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“All challenges in life are opportunities to build strength.” -b


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Murder Burpees

September 13, 2023 @ 8:00 am - November 13, 2023 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0


Why is every single morning of every single day called “Murder Burpees?”

  1. They are hardcore. It takes hardcore dedication, discipline, and an online accountability group whatever to get the work in significantly enough to make a real change. Once the line of sufficient intensity, dedication, and sacrifice has been crossed a change in perspective happens to all practitioners of this ritual and starts underlining an understanding of how things really work cosmically, which eventually leads to cosmic navigation; a next-level agility.
  2. We kill our old selves realizing that we are highly flawed and that through a program of daily ACTION, a ritual of success established by the closest thing to ARCH ANGELS that GOD, NATURE, and humanity have managed to cultivate (people who are actually figuring things out, and getting the info to us, and doing things that will help ALL LIFE, our real heroes, examples we SHOULD live by and learn from, etc.). We no longer enable liars, lies, or lives that fail to HEAR THE CALL. We become our best, we become better than the rest, and we find a method of self-progression within a community of ACTION TAKERS, as wolves in a pack keep watch other sharp, ACCOUNTABLE, AND READY FOR WHATEVER WHENEVER. A true protector every last one.

Burpees are a highly functional exercise and there is a “burpee community” even featuring extensive burpee alterations.



This is called the Baby Bar. This is the real morning shot of whiskey, of the toughest people there are in this world. It’s called Get Your Shot of Death Burpees, of Burpeeslebub, of sacrifice, of routine, of momentum. Go to Valhalla and Get your Wings! Most of us go on to the day from here to do Ju Jitsu, Yoga, Boxing or Gym session, and maybe some other stuff – cause our culture here is “always put more weight on.”

RSVP, comment of contact to participate in Zoom Group.


September 13, 2023 @ 8:00 am UTC+0
November 13, 2023 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0
Event Category:

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