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Rare Planetary Alignment Event! Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & the Moon Align

April 14, 2020 @ 1:30 am - April 16, 2020 @ 9:00 am UTC+0

lunar alignment

Biodynamic life rotates around the moon as if it is in another dimension as the gravitational continual momentum balancing-side of the human experiment. Okay, that made no sense. But what I meant to say is what we do on the farm each day is according to a biodynamic moon calendar that really applies like an exact science to farm tasks and goals.

“When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars”— Hair, “Age of Aquarius”

Is this the divine syzygy?

Syzygy is a term for the synchronization of three or more celestial bodies.

Syzygy occurs every new and full moon using the Earth the Sun and the Moon. They are rare for a conjunction of the planets.

Berosus of Babylon said the world started in a conjunction or syzygy of the planets and will end this way also. [1]

NUMEROL: This planetary syzygy comes to world martial law and a series of 414202041520204162020 added=41 multiplied = 491520‬ divided 3.55 according to most references. Although if it is 13,14,15  413202041420204152020 added =39, multiplied =245760, divided = 6.51.

In 2020, there will be four eclipses of the Moon, two eclipses of the Sun, and no transits of Mercury. Three of the eclipses will be visible from North America. [2]

April 15, 2020

Asteroid “1998OR2” will pass in ecliptic fashion [NASA] the lineup and will pass within view from Earth on April 29, 2020. The rock travels at twenty thousand miles per hour doing laps around the sun in three and a half years time. [3]


What are the effects of lowered pollution and quarantine in relation to the planetary alignment?

With the lowered pollution thanks to Coronavirus lockdown, the visibility of planetary events, and stars are more crisp and clean and there is more likely hood to see each planet as they are close together through till the closest alignment and close together again still as they separate.

The fact that we are not moving is good and bad. Largely the biggest economic hit of our lifetime is the concern.

The President stimulus direct to the people makes things interesting and affords a world of potential.

These periods throughout history have sparks artistic, heart and soul-based revolutionary periods. [4]

This is also a perfect time to start learning the sky if you haven’t started to yet. While the reduced pollution makes for a better class, better brain function, and better quarantine training!

I take a moment early each morning before the rest of the world wakes as I gaze into the star patterns to really notice and be thankful for what we have and the hope that maybe in the quarantine we stopped killing this planet for the moment.

While surely rich land grabs forest burnings are still going on and maybe even easier to achieve now that resources are being concentrated in city patrols and checks I am hopeful that other reductions from transit are reduced.

Many consider this time a time for asking forgiveness.

Sea-based business is still going strong and one tanker managed to spill in Panama recently. Cars not as much, and production not as much and that is a big breather for the forest that is not being destroyed.

Can I offer the idea, that we consider reforestation programs and permanent departments both in physical and in karmic health for our planet?

What other important astronomical events are happening around the time of the April 2020 planetary alignment?

Mercury goes into retrograde June 18, and this is the time astrological information leans towards machine and computer troubles but also increased productivity. This is likely when the dust of the current times settles and we hope to get back to it.

 April 15, Asteroid “1998OR2” will pass in ecliptic fashion [NASA] the lineup and will pass within view from Earth on April 29, 2020. The rock travels at twenty thousand miles per hour doing laps around the sun in three and a half years time.

She was once considered potentially hazardous to Earth when first spotted in July of 98, but over the course of the last 20 years we have figured out she is more likely to brush shoulders with Mars than us. [3]

We were able to see the SuperMoon the other night very well. We hope you did too!  The next Full Blood Moon in the series is May 7th, 2020 which marks the halfway point from the start of the x biblical moon? This the last day of Ramadan, a 14-day fast, sacrifice and sober period for the Islamic faiths. So far Panama has been dry with no liquor sales since March 29.

This planetary closeness will all take visibly place across the 14, 15, and 16 of April just following Semana Santa or Easter. Even the cheapest of telescopes can highly improve the experience. I will be watching you can bet that! Nothing is needed for viewing the even, you should be able to look up at night and see the planets from the US.

Venus is not going to be in this alignment but she will be in the same sky likely and she will be shining much brighter than most objects there these nights.

The celestial event falls in a rare sequence of moon events that have neurological significance that many beliefs are end times signs.

I just really starting following it all a few years ago myself but the ancient cultures all understood astrology and moon signs that allowed them to predict energies navigate their fleets and armies, accurately map terrain, find directions lost, and likely much more. It is an accurate science, to the second and these intensely intelligent workings leave a fingerprint-like index to every moment in history.

It is hard to learn and the knowledge that resides there is likely much more than we use today but like anything learn it one step at a time.

What historical references are there to planetary alignment events?

“Beware the Ides of March,” a warning recorded in 44 B.C. that the Caesar, secure in his divinity and power, ignored graduated to the next life via his closest “friends.”

Positions or alignments of the heavenly objects played a role in the assassination by most accounts, an astrologer even predicted his death.

Sounds like inside information to me or maybe from an accurate prediction the Caesar’s assassins gained confidence, or maybe there is no relation between the prophecy and the moon-based murder.

Gaius Julius Caesar, one of the most powerful men of his time was assassinated based on the location of the planets and stars.

According to Florian Himmler a junior researcher in ancient history at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany, “There was a similar case” about 140 years later.

On September 18, 96 A.D., the Roman emperor Titus Flavius Domitianus was taken out by friends who chose the date and hour of his departure based upon the position of the planets. Mars was positioned as such to make his ‘divine protection’ weakest.

NASA uses the Mars position to launch space ships and rockets into space. [3]

Mars should blaze in the sky a bright red during this April month.mars position for rocket launch

The Harmonic Convergence was the title awarded to the world’s first synchronized global peace meditation, which went down on August 16 and17, 1987.

The event went on during an exceptional alignment of the planets in our Solar System.

The meditation event had been predicted by Tony Shearer a member and artist of the Lokota Nation, in Lord of the Dawn (1971), the organizers of the Harmonic Convergence event José Argüelles with wife Lloydine Burris Argüelles, as a peace movement they founded in 1983; the Planet Art Network (PAN).

According to Lord of Dawn’s interpretation of Aztec cosmology, this event marked the end of 22 cycles of 52 years each, 1,144 years total. The 22 cycles were divided into 13 “heaven” cycles, which started AD 843 and ended in 1519, when9  “hell” cycles began.

These hell cycles would not end until 468 years later in 1987 according to Shearer. The very beginning of the 9 “hell” cycles was precisely the day that Hernán Cortés landed in Mexico, April 22, 1519, a parallel dating to “1 Reed” of the Aztec/Mayan calendar- the day sacred to Mesoamerican cultural hero “Quetzalcoatl.”

The 9 hell cycles of 52 years each ended in 1987 by Shearer’s timeline introduced the dates and the prophecy to Arguelles in 1970, and he eventually co-opted them and created the name Harmonic Convergence as the public title of the event.

Shear gave considerations to European and Asian astrological traditions in calculating the date of 1987, a worldwide meditation event. Allegedly marking a planetary alignment with the Moon and the Sun and six out of eight planets being a “grand trine.

Though Arguelles eventually connected the timing of the Harmonic Convergence what he thought of Maya’s calendrics, the events did not come from Maya cosmology but from Tony Shearer’s reconstruction and interpretation of Aztec prophecies.

The next predicted Harmonic convergence (aligning of planets) was to occur on March 3, 2019. According to Travel & Leisure Magazine, March of 2019 was the last planetary alignment until 2040. [TL]

This March 2019 alignment of 3 planets, Venus, Saturn, and the Moon was visible at 5 am and using the resource below in the listed content section. [S]



Mid-April 2020 Alignment

April 2020 Planetary Alignment


This early morning viewing is important to remember I usually go outside and check around 0330 am when I get up, do some push-ups and then check again at 0500. Some nights here in Tropics it is so clear you can begin to see it all around 1900.

The eight major planets from our Solar System will likely never come into perfect alignment. The last time they appeared in the same eye-window of the night sky was over 1,000 years ago in 949 AD, and they won’t get to it again until May 6, 2492.

Some believe Venus charged her light up passing certain star or distant galaxy planetary constellations earlier in April.


Venus Activity


Shearer past on in 2003 rest his soul, but today a Heart Math Institute exists with more or less his concept of Harmonic Convergence, retitled as “coherence.” I love this basic term that we should push into defining also this practice of harmonious prayer and hope. They even have a software network and an electronic finger motivation device that links meditation and timing information across the globe.

One could figure that with the red moons, volcanic eruptions, fires and deception all over and a flu pandemic worst our generation has ever seen that we should start paying attention to nature and the cosmos.


Other Interesting ND Material:

  1. Best Face Masks
  2. Best Quarantine Training
  3. Best Stem Cell Info
  4. Best Serrapeptase
  5. Best Cordyceps


Recommended Reads:

  1. Agriculture Lectures by Rudolph Steiner
  2. A Course of the Steiner Agricultural Lectures
  3. An alternate version to “Heal and Revitalize the Earth”
  4. Book of Moons, Biodynamic
  5. Lots of pictures in “Biodynamic Gardening” 78 likes


A quote from the past that describes the now for today,

It is hard to give unlimited power to limited minds. –Nikola Tesla

If you are not yet on our list, get on it so you can Nasa viewing tips video and all the hidden areas on the site. There is also a web resource to check actual planetary alignment in live time.

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Use this resource for viewing the planetary alignment today.

If you have not looked into -permaculture- yet, check out a couple teamates and collegues show us some species and what it looks like.




April 14, 2020 @ 1:30 am UTC+0
April 16, 2020 @ 9:00 am UTC+0
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