Reaching Out to Influencers We Want to Work With
We are reaching out to Youtube, Instagram & Twitter Personalities who would like to become involved with a super cool super creative new culture video game we are making!
This is directly sent to you because we chose you.
This is our growth and our development strategy for the hottest video game of 2023.
A mix of mental, physical, and wisdom-oriented specialists will comprise an initial private forum, and perform a few zoom calls, to discuss the development of the rest of the game, we have already built the main framework that can be test played here. Watch the trailer here:
(the current storyline and features are samples. They are space fillers as the commity will together get to decide what that is)
The game will be for mobile phones and more and will be built by an incredibly talented developer at an incredible rate. We can each have our spin on the game, and the game yields NFTs.
Culture is begging for a game like this that calls out the devils of the world for what they are, in a game that can help real community members sculpt our culture; not just the big guys.
We can all promote it, decide on the NFT structures and changes, and build the initial board of soon to be large playing community of NFT collectors that give access to a VoodooVerse, a cool and disciplined self-improvement community that is knowledgeable and can go out and continue to balance the scales.
Now is the perfect point on the timeline to really get behind a project like this one.
Please see the trailer below or play the test game, and if you are into it purchase one of 300 limited edition NFTs for $300, and in this round become an original board member.
I have an extensive resume and I am very credible the game is great to go play it, and let us finish out to production story length together – I promise follow-through.
Reaching Out to Physical Fitness Influencers
We have a pretty cool and effective study and testing scenario on highly diverse diets in Panama and Costa Rica. We have a nice vacation house here on a Caribbean Island and several small farm suppliers of exotic goods we like to make our food with.
We have been able to see strength and performance gains in every case and category using our all-natural whole foods formula and approach.
We have a youtube channel we would love to promote and you can come down and do a diverse diet retreat [August-November 2022] and add to your resume something exotic!
Get involved with this game we need lots of strength and character behind this thing!! This is a great opportunity to make a great cultural change, and hopefully, these NFTs can really shoot up in value as many great ones do.
Reaching Out to Wise Persons
Self-improvement people also should be interested in this project because they recognize the cultural limitations and limiting attitudes that run through mainstream influence now. Getting behind the VoodooBreaker is breaking the voodoo or at least paddling in that direction.
I think the right assembly of us could really make something with this talented opportunity, to make a serious dent in the way we generally look at life management, codependence, personal strength, and sustainability today.
If this one calls to you, by all means, answer up!
Reaching Out to Narc/Parental Alienation Awareness YouTube Professionals
Thanks for your time I will make this quick.
My mother is a child abuser and a criminal narc my kid’s mother is a narc child abuser and criminal my kid looks very much like a narc, a min-mi of her child’s abusive mother like I never thought I would see in my wildest dreams.
I have done some anti-narc anti-alienator creative productions in the past and found a super hardcore daily routine and diet that helps me walk through the daily mud.
I have done other various creatives such as occupational therapy such as Super Dad whose kids have angry moms, Virginia Parental Alienation, and byourbest.
Creating New Culture
I am creating now an NFT Video Game of the most popular “first-person shooter” gaming style today, which is “: Live and Let Live People” against control freaks.
Having my kid kidnapped and brainwashed to hate me was too much, angry does not begin to describe it. I have stayed in another country for the last decade to keep myself and others safe, and to protect myself against more false accusations. I have not even been in the country and believe with the liar that abused er own child there, I would need 24-hour buddy system security and witness service.
This kid loves video games. She has no idea what has happened to her. Millions of kids love video games and have no idea what is happening to them. The system won’t change. We can take culture by the rains, with the talent of my little bro’s friend. We can make valuable collectible art NFTs related to games where “it is just not cool anymore to be a narcissist and we know what you are now.”
This thing needs strong people to own these NFTs, educated people, fit people, healthy people, to together develop the rest of this game, and more of a culture where we know what the problem is, and we are going to make sure all biology on this planet is able to thrive.
There are many changes we want to make here and my little farming and fitness club down here in Panama is doing a lot of stuff. Time for the next level of the snowballing effect to the anti-narc culture that addresses how even though society is sick, there are lines that are not to be crossed! We can not let people black out the sun to sell us light. We can not sacrifice our lives because of family members who need us. We don’t fly holding onto other people.
The game features wise quotes from Marcus Aurelius, Einstein, Signed Froyd, and we can implement many many more; the NFT holders are the owners, this is the stock certificate in the Game, movies to come, and we can make all the decisions together.
I gave the kid a thousand dollars he worked with me and taught me a lot to produce the game we have now which is good! It could e called angry and graphic, however, I looked at a bunch of games for kids before we started on this, and we did try to model this to compete with popular gaming today.
The storyline is a sample write, the game is the ground sample we can build this together, we can feature you, quotes from you, and links to your channels in the game. We will be making the game for mobile once we develop more of it. You can play a quick test of the game now. You can watch the trailer below.
(the current storyline and features are samples. They are space fillers as the commity will together get to decide what that is)
For the next round of development, I need a list of known, quality, wise people, we should have some ZOOM and private forum discussions over time, develop a storyline we like and I can work with the developer to see that our results are achieved.
This is top-quality game development by a real genius at this! A truly rare talent that produces a lot from a little. I have talked at great length with him and we have come up with this.
If 13 people purchase our Apprentice NFT, at $300 each we will have enough to develop a seriously kick butt game with some great animations of a short storyline, convert it to mobile phone play and start to explain to youth culture the dangers of certain patterns and modalities and benefits of being able to detect and expel them from your life.
I want the initial NFT holders to be mixed between gym persons, nutrition persons, anti-parental alienation persons, and anti-narc persons because these people have had the solutions for a long time now. In the interest of adding some creative strategic delivery of the needed wisdom and attitude to move forward is what we call “Voodoo Breaking.”
So am reaching out to recruit you specifically after watching your content and inviting you to become a Video Game based delivery of narc and alienation awareness, the importance of health and nutrition, supporting other artists and creators, and the idea that freedom thrives!
We should have as many mental health professionals as possible on the discussion board of this development. If you are qualified for this way and want to help, please also contact me below.