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Tropical Farm for Kids!

a Tropical Farm for Kids!: farming information from Costa Rica & Panama produced by the Nutritional Diversity farming crew and friends for a special little girl who unfortunately did not get to come and be a part of this – but one day we hope will!

We study a great spectrum of strong foods, and how they work both growing on the permaculture farm and ingested together in a diet. So far the show has cows, chickens, goats, monkeys, fish, surfing, farming techniques, and other fun, and is reviewed well by its current organic small farm following. The material is ongoing and none of it yet has been called “finished work.”


 Tropical Farm for Kids

A phrase and title that refers to all locations of the world that are also defined as farming opportunities (everywhere). Farm is in the city and the mountains, at the beach and in the snow. Inherently, Farm is a network of farming sites, built by kids who follow the Farming for Kids Show, or Tropical Farm: The Movie – to come one day maybe…who knows!

Permaculture is the farming method that a Nutritional Diversity diet recommends a person’s food should come from initially. Permaculture is more or less the sister science of Nutritional Diversity Science, and permaculturists are needed to fill the growing roles and construct the growing models all over this new, smart age, of healthy people and people cultures on the globe!

People involved with this movie wanted to do their part, to educate the most enthusiastic, young, and inspired minds to do the very important job of saving the world. Oh, and yes saving us too from eating more poison, every single day.

No one ever got paid for it, they just did it. By the way..

So in the Farm for Kids Movie and other related snippet videos along the way, kids can learn permaculture, they can start doing small home gardens, even in the urban setting.  Young enthusiasm is the perfect spark to start composting half of the common household waists and recycling the other half too.

Our Mission is Complete; Your Mission Has Begun

The mission has been clear: To communicate love and appreciation for all life in nature, especially to loved ones in the family who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances and are unable to hand out with us in the jungle.

Now we are nearing the end of our mission, and Hailey’s Farm goes up into spirit form and becomes part of every viable piece of farming land on the globe (every piece of land). It is now your mission, to watch this information, learn to farm, learn Spanish, and learn every day from every source, everything you can. It is your mission to pick up every piece of trash you see a stupid person has thrown on the ground and to ask them to be taught to be the forces of nature to appreciate our beautiful earth a bit more as you do. Don’t be fooled, karma is real any harmful deeds will add upon you, just as every single loving deed will too.

It is your mission, to plant every single seed you encounter. Every one. It is now your mission to compost every piece of garbage that is organic in the matter and to separate from it everything plastic and metal. It is your mission to recycle plastic and metal, even invent new ways to do so and it is your mission to stop eating from toxic food supplies.

Also do art, music, and athletics, those are your missions too.


Food Tour with Travis & Carolina

Chickens with Rob

Goats with Joey

Bees with B

Surfing with G

Bruce’s Biodynamic Wonderland

Plants Have Feelings w the Bandido

Non-Violent Communication w Sergio

Permaculture Principles with the Ghost of Alana

(Go to 9:14 on the play timeline)

Nothing in life worth anything is easy…


Listen Up!

This stuff really important! There is nothing more important than your health. Being sick can take on a whole new shocking meaning, even to youngsters because of things like modern agriculture chemicals and farming practices.

Humans are amazing, they are able to eat all this bad stuff, and still be okay, which can be misleading about how these chemicals and toxins build up our system.

Don’t you and your brothers, sisters, kids, or parents deserve to eat non-toxic foods? Sure you do, and you deserve to be athletes, musicians, artists, and pro’s but you will have to put the work in to achieve these things. You may have to convince your parents to do a better job with nutrition.

Many adults are not paying attention, many are not honest and many do not care about these things. We all need to learn about modern agriculture’s food toxins, agriculture models that do not have these toxins, agriculture models that have optimal nutrition, and most importantly, how to eat a more complete diet.

Nature is where we come from we are biological products of it. All living things are alive because they are over 70% water, remove this water and they are dead. We need to learn about our water. Too much of the water we drink is also inadequate hydration. We need to learn more about our nature, our health, our water, and our food!

Get out there and research these things, learn, and progress!




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