Renacimiento Retreats : Health Retreat – the Ultimate Post-Pandemic Getaway
There is a new level of nutrition going on. It is a full-spectrum formula realized from an intensive botanical, tropical nutrition study in Panama that has been ongoing over the last decade. A tropical plants and nutrition researcher has narrowed a wide range of testing into a sixty species minimum conclusion for human diets, saying essentially that we now eat through all modern diet recommendations, culture and educations currently; only ten percent of the diversity that we need (on average). To get that minimum together in an all-natural fashion, using today’s agricultural and distributional models for food is impossible, which creates lots of opportunities in diverse nutrition. This health retreat takes “foodies” straight to the source of this nutritional testing and theory -in a tropical paradise with a great team! A definite upgrade-to-health retreat!
Our vision for this retreat is to build long-term relationships with companies, families, and individuals who realize the importance of at least getting a few weeks a year on the high all-natural diversity diet for health, performance, and longevity.
“For next level output, next level input is needed.”
The tropical nutrition has been in Panama and Costa Rica some years and a few other places – but nowhere like it’s going here at the Caribbean island paradise located “first model” of the highly diverse nutritional sciences in Bocas del Toro.
We are here to offer the best nutrition, and the best nutritional health retreat in 2021 and beyond, the perfect post-pandemic getaway….
Here is the cutting-edge well-packed Nutritional Diversity Diet, in this boutique learning and detox retreat of fun in the sun to leave feeling 10x better than when arrived.
The retreat package will always be the best and LIVE way to get this level-breaking nutritional concept in and to make new personal performance records by the stack – because the retreater is able to get the live nutrients right off the high diversity of wonderful plant foods right where the magic has taken place over the last decade.
This a total at your own pace offering, there is no pressure or judgment once retreaters are received on-site for their wonderful stay with us in the Caribbean paradise. When we welcome guests to this special cultivation property we “welcome them home,” and that’s where they are – their home away from home, an experience built for their own health and comfort.
An experienced team of wellness professionals from Albuquerque, New Mexico has recently attended the first of these 2021 retreats on the breathtakingly beautiful Caribbean paradise island of dreams. In a partnership with the NDteam there on-site, the group plans to offer voluntary ventures into highly diverse nutrition, new robust food species, in a completely new diet concept that has been responsible for better health and performance results in every case, and category it has been applied to.
Getting back to the office has never been clearer than leaving one of our retreat packages. Getting out of the office has never been so exciting as to come to the Caribbean tropical islands of Panama to do a fun health retreat, with some of the coolest retreat cats in the game.
Welcome to the very curative, much-needed, and well-timed comprehensive course in nature – a dedicated and structured yearly maintenance-routine opportunity in one of the most beautiful and popular tropical vacation destinations today.
This course takes clients away from computers, and into nature for 30-90% of their days (client’s call) over a dedicated week to a month (client’s elected time options of 2,3,4,6,10,20, and 30-day commitments) and plunges them into highly diverse nutrition plans and super-fun activities. A learning-intensive fun vacation trip to total picture-perfect paradise, with various sized classes coordinated throughout the year for athletic, farming, and nutritionist interests.
Regardless of the primary interest of the retreaters, everyone involved will get a good dose of health, thinking, healing, and new physical fitness performance scores – no matter where they are now, improvements are ahead.
Our caring coordinators have accumulated experience in the decades past providing wellness and training retreat-work, and we have been doing a good job thus far pairing up great teams who leave these diverse nutrition treatments with life-long friendships built into the wake.
We have taken the time to set up an area of our website known as the “Alumni Resources,” a digital networking platform for the new extended family to exchange ideas and practice tips, recipes, and species of food to further cultivate the cutting-edge nutritional concept for all.
From quantum frequency therapies to diverse water treatments and the famed diverse nutritional edge, results are guaranteed in just ten days we really haven’t had a case yet that was not overjoyed with the results and feelings upon completion of the 10day program.
We know not everyone can get away that long so we have peppered the year with 2,3,4 and 6-day retreats. All of our retreats feature high diversity food systems and sunrise Yoga sessions. Many of our retreats feature (optional) focus concentrations such as jujitsu, calisthenics, surfing, diving, running, boxing, etc.
Bocas del Toro is not just a tropical growth-rate wonderment, with some of Latin America’s most vibrant ecology; it is a top-rate vacation destination, with top-rated activities. We make sure to enjoy the best of them! We work hard to offer the best we can in fun, fellowship, and feeds to ensure that all of our guests feel five stars at the end of it all!
Chef’s, Athlete’s, Botanists, Permaculturists, Healer’s, the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization, and more have been interested in what we have to say over the last decade about diverse nutrition and the potential with a more diverse agriculture focus and we are pleased to have a boutique program to show interested parties the live-time cutting edge of this essentially limitless nutritional potential.
We plan a 30-day model and the most intense of those days where we cover the meat of the nutritional concept are the first ten. We know some folks can only get a week or a weekend off, so we have 2, 4, and 6-day vacation retreat options.
Ten-day retreats are perfect for many because they can really result from the highly diverse nutrition volumes in their system and for many, it can be done with their job’s two weeks of vacation time. That being said those who can work abroad will find the lodge has all the facility needed and we even partner with a co-workspace here on the island so that tasks can be knocked out from paradise.
These condensed retreats are very focused on getting a large amount of highly diverse nutrition through the individual and showing a routine retreaters can take home and implement in their daily lives.
Different retreat periods will have different focuses on fun and enrichments such as yoga, diving, running, surfing, permaculture, cooking/nutrition, ju-jitsu, boxing, etc. If you see something you like but can’t come for the entire thing, let us know; we can make special arrangements.
Stay healthy with full-spectrum all-natural tropical nutrition from the tip of the spear. This is one that retreaters can get excited to come to and leave back to work with, super-charged! The staff here really is the cutting-edge on the all-natural full-spectrum and full-power tropical diverse diet today!
- May 14-17 2021 Perfect Post-Pandemic Quick Weekend Getaway: Diverse Nutrition Yoga & Surf Retreat
- May 19-27 2021 Nutritional Diversity Cleanse, Training, Yoga, Fun & Relaxing 10-day Health Retreat
- June 11-13 2021 Nutritionally Diverse Diet Quick Training Camp, 3 Day Retreat
- June 15-21 2021 6 Day Running Retreat – Get in Shape! Personal Development, Iron Race/Traithlon Prep
- July 3-7 2021 Best Yoga & Surf Retreat July of 2021! Bocas del Toro, Panama
- July 11-14 2021 3 Day Running Retreat – Get in Shape! Personal Development, Iron Race/Triathlon Prep
- July 24-31 2021 Diverse Nutrition, Yoga and Running Retreat in Paradise!
- More To Be Announced!! – Fill out the form below with desired dates to see a retreat scheduled around you!!!
See calendar view
A short plane ride from the comfort zone of non-progression is a whole new lifestyle concept and health exchange with nature that modern man just does not have grips with. Many realize this mistake, operation, and error although when thinking of taking the steps to get back to nature, health, and harmony for some will come a large blank in the mind. A self-defeating cycle of ignorance that we are ignorant of has dominated our health and removed dynamic management of fuel resources and abilities from our pallets. Our outputs and artistic expression are limited much as a plant-life-form of a monoculture.
We even use the U.S. dollar here in Panama and are only two hours flying from Florida, apply today! Retreaters are responsible for their own travel, and the two airlines they are looking for to fly from the city are PanamaAir and AirBocas. We work with travel assistance and relocation office in the city, to help retreaters who need travel planning help.
Daily Programs look like this (these activities commence with those who are on time to them, and those who are not, don’t get judged – days are tailored for certain interest groups a bit differently and this is just an example):
0600 Sunrise Yoga
0730 Light Farm Activity and Lesson
0830 Daily Warm-Ups
0930 Heavy Farm Activity
High Diversity Meal * depending on the day’s fun activity
1100 Fun Activity; swim, surf, beach, hike, sail, snorkel, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, etc.
High Diversity Meal
High Diversity Meal *
1500 Meditation, Flotation, Quantum Frequency, Sauna, Cold, Hot Tub
1600 High Diversity Meal
1800 High Diversity Meal *
This is the most important detox and re-nutrify process the whole world needs right after years of modern diet plans. We ask incomers to fast (no food, just water) as much as possible the week prior and definitely 12 hours before arrival.
*Massage and other physical therapies are scheduled apart from the daily schedule on a person-by-person basis throughout the schedule.
For those who really want to realize the health benefits of this new diet concept: The second ten days of the thirty-day retreat we will often move to another campus in another microclimate within Panama and continue the routine with another diverse set of nutritional elements or hard switch to an intensive focus such as athletic training, permaculture farming, or nutritional preparation and diet planning. The third ten-day block of the program is incentivized by a certification of completion of thirty days of no-toxins and highly diverse tropical nutrients and our intensive education at the training site(s) in Panama and yet a new tier of focus, training, and putting new skills to the test.
Over 30 days the body is really able to let the toxins stuffed way back in the system out. One of twelve months a year should absolutely be used to detox from the modern city life in tropical nature. I have clients still with me hereafter years not yet ready to leave and in tune enough to know now exactly what they need. Ideally, a detox plan should be proportionate to a tox plan, even though we never really planned on toxifying ourselves for the most part. To make a lifetime proportionate plan will be up to you, but we can help you get started on the all-the-way-right foot. The new diet concept and the personal individual benefits that it brings should really be enough to get the whole world onto the right path in a big step!
We learn here to grow some and to creatively and personally source new nutritional elements we have NOT eaten our whole lives, and do NOT come from normal modern methods.
That being said the ten-day program delivers incredible results for just ten days to everyone who passes the marker. The qualified full-spectrum of attention, the cutting edge nutritional diversity health concept, and diverse nutrition knowledge make this “no-brainer” health and performance program one of the more appealing post-pandemic getaways.
Make sure to get your details and desires to a coordinator right away. We run classes all year long but we want to start getting you in where you fit in best! Let us know primarily what dates are going to work best for you and your deepest interest whether food production, preparation, or athletic training.
These are the perfect post-pandemic retreats to get people moving again and healthy and because they are at half-price currently!
We organize these nutritional wellness retreats into focus groups around certain interests such as;
- Surfing
- Yoga
- Ju-Jitsu
- Running
- Cooking
- Permaculture
- Triathlon Training
- Meditation
- King Bed with Private Bath & Balcony
24001200 $ - Queen Bed with Private Bath
20001000 - Dorm
8,9,10-day top seller!
- King Bed with Private Bath & Balcony
32002500 $ - Queen Bed with Private Bath
28002400 - Dorm
- King Bed with Private Bath & Balcony
56003800 $ - Queen Bed with Private Bath
50003400 - Dorm
*Inquire below and assert desired dates
- King Bed with Private Bath & Balcony
- Queen Bed with Private Bath
- Dorm
*Inquire below and assert desired dates
- King Bed with Private Bath & Balcony
- Queen Bed with Private Bath
- Dorm
*Inquire below and assert desired dates
**Inquire about couple and family accommodations for the above-listed retreats.

Bocas del Toro’s Nutritionally Diverse, Healthy Surf School & Surf Retreats
We surf!!! Surfing is a special pleasure here in Bocas del Toro where the archipelago provides tons of private surf breaks and surf adventures throughout the seemingly endless luscious waters and beaches. Surfing is a big part of the culture here in Bocas where surf can basically be found all year. We pride ourselves in providing one of the coolest, best quick surf retreats ever!
We run our surf camp’s during the two principal surf seasons here in the beautiful Caribbean Bocas del Toro which are December through March (principal season 4-12′ waves) and May through July (secondary season 3-8′ waves) the second being best for beginners!
What is special about this retreat? The folks who run it are special, the farm it is on is special, the near mansion of a lodge we stay in is very special, it does not get more special than this one for surf and yoga retreats.
We even offer a revolutionary schedule where Yoga is offered at 330am for those who want to be on the waves early and sunrise, lunchtime, and evening time Yoga & Tai Chi (+ other interesting physical practices are offered) and revolutionary nutrition provided by the Nutritional Diversity team!
Manuel the lead surf instructor is a Panama native who has been in Bocas surfing for over 20 years. The lead Yoga instructors Ken & Lila are some of the most dedicated yoga practitioners traveling several times to India and some of the best people who ran a wellness center for flotation, Healy therapies, meditation for several years in Albuquerque, New Mexico before the pandemic.
The setting, the history, the transformations behind the retreat, and the location all make for one heck of a getaway!
This retreat also features smoothies and meals by the quickly growing in popularity Nutritional Diversity Diet People. A few days of these and most people feel brand new. Surfers will be amazed how recharged and ready to go they feel with the nutrition provided in this surf retreat!
Between the paradise and the pleasure are some specialized massage and a signature important basic daily 10-minute routine model that adds years to life and quality to those years.
The Best Surf Retreats in 2021:
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