eyesight and minerals such as iron are helpful in hemoglobin formation, muscle activity, also eliminating anemia. Potassium and sodium are important electrolytes (organic), and phosphorous plays another important role in tackling weakness, bone health, brain function, dental care, and metabolic issues.
Chicken Medicine
Medicinal levels from chickens’ vitamin banks in B vitamins are useful in preventing cataracts and skin disorders, boosting immunity, eliminating weakness, regulating digestion, and improving the nervous system, as well as preventing migraine, heart disorders, grey hair, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Stress Medication
Chicken has two nutrients that are great for reducing stress, tryptophan and Vitamin B5. These guys have a calming effect on your body and this makes chicken an excellent option after a stressful day, or a heavy workout. Chicken is high in magnesium making it supportive of testosterone production (chicken is also high in zinc) but also means it can work towards regulating intolerable PMS symptoms. In today’s age, I always recommend stacking up stress-reducing foods.
Chicken Eggs
Eggs, cheap, daily if your raising chickens, high protein super food that the low-budget Nutritional Diversifist cannot afford to pass up. I write chicken and their eggs into my starting plans for newbies to Nutritional Diversity and eat them both every day myself.
Eggs, contain the zygote that hatches into a baby chicken – the eggs contain everything needed for the chicken to become live.
FUN FACT: The largest egg recorded so far was from a whale shark, and was 30 cm × 14 cm × 9 cm (11.8 in × 5.5 in × 3.5 in) in size. I wonder what kind of workout you could get after consuming that?
Looking at this chart you will see great vital nutrition, lots of helpful stuff, and that we have been right about eggs as a great morning food. Eat them with papaya, or avocado, to get the most out of this great spectrum of nutrients.
Eggs, especially the hard-boiled form, is great to pack in the Nutritional Diversity organizer, stick in the gym bag, backpack or briefcase, and eat correctly with your other nutritional plan ingredients (like a kick-butt hot sauce) throughout the day.
Also, notice the difference between the egg and the whole chicken breast nutritional facts charts in fat and cholesterol. While tons of chicken can be eaten in a day with no problem, egg consumption should be in the 3 to 6 a day range. Exceeding ten eggs could be asking for some acid related, and possibly other problems. Eat a few raw for sure to make sure there is good material balance in the system at the end, I myself eat some shell even – toss a few whole raw eggs into a smoothie.
Real Organic Multivitamin
Quickly glancing at the chart on our left, it is easy to see why to stick a few hard-boiled guys in the day kit.
Vitamin B 12
More on eggs to come in the next update!
Chicken Permaculture
Chicken’s are great for permacultures, I totally recommend them. The males get the farm started in the morning, here around 4:30 am, Mr. Rooster and his cousins in arms start going off. With three
They deserve a view, friends, love and I use moveable stilted standing chicken huts, with kick-butt staircases to them, egg carton insulated roofs to cut down on rain noise for them, inside of moveable solar-powered electric fencing. I do a figure 8 layout with one fence and keep our current two genetic variations separate so the male cocks don’t fight and have solid, comfortable claims to their harems. I can’t stand jealousy, and I definitely don’t want that emotion high in the lives of my food.
I have a few more steps to complete in these chicken farming goals, there is always more that can be done, although look at how valuable this particular chicken meat is!
Moving them around is key for me so that I don’t damage land but instead smartly convert it, keep the chickens happy, and I move my pure bread pit bulldogs after them in a rotation, so there is multiple poops down. Section by section (Panama farm) I clear with the machete (leaving several of the adult plants and trees there), pile up some stuff, burn on a sunny day to make a very clear little patch, and give a great carbon shot to the soil. Then I put the chickens in for a couple of months, then the dogs just after for a couple of months, and I hope to start this plant crop lot conversion process with goats or horses soon. Then I move the fence back and start converting the plot.
Chickens and dogs dig, scratch up and turn around the topsoil perfect for planting. The acidic chicken poop kills out most of the grasses and the chickens clear the rest looking for worms and scratching around. As this process expands my planting plots, out,
We are into finding new strains of chickens, I want to have several different genetic types, and maybe cross em up a bit. There is a GMO chicken here, that produces eggs only when fed the store-bought GMO chicken feed. I don’t want these chicken’s nor do I want the strain, that they grow in small cages, hoked up to automatic feeding, suffer their entire life and the generations before them, until conveyor belted to a truck to KFC and the supermarkets.
Do one quick search and find out about ‘battery caged’ chickens and worse, and you will se why any chicken raised on a small farm today is a lucky chicken. Do yourself and the world a favor and raise your own chickens and love em and they will give you everyday their golden value nutrition -eggs.
Farmers Notes:
We do some serious chicken stuff here at the farm, and I have some experience, observations, and creative practices that we have created and developed here that I feel I should pass on. This article like all on here is growing and updated regularly.
Chicken Housing
I had thought that my chickens would eat their eggs if I didn’t bring enough food out to them because there were broken shells in the cage where the material inside the shell had obviously been consumed. I thought for days, “ the T-Rex relative eats its own young, if hungry.” My neighbor is a lifelong Chicken farming expert and from him, I learned that chickens only eat their own eggs when they break accidentally. What will happen is the chicken will at times stand up when having an egg, and if the floor is hard the egg will break, and only if this happens will they eat it. I like the cleanliness of cement floor pens, and some neighboring to the cement house bananas, an original or close to it banana, eats up the acidic sprayed out chicken waist very well.
So now we build some houses that use what is being called on YouTube, the “deep bedding system,” where I do not use cement flooring, and instead use earth, grass trimmings, and leaves as all my flooring. The idea with this system is that the chickens will eventually scratch together nice fast turning, compost – like material. It will be heavily acidic, so I use it, where I have adolescent plants that I wish to grow peanut grass ground-cover around. The peanut grass nitrogen-fixer will work to balance out the PH of the chicken pen compost laid under it.
Chicken Food
The other easy-to-do power move with chickens that we do here is lay out some chicken food in a pan or even just a cup, so that flies and ‘moskas’ will lay their larva in it, and then the grubs will start. The grubs will too feed off the same “laying mesh” that is fed to your chickens and before you know it the entire medium will be moving around with large worms.. The grubs can actually work to convert GMO corn or other unneeded elements of certain laying meshes. I think we are okay here in Panama on contaminants in chicken food but a certain level most definitely does exist in the store-bought mesh. Many States-side located products are largely tampered with., to extreme degrees, and should not be used at all. But even this food is not useless, and available to us is the grub method, which should be employed certainly.
Ideally, you want to give your chickens a Nutritional Diversity of stuff, and the more organic methods the better. In time I hope to have several different worm farms, collecting ‘worm castings (excellent fertilizer component),’ and feeding our chickens several different worms regularly. I do feed them the store-bought meshes still, I try and mix it in with as nice a mix as the farm can procure from its work to give them.
Fish farming is not only a stellar aquaponics component to operations at a farm, is also a stellar chicken farming component. Chickens love to fish! Ours do anyway here you can meet them :
Subject: Podcast
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Brandon Angel, and I’m reaching out because I believe your audience would benefit tremendously from hearing the real truth about nutrition—the truth that mainstream health industries don’t want people to know.
For years, we’ve been fed incomplete, one-dimensional diets that keep people weak, sick, and dependent. I’ve spent a decade deep in the jungles of Central and South America, studying ancient nutrition, biological optimization, and the true power of Nutritional Diversity. What I uncovered has the potential to revolutionize health, performance, and human resilience.
Why This Interview Will Resonate With Your Audience:
The Food War is Real: How modern diets, processed foods, and corporate agendas have systematically stripped people of their biological power.
Nutritional Diversity – The Missing Link: Why a highly diverse, unprocessed diet outperforms every mainstream trend (vegan, carnivore, keto, etc.) in energy, cognition, and longevity.
The Microbiome = Human Potential: How gut health, plant and animal diversity, and regenerative farming can restore strength, mental clarity, and instinct in ways modern medicine never will.
My Story – A War Against the System: From escaping false charges to living in the jungle to uncovering the ultimate nutrition strategy—this is not just another health podcast episode.
The Movement Has Started: Nutritional Diversity is gaining momentum, and we’re calling on pioneers in health, fitness, and self-optimization to join the mission.
A Personal Story of Discovery and Loss: I arrived in Panama, intending to visit my uncle, only to find myself instead claiming his remains. As I searched for answers about his life, I uncovered not just his story but an entire hidden world of knowledge that was slipping away. That journey of grief, revelation, and discovery led me to a truth so profound that it changed everything I thought I knew about health and survival. His murder, and those of several other Americans, were later investigated in a Dateline special and covered in bestselling books, exposing a shocking web of crime that many had tried to keep buried.
Why This Moment Matters – The Pivotal Shift We All Need
We are standing at a critical turning point—a moment where humanity must reclaim its strength, intelligence, and resilience. The modern food system is broken, and its impact is undeniable. But we don’t have to stay trapped in it.
Nutritional Diversity is the revolution we need. It’s not just about food—it’s about breaking free from a system designed to weaken us and returning to a way of eating that unlocks true human potential.
This isn’t just another health trend. This is the key to mental clarity, physical dominance, and longevity—the missing piece in performance, recovery, and disease prevention. The solution has been right in front of us all along, and now, it’s time to take it back.
I’d love the opportunity to dive deep on your podcast and deliver a raw, high-impact conversation that your listeners won’t forget. If this aligns with your mission and audience, let’s lock in a date and make it happen.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity Sciences
Your Websites: NutritionalDiversity.com, BrandonAngelFitness.com
“Who controls the food supply…” Take the Power Back!!
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” – Henry Kissinger [i]
Imagine If 20% of the Population Took Action Today: A Vision for Nutritional Diversity and Land Restoration
A Future Shaped by Small Alternative Agricultures
Imagine if, starting today, one in five people took up the challenge of cultivating small-scale alternative agriculture—permaculture food forests, regenerative farms, nutrient-dense wild plots, and biodiverse gardens—all designed to support the Nutritional Diversity Diet.
Where would we be in five, ten, or twenty years?
Five Years: The Awakening of the Land
- Millions of small plots, backyards, and vacant lands transformed into living, breathing ecosystems.
- Urban and rural landscapes are interwoven with perennial food systems, soil-building crops, and high-density nutrition.
- Local communities regaining food sovereignty, free from chemical-dependent supply chains.
- A new generation of eco-entrepreneurs emerges, pioneering micro-farms that thrive on biodiversity, not monoculture.
Ten Years: The Turning Point
- Soil once depleted by industrial agriculture now teeming with life, enriched by microbial diversity.
- A shift in global nutrition: Gut health improves, disease rates drop, and food security becomes decentralized.
- Rivers and oceans heal as synthetic fertilizers and agricultural runoff disappear.
- AI-driven ecological monitoring and drone-assisted reforestation bring back lost biodiversity.
- Carbon sequestration skyrockets as trees, fungi, and regenerative landscapes capture atmospheric carbon at scale.
Twenty Years: A Thriving Regenerative Civilization
- Industrial farming is replaced by hyper-diverse, closed-loop food systems.
- A self-sustaining, nutritionally complete ecosystem supports human health and planetary stability.
- No longer a “niche practice,” biodiverse agriculture becomes the foundation of global food production.
- The climate stabilizes, deserts are reclaimed, and the world breathes in balance with nature.
- Humanity lives longer, stronger, and more harmoniously, nourished by food systems that heal instead of harm.
Call to Action: The Time Is Now
This is not a distant dream—it is a blueprint for action. With the right support, incentives, and knowledge-sharing networks, we can make this vision a reality.
We propose the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative, a scalable, measurable, and globally replicable system to:
Provide tools, education, and guidance to small-scale land stewards.
Establish financial and technological support for high-diversity micro-farms.
Integrate AI, drone technology, and microbial soil innovations for rapid ecosystem regeneration.
Create global food security by focusing on nutrient density over yield quantity.
Develop decentralized marketplaces, ensuring farmers thrive economically while enhancing ecosystems.
We invite partners, visionaries, and world leaders to be part of this movement—to fund, support, and ignite a regenerative revolution.
The first seeds of change are ready to be planted. Will you be among the first to grow the future?
What Happens When We Take Action?
When 20% of the population actively participates in alternative agriculture and land regeneration, we initiate a chain reaction—one that transforms food systems, ecosystems, human health, and even the global economy.
Phase 1: The Shift Begins (Years 1-5)
- People reclaim land—from vacant lots to degraded soil, rooftops to backyards—turning them into diverse, regenerative food systems.
- Microbial restoration kicks in as synthetic inputs are abandoned in favor of probiotic soil amendments, composting, and mycoremediation.
- Communities reconnect through local food exchanges, cooperative farming models, and educational hubs that teach Nutritional Diversity principles.
- Corporate agriculture feels the shift—as millions of people begin sourcing food from local, nutrient-dense, chemical-free alternatives.
- Consumer health improves as gut microbiomes are restored, chronic disease rates decline, and processed food dependency weakens.
Phase 2: The Turning Point (Years 5-10)
- A new agricultural economy emerges, where small-scale, biodiverse farms outperform industrial monocultures in nutrition, sustainability, and resilience.
- Desertified lands begin to heal, carbon is pulled from the atmosphere, and regenerative land practices stabilize microclimates.
- Big agriculture is forced to adapt—industries pivot to regenerative practices or face extinction as decentralized food systems thrive.
- Nutritional intelligence spreads, with functional medicine and whole-food-based nutrition becoming the global standard.
- Biodiversity explodes—pollinators, wildlife, and native plants return, forming self-sustaining ecosystems within human environments.
Phase 3: A Regenerative Future (Years 10-20)
- Human health reaches a new peak, with stronger immune systems, fewer metabolic diseases, and a lifespan extended by decades through nutrient-rich diets.
- The climate crisis reverses itself, as forests, soil, and mycorrhizal networks become major carbon sinks, cooling the planet naturally.
- Oceans heal, as agricultural runoff ceases, marine food chains restore, and dead zones shrink.
- New economic powerhouses emerge, built on regenerative production, decentralized supply chains, and abundance-based commerce.
- Governments and corporations embrace the movement, integrating nutritional diversity farming and ecosystem repair into global policy.
The Inevitable Future—If We Act Now
This isn’t speculation—this will happen if enough people take action. The first adopters set the stage, and as results multiply, the movement scales exponentially.
The Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative is designed to facilitate, accelerate, and scale this transformation.
We have the tools. We have the knowledge. We have the opportunity.
The only question is: How fast do we want this future to arrive?
….. another question could be can we implement through the younger generation and video games!???
- Why Small Alternative Agriculture is the Best Investment Today!
- Scientific Study Supporting Diverse Diets for Best Health
- Nutritional Diversity & Human Health
- Robot Army
Cover Letter for Submission to the Real World Education Center
Subject: Proposal Submission – Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program
Both the political and social achievements of your team have deeply inspired me, and my time at your university has equipped me with invaluable skills. I first joined as a member, then as a council member, driven by sheer admiration, appreciation, and a desire to support your mission.
Thirteen years ago, my only child—my princess—was taken from me (she was 9 at the time and completely infatuated with me as any young girl with her Dad, and Honorable Military Hero to boot [story]), kidnapped by her mother, and conditioned to hate me. I had hoped to guide her toward the Real World University, the most powerful entrepreneurial education platform in existence today. Freedom and independent free thought! At the time, I could not have foreseen the incredible socio-political landscape your team would create and the immense possibilities you continue to build. It is nothing short of extraordinary.
Through my now 12 years of work in the equatorial tropical regions, I have come to understand that true freedom is rooted in the “realest world”—the natural world that God gifted us. This world, like our cities, has been under attack. We must take the power back. It is our disconnection from nature and natural workings, that renders us vulnerable, that makes us enslaveable.
A calling has been screaming at me—from above, from below, and from the most remarkable people I have ever known. I can’t help but wonder if your team—one of the last strongholds of truth and action—is our greatest chance at escaping toxicity and reintegrating with the realest world in a way that not only restores but enhances culture, health, and builds the harmonious life as God hopes us to see us achieve. Because I know, without question, that this reconnection is the ultimate solution to it all.
I am writing to submit our proposal for the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (NDEEP) to the Real World Education Center. This initiative presents a groundbreaking, nature-based solution for restoring ecosystems, improving biodiversity, and revolutionizing sustainable food systems through nutritional diversity, regenerative agriculture, and technological innovation.
With over 12 years of experience in Latin America, I have developed and tested a scalable system that restores depleted soils, enhances food security, promotes carbon sequestration, and revitalizes biodiversity hotspots—all while improving human health and social resilience. By leveraging drone technology, AI-driven ecological monitoring, and probiotic soil restoration techniques, NDEEP aligns with global environmental goals and has the potential to reverse species loss, combat climate change, and reshape the future of ecological restoration worldwide.
I strongly believe that education and hands-on implementation are key to real environmental progress, and I am eager to collaborate with the Real World Education Center to bring this innovative model into action. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can work together to create tangible, lasting change for our planet.
Please find the NDEEP proposal attached. I look forward to your thoughts and would be happy to provide additional details as needed.
Best regards,
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity
Alternative Agriculture & Ecological Enhancement
Top Student of Nature
Council Member of Real World. – “VOODOOBREAKER“
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandonangelfitness/ (PERSONAL)
What happens when we take the power back!? NEXT>
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