Biodynamic Wine in Argentina
Este plan de transformación del sector privado altamente viable puede mejorar en gran medida el valor económico de Argentina, lo que ya es una contribución increíble al mundo del vino.
This highly viable private sector transformation blueprint can greatly enhance the economic value of Argentina, an incredible contribution to the world of wine already.
Abrazando la Tradición e Innovación: El Futuro del Vino en Salta
Damas y caballeros,
Gracias por reunirse hoy. Nos encontramos en un momento crucial en la industria del vino, donde la tradición se encuentra con la innovación. Salta, conocida por sus suelos ricos y climas excepcionales que nutren algunas de las mejores uvas, está preparada para liderar la próxima revolución en la vinificación. Proponemos un cambio hacia las prácticas biodinámicas, profundamente arraigadas en la filosofía de Rudolf Steiner, que respeta nuestro patrimonio mientras avanza hacia nuestros objetivos de sostenibilidad.
Por qué Biodinámica?
La agricultura biodinámica es más que una técnica; es una filosofía que ve al viñedo como un sistema vivo interconectado. Este enfoque integra influencias cósmicas y terrenales, fomentando una conexión profunda entre la tierra y el cosmos. Al tratar nuestros viñedos como organismos holísticos, podemos mejorar la vitalidad de nuestras uvas y, por extensión, el alma de nuestro vino.
En Argentina hay 200.000 hectáreas dedicadas al viñedo. 523 hectáreas de viñedos argentinos están certificadas por Demeter, pertenecientes a 13 establecimientos vitícolas. El método de cultivo biodinámico ha crecido aquí un 60% en cinco años y varias bodegas todavía están en proceso de obtener la certificación, mientras que otras simplemente aplican los métodos sin sentir la necesidad de una certificación oficial. Este método y su preocupación consciente por la naturaleza y la calidad serán, sin duda, el estándar de oro en algún momento. [a,b]
“Mendoza disfruta de un clima continental y condiciones desérticas semiáridas, con un promedio de sólo 220 mm de lluvia al año. En comparación, Burdeos recibe un promedio de 851 mm al año. Las condiciones no son uniformes en todas las regiones; Argentina es un país vasto, Es un país largo y ancho, pero su clima y altitud típicamente secos significan que existe una inclinación natural hacia la viticultura orgánica, que los productores pueden aprovechar fácilmente.
Durante la última década la certificación de viñedos ha aumentado significativamente. En 2005 había sólo 273 hectáreas de viñedos certificados como orgánicos en toda Argentina. En 2020 había 7.312 hectáreas en 76 bodegas argentinas, un aumento del 2.578% en 15 años. Otras 432 hectáreas están certificadas como biodinámicas.” [c]
No se pueden discutir los resultados. La agricultura biodinámica es difícil de aceptar a primera vista, pero en todos los casos y aplicaciones, los resultados hablan por sí solos. Nuestro equipo invita a cualquiera a ver estos sitios agrícolas existentes en Centro y Sudamérica.
Los Principios Biodinámicos:
1. Gestión Holística: Cada componente del viñedo contribuye a su salud general, creando un ecosistema autosustentable.
2. Ritmos Cósmicos: La siembra, poda y cosecha se programan según los ciclos lunares y astrológicos, alineando las prácticas terrenales con influencias celestiales para optimizar las fuerzas vitales de la vid.
3. Preparados y Compostas: Preparados naturales y compostas revitalizan el suelo y las plantas, reduciendo la dependencia de insumos químicos y promoviendo un terroir vibrante.
Impacto Ambiental:
Adoptar métodos biodinámicos reduce significativamente la huella de carbono de las operaciones vinícolas al eliminar pesticidas y fertilizantes sintéticos, mejorar la biodiversidad y la salud del suelo. Este compromiso con la gestión ambiental puede posicionar a Salta como líder en viticultura sostenible, atrayendo consumidores ecológicamente conscientes a nivel mundial.
Resonancia Cultural:
La herencia vinícola de Salta es un testimonio de la relación íntima entre la tierra y las personas. La biodinámica profundiza esta conexión, aprovechando el conocimiento y las prácticas indígenas que han respetado los ritmos naturales desde hace mucho tiempo. Este enfoque no solo preserva nuestra herencia, la enriquece, asegurando que nuestras tradiciones evolucionen con integridad y respeto por la naturaleza.
Potencial de Mercado:
La demanda global de vinos orgánicos y biodinámicos está creciendo, ya que los consumidores buscan cada vez más productos que no solo sean superiores en calidad, sino también producidos responsablemente. Salta puede capturar este nicho de mercado, ofreciendo vinos que cuenten una historia convincente de sostenibilidad y artesanía.
Hoy, los invitamos a unirse en este viaje transformador. Aprovechemos la sabiduría del pasado y las innovaciones del presente para forjar un futuro donde Salta se destaque como un faro de vinificación sostenible y con alma. Juntos, podemos crear vinos que no solo sean expresiones de nuestra tierra, sino también de nuestro compromiso con su preservación y prosperidad.
Embracing Tradition and Innovation: The Future of Wine in Salta
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for gathering today. We stand at a pivotal moment in the wine industry, where tradition meets innovation. Salta, known for its rich soil and exceptional climates that nurture some of the finest grapes, is poised to lead the next revolution in winemaking. We propose a shift towards biodynamic practices, deeply rooted in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy, that respect our heritage while advancing our sustainability goals.
Why Biodynamics?
Biodynamic agriculture is more than a technique; it’s a philosophy that views the vineyard as an interconnected living system. This approach integrates cosmic and earthly influences, fostering a deep connection between the land and the cosmos. By treating our vineyards as holistic organisms, we can enhance the vitality of our grapes and, by extension, the soul of our wine.
200,000 hectares reside under vine in Argentina. 523 hectares of Argentinian vineyards are certified by Demeter, those belong to 13 viticultural establishments. The biodynamic farming method has grown by 60% in five years here and several wineries are still in the process of getting certification while others simply apply the methods without feeling the need for official certification. This method and it’s conscious concern for nature, and quality will be the gold standard at some point no doubt. [a,b]
“Mendoza enjoys a continental climate and semi-arid desert conditions, with an average of just 220mm of rain a year. For comparison, Bordeaux receives an average of 851mm a year. The conditions are not uniform across all regions; Argentina is a vast, long, and wide country. But its typically dry climate and altitude means that there is a natural inclination towards organic viticulture, one that producers can easily take advantage of.
Over the past decade vineyard certification has increased significantly. In 2005 there were just 273 hectares of vineyards certified organic across Argentina. In 2020 there were 7,312 hectares across 76 Argentine wineries – a 2,578% increase over 15 years. A further 432 hectares are certified biodynamic.” [c]
One can not argue with the results. Bio-dynamic Agriculture is hard to swallow at the surface, but in every case and application, the results speak for themselves. Our team invites anyon to see these existing agriculture sites in Central and South America.
The Biodynamic Principles:
1. Holistic Management: Every component of the vineyard contributes to its overall health, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem.
2. Cosmic Rhythms: Planting, pruning, and harvesting are timed to the lunar and astrological cycles, aligning earthly practices with celestial influences to optimize the life forces of the vine.
3. Preparations and Composts: Natural preparations and composts revitalize the soil and plants, reducing the dependency on chemical inputs and promoting a vibrant terroir.
Environmental Impact:
Adopting biodynamic methods significantly reduces the carbon footprint of vineyard operations by eliminating synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, enhancing biodiversity, and improving soil health. This commitment to environmental stewardship can position Salta as a leader in sustainable viticulture, attracting eco-conscious consumers globally.
Cultural Resonance:
Salta’s wine heritage is a testament to the intimate relationship between land and people. Biodynamics deepens this connection, drawing on indigenous knowledge and practices that have long respected natural rhythms. This approach does not just preserve our heritage—it enriches it, ensuring that our traditions evolve with integrity and respect for nature.
Market Potential:
The global demand for organic and biodynamic wines is growing, as consumers increasingly seek products that are not only superior in quality but also responsibly made. Salta can capture this niche market, offering wines that tell a compelling story of sustainability and craftsmanship.
Today, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Let us harness the wisdom of the past and the innovations of the present to forge a future where Salta stands as a beacon of sustainable and soulful winemaking. Together, we can create wines that are not only expressions of our land but also our commitment to its preservation and prosperity.
Thank you.
Subject: Podcast
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Brandon Angel, and I’m reaching out because I believe your audience would benefit tremendously from hearing the real truth about nutrition—the truth that mainstream health industries don’t want people to know.
For years, we’ve been fed incomplete, one-dimensional diets that keep people weak, sick, and dependent. I’ve spent a decade deep in the jungles of Central and South America, studying ancient nutrition, biological optimization, and the true power of Nutritional Diversity. What I uncovered has the potential to revolutionize health, performance, and human resilience.
Why This Interview Will Resonate With Your Audience:
The Food War is Real: How modern diets, processed foods, and corporate agendas have systematically stripped people of their biological power.
Nutritional Diversity – The Missing Link: Why a highly diverse, unprocessed diet outperforms every mainstream trend (vegan, carnivore, keto, etc.) in energy, cognition, and longevity.
The Microbiome = Human Potential: How gut health, plant and animal diversity, and regenerative farming can restore strength, mental clarity, and instinct in ways modern medicine never will.
My Story – A War Against the System: From escaping false charges to living in the jungle to uncovering the ultimate nutrition strategy—this is not just another health podcast episode.
The Movement Has Started: Nutritional Diversity is gaining momentum, and we’re calling on pioneers in health, fitness, and self-optimization to join the mission.
A Personal Story of Discovery and Loss: I arrived in Panama, intending to visit my uncle, only to find myself instead claiming his remains. As I searched for answers about his life, I uncovered not just his story but an entire hidden world of knowledge that was slipping away. That journey of grief, revelation, and discovery led me to a truth so profound that it changed everything I thought I knew about health and survival. His murder, and those of several other Americans, were later investigated in a Dateline special and covered in bestselling books, exposing a shocking web of crime that many had tried to keep buried.
Why This Moment Matters – The Pivotal Shift We All Need
We are standing at a critical turning point—a moment where humanity must reclaim its strength, intelligence, and resilience. The modern food system is broken, and its impact is undeniable. But we don’t have to stay trapped in it.
Nutritional Diversity is the revolution we need. It’s not just about food—it’s about breaking free from a system designed to weaken us and returning to a way of eating that unlocks true human potential.
This isn’t just another health trend. This is the key to mental clarity, physical dominance, and longevity—the missing piece in performance, recovery, and disease prevention. The solution has been right in front of us all along, and now, it’s time to take it back.
I’d love the opportunity to dive deep on your podcast and deliver a raw, high-impact conversation that your listeners won’t forget. If this aligns with your mission and audience, let’s lock in a date and make it happen.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity Sciences
Your Websites: NutritionalDiversity.com, BrandonAngelFitness.com
“Who controls the food supply…” Take the Power Back!!
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” – Henry Kissinger [i]
Imagine If 20% of the Population Took Action Today: A Vision for Nutritional Diversity and Land Restoration
A Future Shaped by Small Alternative Agricultures
Imagine if, starting today, one in five people took up the challenge of cultivating small-scale alternative agriculture—permaculture food forests, regenerative farms, nutrient-dense wild plots, and biodiverse gardens—all designed to support the Nutritional Diversity Diet.
Where would we be in five, ten, or twenty years?
Five Years: The Awakening of the Land
- Millions of small plots, backyards, and vacant lands transformed into living, breathing ecosystems.
- Urban and rural landscapes are interwoven with perennial food systems, soil-building crops, and high-density nutrition.
- Local communities regaining food sovereignty, free from chemical-dependent supply chains.
- A new generation of eco-entrepreneurs emerges, pioneering micro-farms that thrive on biodiversity, not monoculture.
Ten Years: The Turning Point
- Soil once depleted by industrial agriculture now teeming with life, enriched by microbial diversity.
- A shift in global nutrition: Gut health improves, disease rates drop, and food security becomes decentralized.
- Rivers and oceans heal as synthetic fertilizers and agricultural runoff disappear.
- AI-driven ecological monitoring and drone-assisted reforestation bring back lost biodiversity.
- Carbon sequestration skyrockets as trees, fungi, and regenerative landscapes capture atmospheric carbon at scale.
Twenty Years: A Thriving Regenerative Civilization
- Industrial farming is replaced by hyper-diverse, closed-loop food systems.
- A self-sustaining, nutritionally complete ecosystem supports human health and planetary stability.
- No longer a “niche practice,” biodiverse agriculture becomes the foundation of global food production.
- The climate stabilizes, deserts are reclaimed, and the world breathes in balance with nature.
- Humanity lives longer, stronger, and more harmoniously, nourished by food systems that heal instead of harm.
Call to Action: The Time Is Now
This is not a distant dream—it is a blueprint for action. With the right support, incentives, and knowledge-sharing networks, we can make this vision a reality.
We propose the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative, a scalable, measurable, and globally replicable system to:
Provide tools, education, and guidance to small-scale land stewards.
Establish financial and technological support for high-diversity micro-farms.
Integrate AI, drone technology, and microbial soil innovations for rapid ecosystem regeneration.
Create global food security by focusing on nutrient density over yield quantity.
Develop decentralized marketplaces, ensuring farmers thrive economically while enhancing ecosystems.
We invite partners, visionaries, and world leaders to be part of this movement—to fund, support, and ignite a regenerative revolution.
The first seeds of change are ready to be planted. Will you be among the first to grow the future?
What Happens When We Take Action?
When 20% of the population actively participates in alternative agriculture and land regeneration, we initiate a chain reaction—one that transforms food systems, ecosystems, human health, and even the global economy.
Phase 1: The Shift Begins (Years 1-5)
- People reclaim land—from vacant lots to degraded soil, rooftops to backyards—turning them into diverse, regenerative food systems.
- Microbial restoration kicks in as synthetic inputs are abandoned in favor of probiotic soil amendments, composting, and mycoremediation.
- Communities reconnect through local food exchanges, cooperative farming models, and educational hubs that teach Nutritional Diversity principles.
- Corporate agriculture feels the shift—as millions of people begin sourcing food from local, nutrient-dense, chemical-free alternatives.
- Consumer health improves as gut microbiomes are restored, chronic disease rates decline, and processed food dependency weakens.
Phase 2: The Turning Point (Years 5-10)
- A new agricultural economy emerges, where small-scale, biodiverse farms outperform industrial monocultures in nutrition, sustainability, and resilience.
- Desertified lands begin to heal, carbon is pulled from the atmosphere, and regenerative land practices stabilize microclimates.
- Big agriculture is forced to adapt—industries pivot to regenerative practices or face extinction as decentralized food systems thrive.
- Nutritional intelligence spreads, with functional medicine and whole-food-based nutrition becoming the global standard.
- Biodiversity explodes—pollinators, wildlife, and native plants return, forming self-sustaining ecosystems within human environments.
Phase 3: A Regenerative Future (Years 10-20)
- Human health reaches a new peak, with stronger immune systems, fewer metabolic diseases, and a lifespan extended by decades through nutrient-rich diets.
- The climate crisis reverses itself, as forests, soil, and mycorrhizal networks become major carbon sinks, cooling the planet naturally.
- Oceans heal, as agricultural runoff ceases, marine food chains restore, and dead zones shrink.
- New economic powerhouses emerge, built on regenerative production, decentralized supply chains, and abundance-based commerce.
- Governments and corporations embrace the movement, integrating nutritional diversity farming and ecosystem repair into global policy.
The Inevitable Future—If We Act Now
This isn’t speculation—this will happen if enough people take action. The first adopters set the stage, and as results multiply, the movement scales exponentially.
The Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Initiative is designed to facilitate, accelerate, and scale this transformation.
We have the tools. We have the knowledge. We have the opportunity.
The only question is: How fast do we want this future to arrive?
….. another question could be can we implement through the younger generation and video games!???
- Why Small Alternative Agriculture is the Best Investment Today!
- Scientific Study Supporting Diverse Diets for Best Health
- Nutritional Diversity & Human Health
- Robot Army
Cover Letter for Submission to the Real World Education Center
Subject: Proposal Submission – Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program
Both the political and social achievements of your team have deeply inspired me, and my time at your university has equipped me with invaluable skills. I first joined as a member, then as a council member, driven by sheer admiration, appreciation, and a desire to support your mission.
Thirteen years ago, my only child—my princess—was taken from me (she was 9 at the time and completely infatuated with me as any young girl with her Dad, and Honorable Military Hero to boot [story]), kidnapped by her mother, and conditioned to hate me. I had hoped to guide her toward the Real World University, the most powerful entrepreneurial education platform in existence today. Freedom and independent free thought! At the time, I could not have foreseen the incredible socio-political landscape your team would create and the immense possibilities you continue to build. It is nothing short of extraordinary.
Through my now 12 years of work in the equatorial tropical regions, I have come to understand that true freedom is rooted in the “realest world”—the natural world that God gifted us. This world, like our cities, has been under attack. We must take the power back. It is our disconnection from nature and natural workings, that renders us vulnerable, that makes us enslaveable.
A calling has been screaming at me—from above, from below, and from the most remarkable people I have ever known. I can’t help but wonder if your team—one of the last strongholds of truth and action—is our greatest chance at escaping toxicity and reintegrating with the realest world in a way that not only restores but enhances culture, health, and builds the harmonious life as God hopes us to see us achieve. Because I know, without question, that this reconnection is the ultimate solution to it all.
I am writing to submit our proposal for the Nutritional Diversity Ecological Enhancement Program (NDEEP) to the Real World Education Center. This initiative presents a groundbreaking, nature-based solution for restoring ecosystems, improving biodiversity, and revolutionizing sustainable food systems through nutritional diversity, regenerative agriculture, and technological innovation.
With over 12 years of experience in Latin America, I have developed and tested a scalable system that restores depleted soils, enhances food security, promotes carbon sequestration, and revitalizes biodiversity hotspots—all while improving human health and social resilience. By leveraging drone technology, AI-driven ecological monitoring, and probiotic soil restoration techniques, NDEEP aligns with global environmental goals and has the potential to reverse species loss, combat climate change, and reshape the future of ecological restoration worldwide.
I strongly believe that education and hands-on implementation are key to real environmental progress, and I am eager to collaborate with the Real World Education Center to bring this innovative model into action. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can work together to create tangible, lasting change for our planet.
Please find the NDEEP proposal attached. I look forward to your thoughts and would be happy to provide additional details as needed.
Best regards,
Brandon Angel
Founder, Nutritional Diversity
Alternative Agriculture & Ecological Enhancement
Top Student of Nature
Council Member of Real World. – “VOODOOBREAKER“
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandonangelfitness/ (PERSONAL)
What happens when we take the power back!? NEXT>
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