Human Optimization is the enhancement of sleep, intense physical training, mental training, and diet. Informational, training, and geographical diversity are also essential to human optimization.
Through lots of diverse resistance, we have learned a thing or two about human optimization and becoming your best in the face of the worst. We have done our best, to try and develop a complete idea and share it with nutrition and training enthusiasts. Here are some firm rules we have found constantly important across many case studies now of performance enhancements, healing performances, and training optimizations.
Firstly diverse sources of clean water are of primary importance. Knowledge of toxins [x,x] and water filtration is important – there should always be a service side verification and treatment. Dynamic principles of nature are also important to know about, this blackout of science knowledge in the modern mind and education is more than curious. [x]
Simply the realization that our diets are too narrow (especially) and from ill-sourced agriculture is enough to turn a person’s health completely around.
To help fuel discovery and better complete diet formulations we have been offering online coaching, and just recently; through a New Mexico-based company nutritional retreats in Panama.
We are always students, and always building..
✰ Rules of Optimization:
- Toxin-free. Removal of toxins is the first thing. This is grocery produce, alcohol, drugs, and toxic individuals; one cannot be their best [optimal self] in the presence of someone with a narcissistic personality disorder or cluster B personality [false self]. [x,x] “Control-freaks” that deceive and cross moral and personal individual boundaries offset the naturality and balance of healthy optimization. “Freedom – biology tells us that over-domesticated and over-controlled or contaminated with exterior elements are all signs of weakness and codependence, which leads back to the first rule of optimization.” To be optimal, you must be an expert boundary-setter with others. Because the “modern-narc” (someone who wants you to get ahead – just not ahead of them) is covert we have put together a playlist of essential narcissism awareness video information [check all descriptions for specialized links and recommendations] regarding protecting oneself against a very commonplace disorder now that can destroy a person and family or company or city or state or globe (current situation) completely. It is these people that make up the GMO, Glyphosate industries, pharmaceutical industries, etc. This Human Optimizions number one points to this particular doctrine because; it is the root of all problems and its devotee constructs have locked even the innocent into a bad place and function. Case and point we can send our children hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn Agriculture and they will go out and poison people and destroy the planet. It is important to know that the “order through chaos” idealogy is that by causing chaos and disturbances in the natural flow of things, one can gain control over them. Those of us living out the various Soap Operas we have been inoculated with, represent the weakest body of human biology and we need to know how to deal with our weak links. No one can get to the promised land or point of optimal earth or environmental performance allowing the weakest to be the culturally dominant. AS BuckmisnterFuller explained well, this can be reformed or repaired it must be replaced. Character is more important than talent, it is more dependable too. Physical and metaphysical clarity is what we are after in the optimization of self. Physical health I can almost tell right away by looking at the person, looking at their urine, and looking at their stool. We do also have tools to evaluate metaphysical toxin levels also.
- One must have a non-negotiable mindset and do all your self-care every day to be your best, go to bed early, don’t drink poison, hit the gym, hit the trail, do an exorcism, sauna, cold plunge, all of that …! 4 hours minimum of work on self per day and another hour of some sort of thanks to the wonderful world. Don’t get me wrong those few times you go wild, go for the gold, but make it special. – in fact, the more developed your microbiome is the better time you will have those special occasions you do let loose, and don’t be surprised if you do end up happier to keep the top-shelf shiny.
- High-intensity exercise, high energy generation, high character, high spirit, a high attitude of gratitude, more than respect – politeness, and to the end commitment to the greater good, and the cultivation of the greatest shared conscious collectiveness available. Flow state to flow state use what you got, don’t cry one time and keep another brother in line. You can be your little star thing, but no one in the inner circle gets left behind we are not punks.
- Nutritionally diverse diet. To optimize output we reasonably can know we should optimize input. Inner Will and discipline are everything and are best built with these routines and nutritional diversity diet concepts.
- High character – honesty, integrity, courage, commitment, etc. Character is that foundation one can depend on to OVERCOME. High character means high performance and optimal being.
Practices in Authenticity: A dedicated concentration in genuineness, authenticity, and good intentions is a positive way of describing the Anti-Narcissism Movement. While many lay claim to initiating this movement, we find Kia Karlberg’s precise and concise writings on the topic to be a great guide for character building and identifying. The ability to weed one’s social garden may be the ability for one to survive, thrive and later create. We are ambassador of Kia Karlberg’s Anti-Narcissism for this reason.

Many have questions about the stress of Anti-Narcissism importance. It is a life-saving education. For those who recognize it (us) the holdback and connections to a narcissist or narcissistic construct in clients become an obvious primary issue in 90% of cases (approx). According to historical case comparisons; potential damage from unrecognized and unaddressed connectivity to these darker parts of life is tremendous. Throughout the various categories of “voodoo” from TV news champions to Honorable War Veterans 100s of millions of individuals today have fought for lies, discovered the lies, and fought for truth and to repair their gilt and balance their karma, to then be attacked some more for trying to do the right thing. This is the epitome of what Kia Karlberg describes in her new science. I tell all my guys to 1). be in martial arts a few days a week, 2). never lie – it will change your DNA, and getting our wings in Valhalla is the only thing that matters – yoursoul is real, take care of it. Trust me I know all about the alternative options and everything I say on this site will benefit you or I don’t say it. If you are not helping it, your place is somewhere else-get there. 3). balance in all things, 4). 0070 is there only when needed for a higher PURPOSE. You find your purpose through weeks of dedicated nature, if you have not done this- do it. Everyone in this world today is at serious risk of the falseself, NPD, narc trap – “they want you just as dirty as they are.” As one will notice above the highest levels of HUMAN OPTIMIZATION are in the highest levels of INTEGRITY & CHARACTER.
Creating a culture of human optimization and nutritional diversity lifestyle is helped by some core cultural principles and a few courses that can bring us all onto the same page in the same direction of diverse inclusion, consumption, and study moving forward. NPD and other toxic lifestyles that create toxic syndromes later on, and then become permanently that way after that; can likely be avoided through better cultivation of young people.
Some cultural center points to Human Optimization should be.
- A deep commitment to honesty, and truth in both hearing and speaking.
- Anyone who can participate should be in Martial Arts.
- Study nature. Know natural processes as a basic approach to life. Live in nature for short periods of time.
- Read of the greats who have walked in these shells before us.
- Knowledge of the Kia Karlberg Anti-Narcissism Science & Philosophy and a verified understanding that there are intentionally negative influences out there to test you and will stop at nothing to see you fail. Preparedness, strategy, strength, knowledge, and INTEGRITY are the keys to withstanding all challenges in life which we now redefine in our internal software as OPPORTUNITIES TO BUILD STRENGTH.
A culture starts many times as a spore or a seed, a spec, or even a cell. Information is our brain food, and the natural growth of intellectual philosophy has been censored by _________ . The growth of knowledge in biology has been severely contaminated by _______. Truth today is changed by _______. Once truth is changed it is a _________. We live in a culture of _______. The number one demand a natural OPTIMAL community should have for its membership is _________.
See that these issues are simply matters of negatively charged energy creating toxins and to be optimal half the battle is removing them. A great garden must be cured, weeded and enhanced, and supported -a basic lesson learned from months of biological growth observation. We can do things differently and to do so step one is removing yourself from toxicity or toxicity from yourself. This is step 1.
We know that logic is the best tool for solving dilemmas. Suggestion:
Our small team feels strongly a cultural responsibility to work for many years in enhancing ecology, learning to be sustainable, eliminating toxins, weeding the garden, and injecting truth about diet, health, and even optimal athletic performance and all-natural human optimization with the most robust nutrition from one of the most tropically dense ecological diversities left on the planet realized by the coolest researchers. We have already worked many big miracles, even too big to believe so we will save the most special info for the most important personal relationships; another necessary dynamic for optimal human life that has been drastically reduced by modern cultural contamination, lies, and narcissistic constructs.
Certificate Courses NOT AVAILABLE YET.
It can be as easy as switching your source to small farmers directly and boosting your diversity and/or consumption of the entire animal. If you want to complicate things OR really get into it try our free introductory course -in construction.