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Tuesday April 7, 2020 Full Moon ⬤ Bio-Dynamic Life

April 7, 2020


The full moon enters Libra. Today we are advised to work on special personal relationships, likely new ones, and it’s also a time for planning and getting rid of what you do not need by tomorrow.

This is a full pink Supermoon, who has “action written all over it.”

Biodynamic Life: Fertilize today but do not water. Plants watered today may invite pests tomorrow. Wash hair, fabric, and surfaces today. Do finishing work and beauty treatments tomorrow. Leave your teeth alone today.

A coded and complex anomaly in numerology emerges excellently for intuition and original thought to flow electrically. Here within is a sign of rejuvenated spirits and elevated activity and this should be present for the next two months of the lunar cycle. I can’t help but wonder how much the current regulations will stipend this pre-destined spike of possibility on the timeline.

Hidden in plain time, is the pattern of 7-22, 7-22. This Full Moon occurs on April 7, and the New Moon occurs on April 22. The following Full Moon lands on May 7, the next New Moon turns out to be on May 22. We will likely be in our homes for most if not all of that period hopefully doing our push-ups at the least.

Twenty-two divided by seven is 3.14 also known as Pi, the number of the circle, and inherently God-like number representing cycles we live by and the globe we stand on.

Planetary alignment spells electric charge and lightning strikes of fire-filled energy, most of which will take place in creative dimensions, new starts, new worlds, a new beginning, and extreme or complete changes in our lives.

We have postponed our April events because of the Coronavirus Lockdown

super moon

Today is propitious for flowers, and tomorrow for stem and leaf crops.

Tomorrow is a great day for cardiovascular and aerobic exercise, weight loss, detox, and getting rid of what you do not need. Therefore refrain from making yourself too sore, possibly prepare to fast detox manana, and get to know your plants.

Sow seed and plant from today until the tenth.

Start harvesting on the 10th, and harvest through April, 14. 2022

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Recommended Reading:

  1. Best Immune System Boosters
  2. Best Hot Peppers
  3. Best Kombucha

Also, later in the week read up on – little by little for learning, as far as nature and tropical permaculture goes there is a lot to learn and it takes time and daily dedication:

Home Lockdown Push-up Routine.  We are on this like crazy for the super moon day. Let us get the most out of today.

They say to be careful on the nights of the werewolf. It is a great illuminated night for the night hunt. Interestingly homicide is usually down on full-moons and given our situation one thing we can be happy for is likely the lowest homicide rate on a full moon and a new moon in a long, long time. So we will think anyway.

Lunar Study

Lunar cycle in homicides: a population-based time-series study in Finland

This is an interesting behavioral study, in a country where education and employment are both high rates and numbers:

During the full moon, 15% fewer homicides were committed than during the new moon (RR 0.85; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.94) and 86% less during the lightest quintile of illumination compared with the darkest quintile (RR 0.14; 95% CI 0.04 to 0.50). ¬This study coincides with astrological nudges towards letting go of unneeded things and toxins.

Adjustments did not change the results. Piecewise linear regressions showed a significant decline in homicides at the full moon and a rise thereafter.

The full moon drop in homicides was directionally similar for seasons, weekdays, sex, age, and time periods, and it was particularly pronounced in the early part of the period studied (1961–1974). Periodic regression showed a regular cyclic pattern of the length of 29.53 days (p~0.035), ¬which could indicate that there is some sort of deadening in the lunar human behavioral response post-1975. The ’80s through today could be cultural observed as becoming less in tune with nature and lunar activity, especially now on Cornovirus lockdown.

Methods used

The daily numbers of homicides were related to eight moon phases and the illuminated percentage of the moon disc using negative binomial regression.

To identify lunar patterns, piecewise linear terms of lunar days were used, together with changes from one moon phase to another. Homicides were similarly regressed on quintiles of the illuminated percentage of the moon disc.

A periodic term of 29.53 days was included to detect cyclic patterns. The results were adjusted for sex, age, secular trend, distance from the moon, seasons, weekday, major holidays, and temperature.

Homicide Study:

I produced and helped create this documentary while attending Temple University Film School back in 2008. I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico and for some reason, most of my life has been a lesson in correctional institutions, violence, and poverty.

During this Philadelphia Chapter, I worked with a church organization basketball program and I worked independently being that I could communicate with all people (while many segments of Philly culture were seemingly unable to communicate with one another) with young poor kids who had fallen to a significantly violent culture of poverty there in the urban ghettos.


Popular media and music had their influence on the situation in my humble opinion. I am the defender of music and free music and artist license to do whatever you want. I, however, question that record industry executives; who are not from that culture so highly endorse a continuous message that would negatively affect the target market culture, that is heard in most of the entire industrial production.

Contrary to current scientific opinion, an association exists between moon phases and homicides, and contrary to what has been previously assumed, homicides declined during the full moon, especially in earlier decades. However, the causality of the association remains elusive.



Some videos that we looked at this week, and thought stood out are available to those on our email list.

Next Event> April 22

Join our lunar and space activity study group.


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April 7, 2020
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