Food Testing
To test food, first break up the material a bit and rub on the wrist where the veins are closest to the surface. You may see a red or irritated reaction and if so disqualify the material from your local wild food harvesting list, and make yourself a known “don’t eat this catalogue.”
If no reaction is had, take some of the material and place it in your gums, between lip and teeth for 15 minutes. If your body feels upset, hot, or has a physical reaction in the mouth spit it out and add to the “don’t eat this catalogue.”
If you don’t have any reaction move the material under your tongue for 15 minutes. If still no reaction is noticed, swallow the material. If after several hours no reaction is had, eat a large piece of the material.
The next day if no reaction had been had, add a good amount of the matter to a smoothie, or other unheated preparation.
Things to avoid while first learning and experimenting with this testing process for wild vegetation and other wild foods are anything with white mily saps, large spines, and of course harsh matters hard to hard to chew.
Incremental Focus Testing
Food testing for further information such as stimulant or drowsy effects, brain or thought inhibition, respiratory opening or closing, etc., can be achieved by a short fast (clearing of the stomach, by way of not consuming) or cleanse (see stomach ‘Cleansing’) followed in a dedicated increment of the material large enough to reasonable achieve the minimum effective dose in the user’s system.
Following material consumption certain tests, and focuses can be conducted, such as meditation exercise, reading,focused mental application, etc., to determine helpful essences of the plant more specifically.

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