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“All challenges in life are opportunities to build strength.” -b

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Exceptional Independence Day Lunar Eclipse July 4rth 2020!
July 4, 2020

What an exciting factor in an already exciting time! U.S. Independence Day ( a July 4, 2020 eclipse) with a penumbral lunar eclipse which will become visible at 11:07 p.m in New York City.
At eclipse maximum which will take place at 12:29 a.m. on Sunday, July 5, 2020, no more than half of the moon’s face will put out a darker shade. About an hour and a half after ‘maximum,’ at 1:52 a.m., the event ends. The entire eclipse will last 2 hours and 45 minutes so be ready!
The next and final lunar eclipse of 2020 will appear over North and South America, the Pacific Ocean, and its neighboring regions on the night of November 29, 2020, and early morning hours of November 30, 2020. This ultimate lunar eclipse will be the longest-lasting eclipse of the year, finalizing at a total of 4 hours, 20 minutes and 59 seconds.
Next up from New York City, the final lunar eclipse of the year begins on November 30th, 2020 at 2:32 a.m. EST (0732 GMT) and ends at 6:53 a.m. EST (1153 GMT), with the maximum eclipse occurring at 4:42 a.m. EST (0942 GMT), the best viewpoint from New York and East Coast locations; the most badly in need of such a blessing of sight after being hit the hardest by the Coronavirus pandemic.
On the 14th of December, 2020 we will experience a total solar eclipse.

Image credit: Fred Espenak/NASA – July 4-5 2020 Eclipse Visibility
Notice the visibility of this Independence Day eclipse is the American Continent. It will be a special eclipse no doubt.
I will be able to see her too here from Panama just in case my little one cares, I’ll be watching this moon Independently this night with only big things and the picture on my mind.
This day of 4, July 2020 will be good for fruit harvest and root harvest and root crop fertilization for the biodynamic farmer.
Let us mark this event as a day to remember that we are all created equal here on this planet and we all deserve to be independent and free.
I keep saying they need to close the DEA and open the PEA (Police Enforcement Agency -jurisdiction over the police only), and more programs to help troubled young people and we would have a huge turnaround just in that.
We have already seen Nutritional Diversity Sciences Information make huge turn arounds in red-zone agriculture areas just because good permaculture information came from a good source. [M5]
Of course, with everything happening in the global pandemic scheme of things and the large shifts we never thought of such as the priority of personal protective equipment PPE, riots and looting not to mention the ultimate looming probability now of our generations largest national economic crisis; we must prevail, we must carry on.
One thing is for certain, sustainable technologies and sustainable living, permaculture, and Nutritionally Diverse Diets are going to be stepped up on the priority stack.
It could be worth dedicating a promise that we will try and live more respectfully of nature and maybe even participate in supporting and enhancing the ecology on this July 4rth Independence Day Eclipse.
The endless potential in such a pursuit especially when knowing the full potential nature has to offer us as individuals – is too much for those on my team to resist and that’s why they are where they are.
We encourage readers to come down to the tropics and learn more or participate in our online courses from home, we also have a lunar study workshop group that is ongoing.
We know this will be a powerful night for New York and other East Coast areas that suffered the worst. We see one clear point, that living in cities is not necessarily utopian and green conversions should be considered. Ozone generators would be good for these urban situations.
We know now, or we will soon exercise, sunlight, nutritional diversity diet, good sleep, healthy attitude – of gratitude are going to make for the best COVID-19 defense every time. Some will wimp out and buy the best immune boosters, but some will step up and do it the right way.
I will dare to say it is a model many times for the best and the worst people!
We don’t do politics and we don’t live without a moral code where I come from and so I must simply end my notes on the times saying that I would not want to see my most important people crying and complaining and policing others or hurting anyone for that matter, I would love to see them using their heads, being themselves, staying away from stupid people no matter how many there are (too many), and not building karmic debt (a very REAL thing) by looting or violence and focusing on solutions, not problems. The smartest today will look to nature for answers because you’re not going to get them from someone else anymore. If you can you have a diamond on your hands don’t mess it up, don’t let go of that resource of knowledge!
Other 2020 Events
Here is a photo I took of the moon this night :
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