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July 20-29, 2020 Celestial Line-Up Worth Paying Attention To

July 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am - July 29, 2020 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0

lunar alignment

Following an arguably prophetic blood-moon cascade proceeds a rather interesting celestial event string worth paying some attention to. Begin to pay attention to this stuff and live a more biodynamic life!

No doubt great star and planet viewing to be had here but also biodynamic agriculturists may find the events more than motivational and productive at a time of economical, agricultural, and health crisis where that is exactly what we need.

Pay attention to the stars, the planets, and the biodynamic ideas presented by such things and in the seasons in order to navigate through the obstacles of the for many, hopeless, and lost times. Influenza season is also mango, avocado, and orange season and it would seem that the crashing tsunami of control and quarantine phase 2 in the current “COVID-19 Pandemic,” should one prefer a more natural alternative to the best face mask protection.

By the way, now not just soda can, and a coffee filter, but a face mask a day goes into the beautiful world in which we play (each of these items have better alternatives). Keep our planet in mind as you gaze at the others, please.

July 20, 2020, Saturn comes to the closest point of the orbit to the Earth and its face is completely illuminated by the sun. A medium-sized telescope will be able to see it’s rings and moons and the planet’s rough complete architecture. This is the brightest time of Saturn all year long, and visibility will last all night long. It’s a romantic night with the planet also known as Set, Robert Johnson would sure dance with the devil this night that also starts the new moon. This rare new moon will be hidden from everywhere on the earth because the sunshine is shining on the side facing away from us.


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✦ Biodynamic Life: Generally on the new moon it is a good time to fight off bad habits, and create good ones. Haircutting, weight loss, detox, and losing or letting go of things you don’t need is well received today. Today is going to be right for harvesting and freezing fruits as well as cleaning house. Tomorrow (21) get rid of weeds and plant fruit plants and trees.


July 22, 2020, Western elongation of Mercury hits 20.1 degrees from the Sun and this is the best time to observe this planet just before sunrize on the low Eastern-horizon. This one is for us here in Panama and anyone near the equator, wherefrom the planet will be most visible.

✦ Biodynamic Life: Continue to get rid of weeds and unwanted growth, planting fruit plants as you go! Today is a day to concentrate on personal nutrition both consumed and topically applied. This focus is a good one through the 29th!

July 28 & 29 2020, An “average meteor shower known as the Delta Aquarids will pass that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by two comets known as “Marsden” and “Kracht.”

The shower runs each year between July 12 to August 23 and will peak this year on the night of the 28th and morning of the 29th. The second quarter moon will block many of the fainter meteors this year. But if you are patient, you should still be able to catch a few of the brighter ones. The best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will most likely be near the constellation Aquarius but they will likely pop up all over the sky unless clouds are blocking the view.

Comets and fast traveling messengers of significance that the core of communities pay attention to. What these fly-by showers signify is a question I am unable to answer, although I have a feeling that like all things are temporary and will pass into a time where we do know what real significance the traveling blaze will bring. Whether positively charged or negatively charged I hope that myself and my loved ones are prepared for anything the sky may bring – a preparation of dynamic construction no doubt.


Biodynamic life


From the NDLAB:

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I have been using the Star Walk 2 app for android lately to try and learn more about what the ancients related in lunar and celestial influence and synchronization. I highly recommend this one]!

I am working on a few projects one being Biodynamic Nutrition, whereas we try to find athletic and nutritional stong points on the timeline and pair to celestial activities.

As we plan more events like the Virtual STAR Triathlon, and others on celestial holidays we can test theorized jumps in performance ability and at least use the stars to motivate building strength and conditioning – the journey!

Start paying attention to the moon and other celestial positions and events regularly and make notes to days where you fly, are sluggish, distracted or have a mind on fire!


Tester 010 Journal Entry July 20, 2020

Today the 20th I ran to bluff, and then biked to town… the whole town ride was Robert Johnson. It comes on in the shuffle play headphones I have every now and again, but not that now and again its a 4 gig full hard drive in the things..

On the run like crazy lately…long story…. I am happy to report I am moving like the super hustler I am again… I grabbed a three dollar bag of prunes ate them all with an apple, and detoxed as recommended by the biodynamic information. I really have found living by this stuff improves life quite a bit. This and going to bed / getting up early and taking a cold shower doing some serious exercise has been paramount in my recovery from a brutal depression to rage rollercoaster that has lasted about 9 years.

I wanted to share my stance on drugs for this hardcore day..  I never did them, I was fed them by institutions as a kid that my mother had me locked up in as young as 7 so she could get a check off it and not have to do her job as a mother. They blood us later to make sure the levels of these drugs were there. They experimented with new drugs on us. We realized this as adults not back then. Most of the kids in there with me were Native American’s whose families had been broken and abused for generations.

My mom would at her own hand lock me up in ten different places until I had enough trouble in my life to start picking up real charges and she didn{t have to do that anymore.. All these places are actually knocked down now. Big buildings that have all been completely removed and replaced by bigger, nicer buildings.

Never did I live with her but she received $550 a month in my name as if she was caring for a disabled child. That is just one example of the ways she profited off my name -she was just a pill head selfish black hole. I thought that most of my life, but when I was 31 I learned she was just truly evil after it all and if a person was to bet any money in Vegas that she will do the right thing in any situation, they will lose that bet.

I have seen it in plenty of people now. You do something so terrible and you lose your soul and all you do is lie to people use them, and serve self forever like a black hole mosquito demon. If their mouth is open cons and lies and shameful deceit for the lowest stupid reasons is pouring out of that thing.

I never did drugs because of what happened to me as a kid. I have cut 100 people for it, and most people knew my stance and hid it from me if they did them. If you touched any hard drugs outside of some cannabis, even alcohol too much and you were out for me.

Thank God most of my life I hung out in the boxing gyms, the grappling gyms, and the gym gyms. This is really a huge gravitational point of my sanity then and now and during the last chapter where my child was kidnapped and brainwashed with lies about me by an entire large family and campaign of friends all fueled on the lies of one person. They harass me and everyone I know religiously and I have no kid of theirs, while I suffer the loss of my kids would be a natural connection to me and the loss of her childhood. They have sent no pictures and hoped that I would die by suicide publically on Facebook.

The pain was so intense and the trauma is the reason I found this diet that has treated it to a 70% mark where I may just have irreparable damage from this in the other 30.

I went straight to the bottle. After having nightmares of killing all of these people every night, and not being able to sleep next thing you know I am doing what I had never done since I was 17 and that is take a pill. Then a few years later I had taken these pills that almost killed me at the start – I  had taken every night and the bottle too.

I was running through brick walls before my kid was used for voodoo to bring me down. I had built an empire very quickly. I am an Empire builder now building #5. No one will bring this one down.

I have learned you just have become and make everything you do bulletproof. Take your time go slow, have “bulletproof” in the back of your mind.

9 years later I write this 90 days clean. It is really the hope that I get to see my daughter soon, she turns 18 in 9 months and may elect to come to her very own farm I have worked on a long time – and through the hardest of oppositions!

I just want to say that my biggest regret is every touching drug and alcohol and the price of it was ridiculous.

If you can stay away from all that stuff and stay in the gym, and in the sports and in the arts and creativity and make sure you look forward to waking up for a new day of it all. That is bulletproof.

In hindsight, I really see that wasting your potential is a slap in the face to God. He gets behind people who are not slapping him in the face.

Do your push ups, stay tough, wake up early get your sun and nature.


See the previous event. See the next event.

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July 20, 2020 @ 8:00 am UTC+0
July 29, 2020 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0
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