Physical Practice
Rebuilding Strong Healthy Communities
With health, prosperity and and abundance mindset in the forefront of the vision, a harmony with nature paying attention to her many teachings we have missed the sign right in front of us, that says “optimal health and economy of all.”
Fitness, at its core, is not merely an activity but a fundamental aspect of individual well-being and, by extension, the health of communities. It transcends the bounds of physical health, intertwining with mental and emotional well-being, offering a holistic approach to living fully. For individuals, the regular practice of fitness activities fosters resilience, enhances mood, and boosts overall health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases significantly. It’s a potent antidote to the stresses of modern life, offering moments of clarity and tranquility amidst the tumult. Fitness cultivates discipline and perseverance, qualities that echo far beyond the gym or the jogging path, influencing every aspect of one’s life. In essence, skipping fitness is not just neglecting the body’s need for movement and strength; it’s overlooking a crucial component of holistic health and personal development.
Communities that pivot around nature as the central focus of their development strategy inherently recognize the multifaceted benefits of integrating natural spaces with human habitats. These communities are richer, not just in the economic sense but in the quality of life they offer. Natural settings enhance physical activity levels among community members, encouraging walking, cycling, and other forms of exercise that are vital for maintaining fitness. Moreover, the presence of green spaces has been linked to lower levels of stress, greater social cohesion, and enhanced mental health. Communities designed with nature at their heart foster a sense of belonging and connection, not just among individuals, but also with the environment itself. This symbiotic relationship nurtures a culture of conservation, promoting sustainable lifestyles and encouraging active, health-conscious living. In turn, these communities become beacons of wellness, exemplifying how aligning human development with the natural world can elevate the collective well-being, create more vibrant social ecosystems, and carve pathways to a sustainable future where fitness and nature walk hand in hand.
The natural diet, deeply rooted in the diverse and bountiful offerings of the natural world, was fundamentally composed of a wide array of plants that early humans foraged from their surroundings. This diet was inherently varied, reflecting the seasonal and geographical diversity of available flora, from leafy greens and wild fruits to nuts, seeds, and roots. Such dietary diversity not only catered to the nutritional needs of our ancestors but also to the development of our physiological and metabolic systems, optimizing health and fostering adaptability to different environments. This rich tapestry of plant-based foods, consumed in their most natural and unprocessed forms, provided a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients essential for sustaining energy, boosting immunity, and promoting overall well-being. The evolutionary shift towards a diet encompassing a wide spectrum of natural plants underscores the intricate relationship between human health and the natural environment, highlighting the importance of biodiversity in our nutrition and the profound impact of our ancestral dietary patterns on modern health paradigms.
El fitness, en esencia, no es simplemente una actividad sino un aspecto fundamental del bienestar individual y, por extensión, de la salud de las comunidades. Trasciende los límites de la salud física, se entrelaza con el bienestar mental y emocional y ofrece un enfoque holístico para vivir plenamente. Para las personas, la práctica regular de actividades físicas fomenta la resiliencia, mejora el estado de ánimo y mejora la salud general, reduciendo significativamente el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas. Es un potente antídoto contra el estrés de la vida moderna, que ofrece momentos de claridad y tranquilidad en medio del tumulto. El fitness cultiva la disciplina y la perseverancia, cualidades que resuenan mucho más allá del gimnasio o la pista de jogging, e influyen en todos los aspectos de la vida. En esencia, saltarse el fitness no es sólo descuidar la necesidad de movimiento y fuerza del cuerpo; está pasando por alto un componente crucial de la salud integral y el desarrollo personal.
Las comunidades que giran en torno a la naturaleza como foco central de su estrategia de desarrollo reconocen inherentemente los beneficios multifacéticos de integrar espacios naturales con hábitats humanos. Estas comunidades son más ricas, no sólo en el sentido económico sino también en la calidad de vida que ofrecen. Los entornos naturales mejoran los niveles de actividad física entre los miembros de la comunidad, fomentando caminar, andar en bicicleta y otras formas de ejercicio que son vitales para mantenerse en forma. Además, la presencia de espacios verdes se ha relacionado con niveles más bajos de estrés, una mayor cohesión social y una mejor salud mental. Las comunidades diseñadas teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza fomentan un sentido de pertenencia y conexión, no sólo entre los individuos, sino también con el medio ambiente mismo. Esta relación simbiótica fomenta una cultura de conservación, promueve estilos de vida sostenibles y fomenta una vida activa y consciente de la salud. A su vez, estas comunidades se convierten en faros de bienestar, ejemplificando cómo alinear el desarrollo humano con el mundo natural puede elevar el bienestar colectivo, crear ecosistemas sociales más vibrantes y abrir caminos hacia un futuro sostenible donde el fitness y la naturaleza caminan de la mano.
Tenemos un coAbrazar una dieta meticulosamente seleccionada compuesta por 60 alimentos distintos y elegidos estratégicamente, celebrados no solo por sus cualidades para mejorar las hormonas sino también por sus orígenes en granjas especializadas a pequeña escala, trasciende la mera nutrición; es una odisea hacia cenit atlético y de salud incomparables. Esta filosofía alimentaria holística, que evita las omnipresentes ofertas de los pasillos de los supermercados locales en favor de la rara generosidad de los cultivadores dedicados, es un llamado de atención para quienes buscan aprovechar el poder sinérgico de las provisiones más potentes de la naturaleza. Una dieta así, libre de la contaminación de los monocultivos químicos, se convierte no sólo en un sustento, sino en un conducto para alcanzar un estado sublime de armonía y rendimiento corporal. El énfasis en la diversidad y la calidad (seleccionar ingredientes que sean tan inmaculados por las prácticas agrícolas industriales como eficaces para mejorar las funciones corporales) garantiza que cada comida nutre a nivel celular, optimiza el equilibrio hormonal y fomenta un entorno donde la salud y la vitalidad florecen.
La transición a un estilo de vida rico en ingredientes cultivados de forma diversa y procedentes de pequeñas granjas presagia un renacimiento de la destreza atlética y el bienestar. Imagine la energía ilimitada, la rápida recuperación y la sólida salud que se pueden lograr cuando el cuerpo se alimenta de los extractos más puros de la tierra: alimentos que han sido seleccionados no sólo por su valor nutricional, sino también por su vitalidad, su esencia intacta. por las depredaciones causadas por la dependencia de agroquímicos. Una dieta de este tipo es un testimonio del poder del consumo consciente y ofrece un faro para quienes aspiran a elevar su rendimiento a la estratosfera. La alquimia de los alimentos cultivados de forma natural y elegidos meticulosamente promete no sólo un incremento de las capacidades físicas sino una revolución en la forma en que percibimos el acto mismo de alimentarnos. Es una búsqueda que une el arte de la gastronomía con la ciencia de la salud, impulsándonos hacia un futuro en el que nuestras comidas sean tan profundamente beneficiosas como deliciosas, un futuro en el que el cenit de nuestro bienestar físico y mental esté a nuestro alcance. , cortesía de la generosidad incomparable proporcionada por las pequeñas granjas dedicadas al arte de la agricultura sostenible y que mejora la salud. Aquí hay un sistema de educación que actualmente no está en uso, pero está listo y en espera para la implementación a gran escala de sistemas agrícolas y nutricionales alternativos.
La dieta natural, profundamente arraigada en las diversas y abundantes ofertas del mundo natural, estaba compuesta fundamentalmente por una amplia gama de plantas que los primeros humanos buscaban en su entorno. Esta dieta era intrínsecamente variada, lo que reflejaba la diversidad estacional y geográfica de la flora disponible, desde verduras de hojas verdes y frutas silvestres hasta nueces, semillas y raíces. Esta diversidad dietética no sólo atendía las necesidades nutricionales de nuestros antepasados sino también el desarrollo de nuestros sistemas fisiológicos y metabólicos, optimizando la salud y fomentando la adaptabilidad a diferentes entornos. Este rico tapiz de alimentos de origen vegetal, consumidos en sus formas más naturales y sin procesar, proporcionó una ingesta equilibrada de vitaminas,
, fibra y fitonutrientes esenciales para mantener la energía, aumentar la inmunidad y promover el bienestar general. El cambio evolutivo hacia una dieta que abarca un amplio espectro de plantas naturales subraya la intrincada relación entre la salud humana y el medio ambiente natural, destacando la importancia de la biodiversidad en nuestra nutrición y el profundo impacto de nuestros patrones dietéticos ancestrales en los paradigmas de salud modernos.
Physical Practice
Interview Request – A New Paradigm for True Freedom & Resilience
Subject: Interview Request – A New Paradigm for True Freedom & Resilience
Dear Shawn Ryan & Team,
I recently watched your powerful interview with Julian Dorey, and I couldn’t help but recognize the urgency of the vulnerabilities you discussed—especially the power outage risks, the escalating health crisis, and the misguided climate change conversation. These are symptoms of a broken system, and what I’ve discovered is not just a patchwork solution—it’s a new paradigm that, if followed, makes people impervious to these vulnerabilities.
I’d love to come on your show to discuss how Nutritional Diversity unlocks the highest level of human resilience—from energy independence to immune system mastery, to food security, to stepping into true freedom.
Why This Conversation Matters:
✅ Grid Failure? You Won’t Need It. –I hear your sincere concern! A properly designed society, in harmony with nature, will produce sustainably its own electric, in ways you would not think of now, but I can present to everyone through your outlet. A properly fueled body and mind can endure extreme conditions, and this independence starts with knowledge. Nutritional Diversity is the key to thriving in an off-grid or disrupted world.
✅ Health Crisis? Solved. – The pharmaceutical system profits off weakness. Nutritional Diversity restores unshakable vitality, cognitive power, and immune strength by unlocking ancient nutritional intelligence.
✅ Climate Change Debate? Over. – Regenerative agriculture and Nutritional Diversity not only heal the planet but also make individuals untouchable to food shortages and engineered scarcity.
✅ The Truest Freedom Page – God’s Page. – This isn’t just about food. It’s about reclaiming human power. This system taps into the soul’s alignment with nature, divine order, and self-mastery.
Beyond the knowledge and implementation of Nutritional Diversity, I’m also working to reinvent the supplement industry from the ground up. I can help create the ultimate supplements—formulations that aren’t just trendy powders and pills but true nutritional powerhouses designed for optimal absorption, microbiome health, and long-term resilience. The entire manufacturing and delivery system for supplements needs a massive overhaul, eliminating synthetic garbage and creating highly bioavailable, full-spectrum nutrition solutions. This is another layer of the paradigm shift—equipping people with real tools, not industry gimmicks.
This movement can be driven and co-solutioned by homeless individuals, non-violent criminals, untasked military personnel, departments of ecology, and even drones—providing solutions in ways that repurpose resources effectively while restoring health and resilience at scale.
Adding to the gravity of this conversation, there is also a riveting real-life murder story running in the background—one that will have viewers glued to their screens. I arrived in Panama claiming his remains after he was brutally murdered in a scheme that targeted multiple Americans for their property. This story was later covered in an ABC special and bestselling books. At the same time, I became the target of another devastating event—the kidnapping and alienation of my daughter through a manipulative and corrupt system – soul-shakingly the same thing that sent the murderer on his killing spree. After losing my daughter and being locked out of the country on false claims, I wanted to kill everyone I saw, and for this reason, I went into the Jungle and lived there for about 5 years. These personal tragedies fueled my mission, shaping my understanding of resilience, truth, and survival in ways that few have experienced firsthand. I was given the concept of nutritional diversity through prayer.
What makes this even more critical is that my personal tragedy is not unique—over 22 million children have been affected by this form of psychological warfare, described by experts as the ultimate form of child abuse. Parental alienation is a silent epidemic, stripping children of their connection to a loving parent, often leaving them emotionally scarred for life. By exposing this issue alongside the greater paradigm shift, we shine a light on the deeper control mechanisms at play and offer real solutions for breaking free.
This is more than a conversation. It’s a wake-up call for those who are ready to break free from every form of control—nutritional, environmental, and spiritual. I know your audience is hungry for real solutions, and this is the most powerful, actionable strategy they will hear.
Let’s make this happen. Looking forward to your thoughts!
Best, Brandon Angel, Nutritional Diversity Sciences
Reach out!
-will send the ABC special (still on YouTube) and book title on request.
Cover Letter for Submission to the Real World Education Center
Subject: Proposal Submission – Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program
Both the political and social achievements of your team have deeply inspired me, and my time at your university has equipped me with invaluable skills. I first joined as a member, then as a council member, driven by sheer admiration, appreciation, and a desire to support your mission.
Thirteen years ago, my only child—my princess—was taken from me (she was 9 at the time and completely infatuated with me as any young girl with her Dad, and Honorable Military Hero to boot [story]), kidnapped by her mother, and conditioned to hate me. I had hoped to guide her toward the Real World University, the most powerful entrepreneurial education platform in existence today. Freedom and independent free thought! At the time, I could not have foreseen the incredible socio-political landscape your team would create and the immense possibilities you continue to build. It is nothing short of extraordinary.
Through my now 12 years of work in the equatorial tropical regions, I have come to understand that true freedom is rooted in the “realest world”—the natural world that God gifted us. This world, like our cities, has been under attack. We must take the power back. It is our disconnection from nature and natural workings, that renders us vulnerable, that makes us enslaveable.
A calling has been screaming at me—from above, from below, and from the most remarkable people I have ever known. I can’t help but wonder if your team—one of the last strongholds of truth and action—is our greatest chance at escaping toxicity and reintegrating with the realest world in a way that not only restores but enhances culture, health, and builds the harmonious life as God hopes us to see us achieve. Because I know, without question, that this reconnection is the ultimate solution to it all.
I am writing to submit our proposal for the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (NDEEP) to the Real World Education Center. This initiative presents a groundbreaking, nature-based solution for restoring ecosystems, improving biodiversity, and revolutionizing sustainable food systems through nutritional diversity, regenerative agriculture, and technological innovation.
With over 12 years of experience in Latin America, I have developed and tested a scalable system that restores depleted soils, enhances food security, promotes carbon sequestration, and revitalizes biodiversity hotspots—all while improving human health and social resilience. By leveraging drone technology, AI-driven ecological monitoring, and probiotic soil restoration techniques, NDEEP aligns with global environmental goals and has the potential to reverse species loss, combat climate change, and reshape the future of ecological restoration worldwide.
I strongly believe that education and hands-on implementation are key to real environmental progress, and I am eager to collaborate with the Real World Education Center to bring this innovative model into action. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can work together to create tangible, lasting change for our planet.
Please find the NDEEP proposal attached. I look forward to your thoughts and would be happy to provide additional details as needed.
Best regards,
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity
Alternative Agriculture & Ecological Enhancement
Top Student of Nature
Council Member of Real World. – “VOODOOBREAKER“
Instagram: (PERSONAL)
What happens when we take the power back!? NEXT>
Overcoming Deception
Overcoming deception—both the lies we tell ourselves and the illusions imposed on us—requires an unflinching commitment to truth, no matter how uncomfortable. Lies distort reality, weakening our minds, our relationships, and our very essence. The moment we recognize that we have been deceived, or worse, that we have lived and fought for falsehoods, we stand at a crossroads: continue the charade or reclaim our integrity. True strength lies in tearing down the illusions, stripping away false narratives, and accepting responsibility for the role we played. This demands radical honesty, deep self-examination, and a willingness to face the pain of past mistakes—not with shame, but with the fierce determination to realign with truth. Only by purging the false can we rebuild on a foundation that is solid, unshakable, and free.
Repairing the damage requires action, not just regret. It’s not enough to acknowledge the deception—we must make amends, correct the record, and restore what was broken. This is where many falter because making things right often means swallowing pride, confronting those we misled, and demonstrating with consistent action that we are no longer ruled by delusion. The ego resists, but the soul craves redemption. The deeper the falsehood we upheld, the greater the responsibility to make things whole. This is the warrior’s work—the discipline of truth, the hard path of integrity. But on the other side of it, we reclaim something priceless: the ability to live unchained, with clarity, power, and honor.
John 18:37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth hears My voice.”
Life is a test! And the test of life has a section titled DISCERNMENT, which is primarily a true or false section. Do you remember taking true or false tests in school? Some questions were easy, but others were tricky—designed to make you second-guess yourself. In the same way, life presents us with truths and lies, and we must discern between them. The world is filled with deception, half-truths, and false teachings, and if we are not careful, we can be misled. But God has given us the answer key—His Word. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6). If we want to pass the test of discernment, we must stand on His truth and reject what is false.
THE SOURCE OF TRUTH- The Word of God is the most powerful guide we have if we want to follow the path of Truth. (John 17:17)(Psalm 119:160)(2 Timothy 3:16-17)(Isaiah 40:8)
THE DEVIL IS A LIAR- Satan is the father of lies, and deception is his weapon. Satan will use false teachers and false prophets to deceive the world. We must be aware of his tactics.(Matthew 7:15)(John 8:44)(2 Peter 2:1)(2 Corinthians 11:13-15)(1 John 4:1)
AVOIDING SELF-DECEPTION- Self-deception happens when we hear the truth but do not apply it. When we trust in our own understanding rather than God’s truth we fall to deception. (James 1:22)(1 Corinthians 3:18)(Proverbs 14:12)(Galatians 6:7-8)
Every day, we are faced with choices between truth and falsehood. The Bible warns us of deception and calls us to pursue truth in Christ. By standing on God’s Word, rejecting falsehood, and walking in the light, we can remain faithful in a world of lies.
WHO DO YOU TRUST (Jeremiah 17:5-8)
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