Introduction to Nutritional Diversity, the Ultimate Fitness Science!
….the Ultimate Fitness Science, I call it Nutritional Diversity.
This information comes from a scientific nutritional study currently based in the Republic of Panama, that has discovered and thoroughly tested a more than serious athletic performance increase {x} from eating a high diversity of leaf and tuber foods. The minimum diversity called for in this diet is 60 different plant species, all must be obtained from permaculture farming,
We have tested and recorded the athletic results of the diet now*(. for the last four years, we have much clearer and concrete assimilation of the results coming together this 2020 year.

Performance marker summary results of the modern diet v.s. ND diet
My apologies, firstly there are some starting points to be heard. …
▶ Nutritional Diversity diet remains a highly experimental diet, which has aspects of it that can involve advanced food testing and expertise.
▶ It is a highly dangerous idea to someone who attempts to employ its entire concept at a novice level.
▶ Certain new foods may present new allergies, users may not have been tested for. Eating new foods, even food that others can eat without problems could be fatal for you.
▶Harvesting wild foods, is dangerous you must seek the assistance of doctors and botanists and allergy testing experts before incorporating new foods into your diet plan.
One discovery in the bunch of discoveries with the Nutritional Diversity Biodiverse Food Study in Panama, is that the general diet method works it’s wondering much faster than other diet changes in fact we have been able to realize a 60% performance increase in our testers in just 5 days of a good ND diet design.
The other up-gearing we have seen about this is how the diets take more potently with young folks, who seem to realize a 70 to 160% performance increase in that same 5 day period and therefore we are proud to publish Revision III of ND for Young People this January of 2020.
Bad parents with hyper kids who don’t want to spend the dollars on the diet, won’t like hearing this but, they will have more energy if taken off the refined sugar, they will have a better mood, better teeth better health, and better sleep just removing that one substance.
Mood and activity can also balance out more with the removal of nuts and beans which are seeds and have a lectin that confuses and stalls digestion so that the seed can pass the stomach and live on.
Neither of these two NECESSITIES unlocks the potential of the Nutritional Diversity diet system. Okay, so I am talking about kids.
Now let’s talk about athletes.
Nutritional Diversity is the revolutionary new science of consuming, more than 60 different species regularly, that is rapidly catching popularity and radically changing traditional dieting ideas.
This information has been overwhelmingly helpful to athletes, and supportive of overall life goal achievement and all around performance improvements more dependably, and more potently than any other wellness or nutritional information like it has in our time.
This diet actually causes the results that most diets claim to. I myself attest after 20 years on the track and in the gym, it is hands down the most powerful piece of fitness intel I have ever received.
The discoveries once on this correct path have been coming at us as if threw a fire hose over the last 8 years, a wealth of information we can’t seem to complete banging it out on the keys so readers can get it too.
There is a depth to Nutritional Diversity as a complete study, after being refined almost a decade now even to consider astrological and lunar cycle-based aspects of rest, nutrition and performance- diet should go hand in hand with nature.
The principle difference of this diet system from all the rest is it focuses on a very large spectrum of natural species of nutrition for daily intake; starting in the range of thirty to sixty different species per day, every day to ensure a minimum effective dose of each food is consumed.
The next big principle difference is the doctrine requires the food to be obtained through permaculture growing systems, and disqualify all mono culture foods.
It’s curious how pretty much all diet culture missed these two basic powerpoints of building a correct – optimal diet plant.
Moving Forward
In many ways, an ‘ND dieting,’ person could be considered a modern herbalist or activist, and some may be as a nutritional chemist. A lot of what we come up with these days could be compared to a witches brew.
One who is aggressive or courageous with his learning, who believes there is a need to consume more of a full spectrum of different nutritional essences could both damage himself, and empower himself through such behavior and belief. Move forward cautiously, but definitely move forward.
Get a pace on this forward movement, a running pace, and stick with it adding nutritional elements and species, and new training routines, and a new weight and new goals all the time in one steady rhythm, that is calm, careful and focused – but steady.
There is an incredible, reaction in the body when it is supplied a full spectrum, Nutritional Diversity diet of at least 60 nutritional elements (for a new investigator’s stomach) that is undeniably powerful and this can be accessed by any practitioner at any time.
Nutritional Diversity is an athletically motivated and also healing inspired, complete life rhythm and routine that I consider ‘sufficient nutrition.’
Most other nutritional plans, out there in the world do not represent sufficient nutrition and they are not sufficient, most of them not even close. They do not, and will not provide the abilities and full human potential in thought and in action that a Nutritional Diversity (sufficient nutrition) does provide.
Nutritional Diversity is an all natural Human Optimization science.
Beyond ‘sufficient nutrition,’ comes ‘optimal nutrition‘ and this too becomes really fun, interesting and even more empowering.
Anti-aging, healing, and vitality research work of our day has discovered and put together a great many helpful things; but nothing compares to the boost, ability, and effectiveness, that comes with a well-tuned, full-spectrum, Nutritional Diversity diet plan.
There is a nuclear-type, extreme productivity effect when the body has sufficient or even better, optimal nutrition behind it.
In the midst of lots of sales, and things made for sale, it’s hard to believe anymore that diet can really do anything that extreme for us.
Ultimate Fitness Science
Nutritional Diversity is a clear truth, and it is not about “hacking your goals,” or vilifying a piece of nutrition or taking pieces of nutrition, that are outrageous in cost to your health, and centrally distributed from a factory creation of terrible abuses.
It is about doing things the right way. The ultimate fitness science.
Seeking for truth I considered within myself that if there were no teachers of medicine in this world, how would I set to learn the art? Not otherwise than in the great book of nature, written by the finger of God. I am accused and denounced for not having entered the art through the right door. But which is the right one? Galen, Avicenna Mesue, Rhais, or honest nature? Through this last door I entered, and the light of nature, and no apothecary’s lamp directed me on my way. -Paracelsus
We should really all be eating this way, and from a certain perspective the way we do eat now could be even considered very odd – definitely less effective and problem-causing. I know that since I have been eating this way there is no way I would go back to limiting myself as I did before for so many years on a traditional diet or grocery store/restaurant/ commercial produce and culture.
Many new practitioners today, of the Nutritional Diversity concept are also outperforming their old selves (now as older selves) and anyone standing next to them, so until you can compete (which is when you get a month or more of Nutritional Diversity in you) you are best to listen up and study up, and get to putting a Nutritional Diversity Diet plan to work for you.
“Nutritional Diversity dieting, is the most effective dietary concept for athletes I have ever seen. It is the ultimate fitness science.” – Coach Angel
Full Spectrum Nutrition
Physical nutrition, is required of the body as well as mental, metaphysical or informational nutrition is also required.
The human system requires that it be sufficiently exercised, stretched out, put to the test in order to maintain it’s “youth” or it’s optimal performance state. Clearly abilities along with their supportive muscle, brain and bone systems weaken and die when nutrition is not sufficiently given to them. There is no way around it, so as they say in some parts of New Mexico, “cowboy up, and take care of business.” Discipline is the key to winning anything.
This diet also versus others-confronts that to stay in a totally optimal state, physical focus and exercise is needed multiple times each day. If you are a total animal in the gym, or on the track this diet is for you.
Also clear focuses necessarily made part of this diet plan are rhythm and routine changes, that turn the metabolic cycle to ‘beast mode,’ and several other very specified potential settings.
!! Three to ten things on a plate three times a day, cooked – is NOT sufficient nutrition. Nutritional Diversity (30 to 60 mostly living food species) is. It gets very dynamic once you get into it, and the science is very specific when it comes to the use of selected specie.
Here are some of the fundamental aspects of Nutritional Diversity fitness science:
- Diverse spectrum of living plant food, firstly, and followed by diverse spectrum’s of all other food types
- Permaculture (+ wild harvest & other food sourcing changes)
- Water & Hydration (prioritized, complex and dynamic focus here)
- Fitness (also very complex and several new effective importances are shared for gym and training culture mostly unheard of, a more complete fitness)
- Increments (important!)
- Food States
- At Home Plant Examination
- Brain Food
- Rhythm & Routine
- Breathing
- Resting
The Athletic Results
The Test Flow :
Through this simple straight forward test approach, we have recorded for five years straight more and more detailed information about the across the board benefits in now over 100 testers to the high diversity, permaculture mandates of the concept.
In Closing
Down in the Republic of Panama the team has been testing the best ND diet formulations on athletic performance, and across the board the results are phenomenal. As the study continues the results keep improving. As the study narrows in on dynamic and powerful combinations, more discovery is made and more ability is unleashed.
Where your Nutritional Diversity diet, or biodiverse food comes from is absolutely very important. It’s time to stop getting any food from restaurants and grocery stores, and growing the food or finding someone who does grow the food that you can see how they do it and get your food there, and also food can be obtained from the wild. This has become a huge focus in our study because of the results that utilizing this nutrition source learned from actual testing.
The wild and natural forest jungle’s and Permaculture’s are the first and second best varieties of general, incredible plant cultures on the planet today.
To study nutrition thoroughly, one must study the plant growing and biological process thoroughly. A good relationship with nature helps. A rare thing these days.
Nutritional Diversity science must prioritize the growing methods of nutrition, realize that an 80% glyphosate level in American’s is in synchronicity with its cancer epidemic and other health crisis epidemics, to include psychological problems.
Nutritional Diversity stresses that if you did not harvest wild food, grow your own food, or get the food from a grower you know, it’s not human optimization food, but rather a human hindrance material. All of the products in central distribution hubs a.k.a. cities, major grocery stores, etc., are sincerely best left where they are.
Nutritional Diversity science requires food from qualified soils, grown in a qualified growing environment.
Most of the foods we eat would not last a day in the jungle, these species are just not strong enough, possible from domestication. Like a baby human, a tomato or avocado tree will never survive there, even the super plantains we grow on our farm here you won’t find in the dense jungle. The nutrition in jungle plants is also stronger.
Be not discouraged, keep on, there are divine things well developed. I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell. -Walt Whitman
Get food from small farms.
Everyone has to seek nature for himself. – Masanobu Fukuoka
As for jungle, the wild and permaculture foods in our areas of study (very broad spectrum) : Generally a few things here will make you trip, or make you queezy, a few things can kill you, and the rest do wonders and miracles and provide striking nutritional values all their own.
The last four years of testing this science have realized certain doctrinal factors, such as; thirty to sixty species in the stomach is sufficient to get the optimal performance ability and support while avoiding system lag that can come from exceeding this amount, especially as a beginner to this diet, a diet which is still very much its infancy.
That being said as time goes on the human can optimize themselves to be able to digest and utilize the powers of upwards of 200 different plant species and likely beyond that.
The study has lead to close looks at ancient herbalist information like Ayurveda, and other ancient Asian, and American texts. It has most heavily relied on new local wild plant edibility & food testing.
Three meals a day, of three to ten cooked items, is insufficient nutrition according to what has been realized in this full spectrum nutritional study. Elementary school level water information I have looked at also recommends insufficient water intake, and a bad explanation of how to self regulate one’s hydration. A decent gauge of self-regulation is very easy, and it is that your water coming out should be the color of water coming in and if it is not, drink more to make it so – which is exactly what you want to do.
I recommend first if you are serious about Nutritional Diversity, Human Health, Nutrition and Fitness that you get a copy of The Complete Human Optimization Manual.
The Team so far has taken this science a good notch in a good dedicated 5 years now and if you want to transform into a superhuman, then you want to get this, believe me. I am still excited to move forward, I have only begun in my learning.
Subject: Podcast
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Brandon Angel, and I’m reaching out because I believe your audience would benefit tremendously from hearing the real truth about nutrition—the truth that mainstream health industries don’t want people to know.
For years, we’ve been fed incomplete, one-dimensional diets that keep people weak, sick, and dependent. I’ve spent a decade deep in the jungles of Central and South America, studying ancient nutrition, biological optimization, and the true power of Nutritional Diversity. What I uncovered has the potential to revolutionize health, performance, and human resilience.
Why This Interview Will Resonate With Your Audience:
✅ The Food War is Real: How modern diets, processed foods, and corporate agendas have systematically stripped people of their biological power.
✅ Nutritional Diversity – The Missing Link: Why a highly diverse, unprocessed diet outperforms every mainstream trend (vegan, carnivore, keto, etc.) in energy, cognition, and longevity.
✅ The Microbiome = Human Potential: How gut health, plant and animal diversity, and regenerative farming can restore strength, mental clarity, and instinct in ways modern medicine never will.
✅ My Story – A War Against the System: From escaping false charges to living in the jungle to uncovering the ultimate nutrition strategy—this is not just another health podcast episode.
✅ The Movement Has Started: Nutritional Diversity is gaining momentum, and we’re calling on pioneers in health, fitness, and self-optimization to join the mission.
✅ A Personal Story of Discovery and Loss: I arrived in Panama, intending to visit my uncle, only to find myself instead claiming his remains. As I searched for answers about his life, I uncovered not just his story but an entire hidden world of knowledge that was slipping away. That journey of grief, revelation, and discovery led me to a truth so profound that it changed everything I thought I knew about health and survival. His murder, and those of several other Americans, were later investigated in a Dateline special and covered in bestselling books, exposing a shocking web of crime that many had tried to keep buried.
Why This Moment Matters – The Pivotal Shift We All Need
We are standing at a critical turning point—a moment where humanity must reclaim its strength, intelligence, and resilience. The modern food system is broken, and its impact is undeniable. But we don’t have to stay trapped in it.
Nutritional Diversity is the revolution we need. It’s not just about food—it’s about breaking free from a system designed to weaken us and returning to a way of eating that unlocks true human potential.
This isn’t just another health trend. This is the key to mental clarity, physical dominance, and longevity—the missing piece in performance, recovery, and disease prevention. The solution has been right in front of us all along, and now, it’s time to take it back.
I’d love the opportunity to dive deep on your podcast and deliver a raw, high-impact conversation that your listeners won’t forget. If this aligns with your mission and audience, let’s lock in a date and make it happen.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity Sciences
Your Websites: NutritionalDiversity.com, BrandonAngelFitness.com
“Who controls the food supply…” Take the Power Back!!
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” – Henry Kissinger [i]
Imagine If 20% of the Population Took Action Today: A Vision for Nutritional Diversity and Land Restoration
A Future Shaped by Small Alternative Agricultures
Imagine if, starting today, one in five people took up the challenge of cultivating small-scale alternative agriculture—permaculture food forests, regenerative farms, nutrient-dense wild plots, and biodiverse gardens—all designed to support the Nutritional Diversity Diet.
Where would we be in five, ten, or twenty years?
Five Years: The Awakening of the Land
- Millions of small plots, backyards, and vacant lands transformed into living, breathing ecosystems.
- Urban and rural landscapes are interwoven with perennial food systems, soil-building crops, and high-density nutrition.
- Local communities regaining food sovereignty, free from chemical-dependent supply chains.
- A new generation of eco-entrepreneurs emerges, pioneering micro-farms that thrive on biodiversity, not monoculture.
Ten Years: The Turning Point
- Soil once depleted by industrial agriculture now teeming with life, enriched by microbial diversity.
- A shift in global nutrition: Gut health improves, disease rates drop, and food security becomes decentralized.
- Rivers and oceans heal as synthetic fertilizers and agricultural runoff disappear.
- AI-driven ecological monitoring and drone-assisted reforestation bring back lost biodiversity.
- Carbon sequestration skyrockets as trees, fungi, and regenerative landscapes capture atmospheric carbon at scale.
Twenty Years: A Thriving Regenerative Civilization
- Industrial farming is replaced by hyper-diverse, closed-loop food systems.
- A self-sustaining, nutritionally complete ecosystem supports human health and planetary stability.
- No longer a “niche practice,” biodiverse agriculture becomes the foundation of global food production.
- The climate stabilizes, deserts are reclaimed, and the world breathes in balance with nature.
- Humanity lives longer, stronger, and more harmoniously, nourished by food systems that heal instead of harm.
Call to Action: The Time Is Now
This is not a distant dream—it is a blueprint for action. With the right support, incentives, and knowledge-sharing networks, we can make this vision a reality.
We propose the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative, a scalable, measurable, and globally replicable system to:
✅ Provide tools, education, and guidance to small-scale land stewards.
✅ Establish financial and technological support for high-diversity micro-farms.
✅ Integrate AI, drone technology, and microbial soil innovations for rapid ecosystem regeneration.
✅ Create global food security by focusing on nutrient density over yield quantity.
✅ Develop decentralized marketplaces, ensuring farmers thrive economically while enhancing ecosystems.
We invite partners, visionaries, and world leaders to be part of this movement—to fund, support, and ignite a regenerative revolution.
🌱 The first seeds of change are ready to be planted. Will you be among the first to grow the future?
What Happens When We Take Action?
When 20% of the population actively participates in alternative agriculture and land regeneration, we initiate a chain reaction—one that transforms food systems, ecosystems, human health, and even the global economy.
Phase 1: The Shift Begins (Years 1-5)
- People reclaim land—from vacant lots to degraded soil, rooftops to backyards—turning them into diverse, regenerative food systems.
- Microbial restoration kicks in as synthetic inputs are abandoned in favor of probiotic soil amendments, composting, and mycoremediation.
- Communities reconnect through local food exchanges, cooperative farming models, and educational hubs that teach Nutritional Diversity principles.
- Corporate agriculture feels the shift—as millions of people begin sourcing food from local, nutrient-dense, chemical-free alternatives.
- Consumer health improves as gut microbiomes are restored, chronic disease rates decline, and processed food dependency weakens.
Phase 2: The Turning Point (Years 5-10)
- A new agricultural economy emerges, where small-scale, biodiverse farms outperform industrial monocultures in nutrition, sustainability, and resilience.
- Desertified lands begin to heal, carbon is pulled from the atmosphere, and regenerative land practices stabilize microclimates.
- Big agriculture is forced to adapt—industries pivot to regenerative practices or face extinction as decentralized food systems thrive.
- Nutritional intelligence spreads, with functional medicine and whole-food-based nutrition becoming the global standard.
- Biodiversity explodes—pollinators, wildlife, and native plants return, forming self-sustaining ecosystems within human environments.
Phase 3: A Regenerative Future (Years 10-20)
- Human health reaches a new peak, with stronger immune systems, fewer metabolic diseases, and a lifespan extended by decades through nutrient-rich diets.
- The climate crisis reverses itself, as forests, soil, and mycorrhizal networks become major carbon sinks, cooling the planet naturally.
- Oceans heal, as agricultural runoff ceases, marine food chains restore, and dead zones shrink.
- New economic powerhouses emerge, built on regenerative production, decentralized supply chains, and abundance-based commerce.
- Governments and corporations embrace the movement, integrating nutritional diversity farming and ecosystem repair into global policy.
The Inevitable Future—If We Act Now
This isn’t speculation—this will happen if enough people take action. The first adopters set the stage, and as results multiply, the movement scales exponentially.
The Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative is designed to facilitate, accelerate, and scale this transformation.
👉 We have the tools. We have the knowledge. We have the opportunity.
🔥 The only question is: How fast do we want this future to arrive?
….. another question could be can we implement through the younger generation and video games!???
- Why Small Alternative Agriculture is the Best Investment Today!
- Scientific Study Supporting Diverse Diets for Best Health
- Nutritional Diversity & Human Health
- Robot Army
Cover Letter for Submission to the Real World Education Center
Subject: Proposal Submission – Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program
Both the political and social achievements of your team have deeply inspired me, and my time at your university has equipped me with invaluable skills. I first joined as a member, then as a council member, driven by sheer admiration, appreciation, and a desire to support your mission.
Thirteen years ago, my only child—my princess—was taken from me (she was 9 at the time and completely infatuated with me as any young girl with her Dad, and Honorable Military Hero to boot [story]), kidnapped by her mother, and conditioned to hate me. I had hoped to guide her toward the Real World University, the most powerful entrepreneurial education platform in existence today. Freedom and independent free thought! At the time, I could not have foreseen the incredible socio-political landscape your team would create and the immense possibilities you continue to build. It is nothing short of extraordinary.
Through my now 12 years of work in the equatorial tropical regions, I have come to understand that true freedom is rooted in the “realest world”—the natural world that God gifted us. This world, like our cities, has been under attack. We must take the power back. It is our disconnection from nature and natural workings, that renders us vulnerable, that makes us enslaveable.
A calling has been screaming at me—from above, from below, and from the most remarkable people I have ever known. I can’t help but wonder if your team—one of the last strongholds of truth and action—is our greatest chance at escaping toxicity and reintegrating with the realest world in a way that not only restores but enhances culture, health, and builds the harmonious life as God hopes us to see us achieve. Because I know, without question, that this reconnection is the ultimate solution to it all.
I am writing to submit our proposal for the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (NDEEP) to the Real World Education Center. This initiative presents a groundbreaking, nature-based solution for restoring ecosystems, improving biodiversity, and revolutionizing sustainable food systems through nutritional diversity, regenerative agriculture, and technological innovation.
With over 12 years of experience in Latin America, I have developed and tested a scalable system that restores depleted soils, enhances food security, promotes carbon sequestration, and revitalizes biodiversity hotspots—all while improving human health and social resilience. By leveraging drone technology, AI-driven ecological monitoring, and probiotic soil restoration techniques, NDEEP aligns with global environmental goals and has the potential to reverse species loss, combat climate change, and reshape the future of ecological restoration worldwide.
I strongly believe that education and hands-on implementation are key to real environmental progress, and I am eager to collaborate with the Real World Education Center to bring this innovative model into action. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can work together to create tangible, lasting change for our planet.
Please find the NDEEP proposal attached. I look forward to your thoughts and would be happy to provide additional details as needed.
Best regards,
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity
Alternative Agriculture & Ecological Enhancement
Top Student of Nature
Council Member of Real World. – “VOODOOBREAKER“
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandonangelfitness/ (PERSONAL)
What happens when we take the power back!? NEXT>
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