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theGuardian: PLASTIC Fibers in City Water, U.S. Had the Highest Contamination Rate, at 94%




Water contamination red alert. Recent water examinations present shockingly dangerous information about pathogen delivery, and high plastic microfiber ratio in drinking water, atmosphere, and wild nature.

Plastic Water Contamination

A world study published yesterday (September, 5 2017) in The Guardian, shows an Orb Media sponsored world wide study, that reveals 94% of The United States water supply was contaminated, along with high contamination rates elsewhere in the world.

Plastic Microfibers : Delivery Vehicle for Dangerous Pathogens

Dr Anne Marie Mahon at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, who conducted the research, said

there were two principal concerns: very small plastic particles and the chemicals or pathogens that microplastics can harbour. “If the fibres are there, it is possible that the nanoparticles are there too that we can’t measure,” she said. “Once they are in the nanometre range they can really penetrate a cell and that means they can penetrate organs, and that would be worrying.”

The Orb analyses caught particles of more than 2.5 microns in size, 2,500 times larger than a nanometre.

The Guardian report fishes around to find the source of the contaminant, showing several indicators and tests that the atmosphere contains the fibers, and the only question in that is do they get there through water evaporation or how do they get there? The did conclusively find that the plastic fibers are in the air.

The Guradian’s Damian Carrington, Environmental Editor  found a slew of reports and test by marine biologists showing how much of this stuff is coming up in sea water.


Oyster contaminated with larger sized plastic fiber. Photo: Robert Simmons

The High Contamination Levels in Centralized Water

Plastic is by far not the only contaminant fed to communities through centralized water systems. There are many contaminants found in city water supplies throughout the world. Some are interesting consistencies and the investigation into water is beyond a simple one, for someone looking to gain a profound understanding. Yet still, water is not the only potential delivery mechanism of this plastic micro fiber containment.

Nutritional Diversifists realizing their science is sister-ed by nature and uncontaminated edible material production, know that we need to cut down on plastic production in general, and first and foremost we need to address the contaminate in what we can address it in, such as our water, and in our bodies. This is exactly why deep inland mountain, forest, and jungle water and food sources are so valuable today. With the rising to 9 billion population and this type and size of usage and plastic production, we are riding a very dangerous line, we need to go back to living harmoniously with nature, and I mean yesterday.

Home Water filtration for purchase comes immediately to thought but most water filters according to the Guardian and other sources don’t catch these particular contaminants, nor fluoride or chlorine additives found in most city central distribution water systems.

[box type=”info”] Water contamination is becoming a bigger and bigger problem! It’s not just fluoride now, but plastic??!![/box]

Groundwater especially from mountains should remain a good source, and digging a spring is not hard, neither is building a sand filter, nor do they require a lot of tools or materials. This information however essential and important does not reside in the majority of minds, trying to keep of with their insane lives of the day.

According to the Guardian piece, every of the 24 retail beers they tested contained high amounts of the fibers. I have long thought that if Dasani, Coke, or Peter Pan Peanut Butter ever had an evil accident, the tole would be serious.

This planktonic arrow worm, Sagitta setosa, has eaten a blue plastic fibre about 3mm long. Plankton support the entire marine food chain. Photo by Richard Kirby/Courtesy of Orb Media

Your own permaculture family farm, would be the best way to have regular fresh food and filter water from these fibers as I doubt they would pass a large sized four stage sand, charcoal, filter or photosynthesis, or the banana’s, nor the coconut’s casing. These types of contamination’s make me think about durable foods, underground root foods, and water filtering and delivery systems for wildlife to have access to. Permacultures out side of the equator tropical zone may want to start looking into multistage water filtration systems immediately.

Geographical Factors

The other thing this type of contamination makes me thankful for; is being nine degrees from the equator right now here in The Republic of Panama.

Ten degrees out from the equator to the Northern and Southern Hemispheric weather activity returns, towards it’s pole We have seen this dependably in storm weather, the one that just left the Caribbean as I write this, is Hurricane Irma. This return includes it’s Northern or Southern Hemispheric contaminants.

Keep it in mind; that close to the equator, the Earth can restart if heavily contaminated (hopefully).

The contamination is not really going be deterred b y hot or cold places, these particles are going to accumulate and build up in every part of the world, and ultimately if it continues too long the biology here will not be able to digest or deal with this type of plastic contamination anywhere.

Water Contamination Solutions

Microplastics are also known to contain and absorb toxic chemicals and pathogens research on wild animals have shown these types of contaminants. Prof Richard Thompson, at Plymouth University, UK, told Orb: “It became clear very early on that the plastic would release those chemicals and that actually, the conditions in the gut would facilitate really quite rapid release.” His research has shown micro-plastics are found in a third of fish caught in the UK.

This pollution is a serious health threat, and we need water contamination solutions on the double.

While some have claimed that particular industries such as the the fabric material industries could be to blame in part, Patagonia, the clothing manufacturer did extensive research of their own, to find that clothing fibers do make up a large part of the contamination, also bottles and plastic bags. Patagonia as a company, has dedicated itself to making a non shedding garment, and found through it’s research that low quality material and garments shed more into the water stream. I know here in the islands, many washing machines also a source named Patagonia’s research, after thoughts to poor houses simply pump into the irrigation channels that empty into the water.

How to prevent this contamination at the home level, and how to rid the body of the contamination it has already received? Already we have seen many good filter options to at least prevent the consumption of more microfibers.

A crowdfunded idea, called a Guppy Bag is now available through Patagonia Clothing Company and the bag captures 99 percent of synthetic fibers in all of it’s tests. What I have done is a separate washer drain line that has a filter tank on it that can be emptied every six months. I would love to step it up into a hydroponic house plant growing medium for clear containers and explain to guests how easy it was to save the stuff from clogging up Mother Earth.

No doubt the contamination, makes for a incredible business opportunity, for inventors and services of cleanup. If a good cleanup movement is to be effective, it will need new innovative, professional entrepreneurs to conduct massive cleanup, and smart disposal operations.

Stop the Plastic Microfiber Pollution

Obviously the guaranteed solution to this issue, is to stop using plastic all together, to shut down the plastic plants, and give them a reasonable and profitable out by paying these experts what they were making as business, and employing them to the task of cleanup. We need to live in harmony with nature. Reforestation is the weapon in to fighting contamination.

100% cotton, linen, wool, hemp,  garments, do not contaminate the environment with non-natural fibers.  Re-usable shopping bags, made of cloth or even a new mushroom fiber fabric, and reusable water bottles would cut down plastic contamination by roughly one third. Simply make the switch and do your part. A micro fiber filter bag has been created to collect the fibers when washing clothes.



Clean the Body of Plastic Microfibers

Unfortunately I don’t have a specific thing to say here. I can theorize on a few cleanses, but for plastic microfibers to be accumulating in body tissues surely equates to disaster at some point.

The best thing remains to get a good water filter.

Clean the Sea of Plastic Micro Fibers

Here in Central America about a couple years ago. I got a ride one day from a cat running one of these turn plastic fibers in to clothes operations. I would have been happy waiting for the bus. I think the clothing concept would be a great one. Could it motivate a microfiber collection industry to clean the sea of microfibers? I would certainly buy products made from fiber pollutants cleaned from the sea.

Patagonia revamped to make a high quality shed-less garment after realizing plastic fiber contamination, which the clothing industry is partly responsible for.

What products could be derived (besides hydroponic growing medium) from these fibers? Could long running pumps installed at sea easily filter out fibers by the tons? Wouldn’t it be a great endeavor to create valuable products made from cleaning this caustic problem from the environment?

Several cool inventions have been created that can remove a lot of the big waster which eventually will break down into micro wastes.



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Plant & Diet Researcher, Panama ¬ "Plants are totally honest, so I find myself spending a lot of time with plants."


Discussing a Prototype & Sourcing! Digital Diet & Nutri-Cultivation Online Apps



The fusion of online apps with diet and agriculture unlocks unparalleled potential to revolutionize how we grow, consume, and connect with our food systems. Imagine platforms that seamlessly integrate personalized nutritional plans with real-time tracking of diverse food consumption, empowering individuals to optimize their health like never before. Through advanced mapping software, cultivators worldwide can share techniques, track crop diversity, and access localized solutions, creating a decentralized network of innovation. These apps can gamify sustainable eating and cultivation, encouraging users to experiment with diverse, nutrient-rich diets while connecting directly to vetted local farmers and suppliers for fresh, sustainable produce.

Beyond individual benefits, the possibilities for global collaboration are limitless. Picture a digital ecosystem where small-scale farmers in remote regions exchange insights with urban hydroponic growers, supported by AI-driven recommendations for maximizing yields and biodiversity. Online communities could host live workshops, certification programs, and mentorship opportunities, creating a culture of shared knowledge and innovation. These tools have the power to break down barriers, uniting people across the world to tackle food security, biodiversity loss, and sustainability challenges head-on. By embracing these technologies, we’re not just reimagining agriculture and nutrition—we’re creating a movement that blends tradition with cutting-edge innovation to reshape the future of food.

For over 13 years, we have been pioneering Nutritional Diversity Diet Sciences, dedicating our efforts to studying and implementing high-performance, all-natural diets in regions like Panama and Colombia, where the richest equatorial nutrition is found. Through our extensive work, we’ve developed a digital community that is revolutionizing the way people approach diet and cultivation sciences.

Our longstanding team, including Brandon and Rosa, is available right now and every day through our app community.

Our community offers a robust suite of tools, including:

  • Community Discord Chats, are a knowledgebase and wealth of information. It helps to have a community around you sharing, inspiring, and keeping the blade sharp as in, “cutting-edge!”
  • Comprehensive courses designed to educate and evolve your understanding of diverse nutrition and cultivation techniques.
  • Mapping and course-taking software to organize and personalize your learning journey.
  • Networking plugins that connect like-minded individuals, cultivators, and practitioners worldwide.
  • Combinations index, of excellent nutritional and cultivational combinations found.
  • A membership program that evolves with cutting-edge insights and practices in diverse diet and agricultural sciences.
  • Promote healthy ideas like, compost business concept promotion. Did you know compost can generate electricity, fuel a community super-garden, prevent wildfires, enhance the ecology, and make the business operator good coin? Ideas like diverse nutrition retail, maybe even a free franchise of it! [i] If we get wind of anything that will help spark a new world culture of moderation, and re-integration into nature we will get the word out.
  • Down the line, households can even trade drone programs, and home cultivation assembly plans that automate a sustainable home to some degree.

We’ve helped implement advanced agricultural techniques, diverse cooking methods, and consumption strategies globally [i], creating a ripple effect of healthier, more sustainable systems. Our efforts are deeply rooted in hands-on experience and a commitment to advancing cultivation sciences. For those seeking a closer connection, we frequently invite participants to experience this lifestyle firsthand in Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia, where they can immerse themselves in these thriving systems.

To further support this mission, we’re also developing nutritional supplements aimed at delivering greater dietary diversity, making it easier for individuals to incorporate the benefits of diverse nutrition into their daily lives.

We’re not just building a program; we’re inviting people to join a movement—to expand on the wheel we’ve started turning. By becoming part of our community, you can contribute to and benefit from diverse online platforms, infrastructure projects, interest groups, and global collaborations.

!! We believe that no single, centrally distributed source of information or control is sufficient. Instead, we advocate for a scattered and diverse ecosystem, of many different online communities and creations where knowledge and innovation flow freely across MANY connected communities!!

We see something in the blockchain format, that seems to impersonate certain constructional patterns more naturally, and we have also had some discussions and investigations regarding possibilities here. There could be an opportunity to inspire new reforestation, food forestation, and ecological enhancement with blockchain technology.

Together, we can evolve the systems that foster optimal health and sustainable living -rampantly – worldwide! Join us in building a world where diverse diets, practices, and ideas thrive.


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Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry



TARGET 10: Enhance Biodiversity and Sustainability in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Forestry

The Importance of Educating and Implementing a One-Point Government Against Genetic Modification of Nature

In an age of technological advancement and scientific innovation, the temptation to genetically modify nature has grown significantly. While such modifications promise solutions to global problems, they also present substantial risks to ecosystems, biodiversity, and the fundamental balance of life on Earth. The call for a one-point government policy—an unwavering stance against genetic modification of nature—is not only a plea for ecological preservation but also an invitation for humanity to adopt a culture of empowerment, education, and ecological responsibility.

The Case Against Genetic Modification of Nature

Genetic modification, while often well-intentioned, disrupts the intricate harmony of ecosystems. Genetically modified species can outcompete native species, disrupt food chains, and lead to unforeseen ecological consequences. Once released, these modifications are irreversible, posing long-term risks to biodiversity and natural systems that have evolved over millennia.

A one-point government policy to prohibit the genetic modification of nature would serve as a global safeguard, ensuring that humanity respects and works with natural processes rather than altering them to fit immediate needs or desires. This stance is not about hindering progress but about prioritizing sustainable and harmonious solutions that benefit both people and the planet.

Empowerment Through Education

Education is the cornerstone of this movement. By teaching individuals and communities about the dangers of genetic modification and the benefits of working with natural systems, we can foster a culture of respect and stewardship for the environment. Nutritional Diversity culture—which emphasizes consuming and cultivating a wide variety of natural, organic foods—provides a powerful framework for this education.

This culture promotes alternative agriculture that is resilient, sustainable, and aligned with the natural rhythms of the Earth. By understanding the principles of biodiversity and regenerative practices, individuals can become active participants in creating healthier ecosystems. Educational programs should focus on:

  1. Understanding Biodiversity: The importance of maintaining genetic diversity in crops and livestock to ensure resilience against diseases and environmental changes.
  2. Alternative Agriculture Practices: Techniques like permaculture, guerrilla farming, and biodynamic agriculture that enhance soil health, water retention, and crop yields without synthetic inputs.
  3. Nutritional Diversity for Health: The link between diverse diets and optimal physical and mental performance, encouraging individuals to grow and consume a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.

Household Empowerment as Ecological Empowerment

The shift toward ecological responsibility begins at home. Households can become microcosms of ecological empowerment, contributing to broader environmental health while fostering personal well-being. This grassroots approach diminishes the need for large institutional governance, instead placing the power to create change directly in the hands of individuals and communities. We have two operational sustainable household models [2] that function for multiple guests year-round.

Practical Steps for Household Empowerment:

  1. Home Gardens: Cultivate small-scale gardens that focus on diverse, organic crops. These gardens not only provide fresh, nutritious food but also reconnect individuals with the cycles of nature.
  2. Composting: Transform household waste into valuable compost to enrich soil and reduce landfill contributions.
  3. Water Conservation: Implement rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation systems to minimize water usage while supporting lush, productive gardens. Water enhancements.
  4. Community Collaboration: Form local cooperatives to share resources, knowledge, and labor, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

The Benefits of Freedom to Work With Nature

By rejecting genetic modification and embracing a culture of empowerment and responsibility, individuals gain the freedom to work with the natural world rather than against it. This approach offers numerous benefits:

  • Resilience: Natural systems, when nurtured, are inherently resilient and capable of adapting to environmental changes without human interference.
  • Health: Consuming unmodified, nutrient-dense foods supports optimal physical and mental performance.
  • Sustainability: Regenerative practices improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and sequester carbon, combating climate change.
  • Autonomy: Empowered households and communities reduce dependence on industrial agriculture and centralized systems, fostering greater independence and self-reliance.

Educational and Implementational Teams in South and Central America

Across South and Central America, our dedicated teams are working tirelessly to educate and implement sustainable, nature-aligned practices. These teams are embedded in local communities, providing hands-on training, workshops, and resources to empower individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture and alternative agriculture techniques.

Our online education platform is operational, offering accessible, comprehensive resources on regenerative practices, biodiversity, and ecological stewardship. This platform connects learners with experts and peers, creating a vibrant community of ecological advocates.

In addition, our innovative app facilitates the logging of new project sites and coordinates ecologically enhancing practices. This tool enables real-time collaboration among participants, tracks progress, and ensures alignment with sustainable goals. By integrating technology with grassroots efforts, we’re creating a dynamic ecosystem of support that empowers individuals and communities to take charge of their ecological and nutritional well-being.

We have an open invitation to interests to come down and experience the diet, and see the agriculture.

A Vision for the Future

A global commitment to preserving the integrity of nature through a one-point government policy against genetic modification represents a profound act of respect for the Earth and future generations. By educating and empowering individuals to adopt Nutritional Diversity culture, alternative agriculture practices, and household-level ecological responsibility, we can create a sustainable, harmonious world where freedom and nature thrive together.

Let us rise to this challenge, cultivating not only our gardens but also our collective potential to live in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can achieve a legacy of ecological integrity and human empowerment.



  1. Homeless Solution
  2. End of War
  3. End of Crime



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Pre-fab Indoor Cultivation System




A pre-fab indoor cultivation system that integrates aquaponics (fish) and herbs offers numerous benefits for families, communities, and the potential growth of a business based on this concept. Here’s an outline of the benefits:

1. Benefits for Families

  • Fresh, Healthy Food Supply
    • Provides a regular, pesticide-free supply of herbs, greens, and fish (a lean protein source).
    • Promotes healthier eating habits by encouraging home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients.
  • Educational Value
    • Offers a hands-on learning experience about ecosystems, biology, and sustainability.
    • Engages children and adults alike in understanding food production and the environment.
  • Cost Savings
    • Reduces grocery bills by replacing store-bought herbs, greens, and fish with home-grown produce.
    • Long-term investment pays off by cutting reliance on external food supplies.
  • Stress Reduction and Aesthetic Appeal
    • Functions as a beautiful, calming visual feature in the home, improving mental well-being.
    • Indoor greenery is proven to boost mood and reduce stress.
  • Convenience
    • Year-round growing eliminates dependence on seasonal produce.
    • Minimal maintenance systems with automation make it easy for busy households.

2. Benefits for the Community

  • Food Security
    • Helps alleviate local food insecurity by empowering families to produce their own food.
    • Could serve as a prototype for community food projects.
  • Eco-Friendly Practice
    • Promotes sustainable agriculture by reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and packaging.
    • Uses a closed-loop system that recycles water and nutrients, making it environmentally efficient.
  • Skill Sharing and Collaboration
    • Creates opportunities for workshops and community education on aquaponics and urban farming.
    • Encourages a sense of community through shared knowledge and resources.
  • Local Business Growth
    • Supports local ecosystems of related industries like equipment suppliers, seed companies, and urban farming educators.
    • Attracts eco-conscious customers interested in sustainable living.

3. Benefits of Business Growth

  • Scalability
    • Systems can be tailored for individual households or larger-scale community installations.
    • Expansion potential for schools, restaurants, and local businesses interested in sustainable food sources.
  • Economic Impact
    • Creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance.
    • Stimulates the economy by fostering a growing market for sustainable food production systems.
  • Branding as a Sustainability Leader
    • Positions the business as a pioneer in combining eco-friendly technology with aesthetic design.
    • Appeals to a rapidly growing market of environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Positive Environmental Impact
    • Reduces food waste by producing only what is needed locally.
    • Decreases strain on traditional agriculture by offering a viable alternative.

By combining beauty, practicality, and sustainability, this system serves as both a conversation piece and a meaningful tool for household and community resilience. Scaling this business has the potential to improve lifestyles, strengthen communities, and contribute positively to the global push for sustainable living.



Here’s an incredible design [concept] for a pre-fab indoor cultivation system that integrates fish and herbs in a visually stunning, practical, and efficient way:

1. Key Design Features

Aesthetic Appeal

  • Vertical Tower Design with Modular Layers:
    • A sleek, space-saving structure with multiple levels.
    • The top layers grow herbs and microgreens, while the bottom houses the aquaponic fish tank.
    • Transparent or frosted glass panels for visibility while concealing piping and mechanisms.
  • Natural Finishes:
    • Incorporate bamboo, polished wood, or matte metal frames to blend into modern homes.
    • LED grow lights integrated into each layer with adjustable color temperatures (e.g., warm white for ambiance or blue/red for growth).

Functional Components

  • Aquaponic Base (Fish Tank):
    • A low-maintenance, self-cleaning tank with tilapia, trout, or ornamental fish like koi (if non-edible).
    • Water from the tank nourishes the plants via a pump system, reducing waste and providing essential nutrients.
  • Hydroponic Grow Beds:
    • Grow beds placed above the fish tank circulate nutrient-rich water to plants.
    • Customizable levels with space for a variety of plants like basil, mint, spinach, and small fruiting plants.
  • Integrated Smart System:
    • Wi-Fi-enabled sensors monitor pH, temperature, and water levels.
    • App-connected notifications for feeding fish, harvesting plants, or conducting maintenance.
  • Rainwater Collection & Filtration:
    • Optional add-on for areas with rainwater access. Filters water into the system, minimizing external water usage.

Lighting and Energy Efficiency

  • Solar Panel Option:
    • Solar-powered grow lights for off-grid or eco-conscious homes.
    • Backup battery system ensures continuous operation.
  • Low-Voltage LED Grow Lights:
    • Adjustable spectrum and timers for energy-efficient growth.

2. Visual Inspiration

Imagine a modern, sculptural design:

  • Shape: A smooth hourglass or cylindrical tower, about 5-6 feet tall, making it a centerpiece in any room.
  • Materials: Sustainable bamboo paired with matte black or silver accents for a futuristic look.
  • Glass Viewing Window: A circular or oval-shaped viewing area for the fish tank, softly illuminated by internal LEDs.
  • Plant Canopies: Layers of lush green spilling over the edges, creating a natural and inviting look.

3. Customization Options

  • Size Variability:
    • Small units for apartments, larger multi-layered units for family homes.
  • Add-ons:
    • Herb drying racks on the top for preserving excess produce.
    • Small fruiting plants like strawberries or cherry tomatoes in larger systems.

4. Community-Level Adaptations

For a community-scale version, the design could resemble a wall-mounted garden or a central atrium system in a shared building space. It could incorporate:

  • Larger fish tanks and more robust growing areas.
  • Outdoor or greenhouse adaptations for larger yields.
  • Shared monitoring and maintenance apps to engage residents.

This system is more than functional—it’s a living art piece, combining natural beauty, sustainability, and high-tech convenience. It would be a beacon of innovation and practicality for any household or community looking to embrace a greener lifestyle.

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